Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Beautemps-Beaupré
Ship owner Marine Nationale/SHOM
Dates 20/09/2006 - 10/10/2006
Chief scientist(s) FOURNIER Marc , Division Plans de DMI - SHOM


Tour 46, 2e etage

4, Place Jussieu

Case 129

75252 PARIS CEDEX 05 (directeur)

DOI 10.17600/6090030

Beautemps-Beaupré cruise between Mahé in the Seychelles and Djibouti.



Janin Alexandre, Chamot‐rooke Nicolas, Delescluse Matthias, Fournier Marc, Olive Jean‐arthur, Rabaute Alain, Huchon Philippe, Dyment Jérôme, Vigny Christophe, Rodriguez Mathieu (2023). Tectonic Evolution of a Sedimented Oceanic Transform Fault: The Owen Transform Fault, Indian Ocean. Tectonics, 42(5), e2023TC007747 (35p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rodriguez Mathieu, Fournier Marc, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Huchon Philippe, Delescluse Matthias (2018). The geological evolution of the Aden-Owen-Carlsberg triple junction (NW Indian Ocean) since the Late Miocene. Tectonics, 37(5), 1552-1575. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rodriguez Mathieu, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Huchon Philippe, Fournier Marc, Lallemant Siegfried, Delescluse Matthias, Zaragosi Sebastien, Mouchot Nicolas (2014). Tectonics of the Dalrymple Trough and uplift of the Murray Ridge (NW Indian Ocean). Tectonophysics, 636, 1-17.

Rodriguez Mathieu, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Huchon Philippe, Fournier Marc, Delescluse Matthias (2014). The Owen Ridge uplift in the Arabian Sea: Implications for the sedimentary record of Indian monsoon in Late Miocene. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 394, 1-12.

Rodriguez Mathieu, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Fournier Marc, Huchon Philippe, Delescluse Matthias (2013). Mode of opening of an oceanic pull-apart: The 20 degrees N Basin along the Owen Fracture Zone (NW Indian Ocean). Tectonics, 32(5), 1343-1357.

Bourget J., Zaragosi S., Rodriguez Marine, Fournier M., Garlan Thierry, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas (2013). Late Quaternary megaturbidites of the Indus Fan: Origin and stratigraphic significance. Marine Geology, 336, 10-23.

Rodriguez M., Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Hebert H., Fournier M., Huchon P. (2013). Owen Ridge deep-water submarine landslides: implications for tsunami hazard along the Oman coast. Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences, 13(2), 417-424. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rodriguez Mathieu, Fournier Marc, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Huchon Philippe, Zaragosi Sebastien, Rabaute Alain (2012). Mass wasting processes along the Owen Ridge (Northwest Indian Ocean). Marine Geology, 326, 80-100.

Fournier M., Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Rodriguez M., Huchon P., Petit C., Beslier M. O., Zaragosi S. (2011). Owen Fracture Zone: The Arabia-India plate boundary unveiled. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 302(1-2), 247-252.

Fournier Marc, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Petit Carole, Huchon Philippe, Al-Kathiri Ali, Audin Laurence, Beslier Marie-Odile, D'Acremont Elia, Fabbri Olivier, Fleury Jean-Marc, Khanbari Khaled, Lepvrier Claude, Leroy Sylvie, Maillot Bertrand, Merkouriev Serge (2010). Arabia-Somalia plate kinematics, evolution of the Aden-Owen-Carlsberg triple junction, and opening of the Gulf of Aden. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 115(B04102), 1-24.

Fournier M., Petit C., Chamot-Rooke N., Fabbri O., Huchon P., Maillot B., Lepvrier C. (2008). Do ridge-ridge-fault triple junctions exist on Earth? Evidence from the Aden-Owen-Carlsberg junction in the NW Indian Ocean. Basin Research, 20(4), 575-590.

Fournier Marc, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Petit Carole, Fabbri Olivier, Huchon Philippe, Maillot Bertrand, Lepvrier Claude (2008). In situ evidence for dextral active motion at the Arabia-India plate boundary. Nature Geoscience, 1(1), 54-58.

Gunnell Yanni, Carter Andy, Petit Carole, Fournier Marc (2007). Post-rift seaward downwarping at passive margins: New insights from southern Oman using stratigraphy to constrain apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He dating. Geology, 35(7), 647-650.

Petit C., Fournier M., Gunnell Y. (2007). Tectonic and climatic controls on rift escarpments: Erosion and flexural rebound of the Dhofar passive margin (Gulf of Aden, Oman). Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 112(B3/B03406), 1-15.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Fournier Marc, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas (2010). Naissance d'un océan. La dorsale de Sheba. Pour la Science, 390, 44-49.

References of Technical Reports

References of International Seminar Communications

Chamot-Rooke, N., M. Fournier, plate Tracking Arabia-India motion from Miocene to Present, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009.

Fournier, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, P. Patriat, C.?Petit and P. Huchon, Arabia-Somalia plate kinematics and the opening of the Gulf of Aden, EGU, Vienna, 2009.

Chamot-Rooke, N., M. Fournier, C. Petit, O. Fabbri, P. Huchon, C. Lepvrier and B. Maillot, Sheba Ridge?s Oceanic Core Complexes, EGU, Vienna, 2008.

Fournier, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, C. Petit, P. Patriat, P. Huchon, O. Fabbri and B. Maillot, Kinematic evolution of the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction since 20 Ma from new magnetic data, EGU, Vienna, 2008.

Fournier, M., C. Petit, N. Chamot-Rooke, O. Fabbri, P. Huchon, B. Maillot and C. Lepvrier, Discovery of the Beautemps-Beaupré Basin at the southern end of the Owen Fracture Zone, Symposium MEBE, Paris, 4-5 December, 2007.

Fournier, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, O. Fabbri, P. Huchon, C. Lepvrier, B. Maillot and C. Petit, Geophysical survey of the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction: First results of the AOC cruise (Aden-Owen-Carlsberg) in the NW Indian Ocean, EGU, Vienna, 2007.