Type | Oceanographic cruise |
Set | This cruise is part of the set MERMED |
Ship | L'Europe |
Ship owner | Ifremer |
Dates | 16/10/2006 - 03/11/2006 |
Chief scientist(s) | MELLON Capucine |
IFREMER STATION DE SETE Bd Jean Monnet BP 171 34203 SETE CEDEX +33(0)4 99 57 32 00 |
DOI | 10.17600/6060180 |
Objective | The objective of the MERMED5 cruise was to catch large-sized hake and their prey to meet the objectives of the 'Hake food chain' sub-project of the Integrated Mediterranean (PIM), national coastal ecology (PNEC), SYSCOLAG regional and the ANR ECCO programs. This survey focused on individuals in the deep zone of the Gulf of Lion. The type of fisheries practiced in this sector did not enable the different compartments of the food web to be studied. The biological analyses carried out during this survey aimed to define the diet of large hake in autumn and provide knowledge of the level of chemical contamination in the various components. The fish were caught using gill nets at two depths (200 and 400 m) on the continental slope of the Gulf of Lion. The techniques used were developed during two TECPEC cruises. The following work areas were used: Zone 1: Marti Canyon (N42 deg 56.00 - E003 deg 39.00 / N42 deg 36.00 - E003 deg 39.00 / N42 deg 56.00 - E004 deg 14.00 / N42 deg 36.00 - E004 deg 14.00) and Zone 2: Canyon du Petit Rhône (N43 deg 03.00 - E004 deg 23.00 / N42 deg 45.00 E004 deg 23.00 / N43 deg 03.00 E005 deg 00.00 / N42 deg 45.00 - E005 deg 00.00). |