Type Campagne océanographique
Navire L'Atalante
Propriétaire navire Ifremer
Dates 22/11/2006 - 20/12/2006
Chef(s) de mission ASLANIAN Daniel ORCID, OLIVET Jean-Louis


Univ. Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, Univ. Bretagne Sud

Place Nicolas Copernic

29280 Plouzané

DOI 10.17600/6010150

La campagne Sardinia s'est déroulée du 22 novembre au 20 décembre 2006 à bord du NO Atalante. Visant à étudier la formation des marges passives continentales et une séquence sédimentaire particulière commune à l'ensemble de la Méditerranée, cette campagne, fruit d'une collaboration nationale (IUEM Brest, Géosciences Azur, Université de Lille, UPMC) et européenne (Universités de Lisbonne et de Bologne, GEOMAR et AWI) et dirigée par Ifremer, a mobilisé une vingtaine de scientifiques pendant près d'un mois. Le projet de rattachement est GDR Marges.

Résultats majeurs

Données publiées

Afilhado Alexandra, Moulin Maryline, Aslanian Daniel, Schnurle Philippe, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Nouze Herve, Rabineau Marina, Leroux Estelle, Beslier Marie-Odile (2016). P-wave velocity modelling on the West Sardinia margin.

Moulin Maryline, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Afilhado Alexandra, Aslanian Daniel, Schnurle Philippe, Nouze Herve, Rabineau Marina, Beslier Marie-Odile, Feld Aurelie (2016). P-wave velocity modeling on the Gulf of Lion's margin.

MediMap Group, Benoît Loubrieu, Jean Mascle (2008). Bathy-morphologie de la Méditerranée (Medimap, édition 2008, résolution 1000m).

Données archivées au Sismer



Bellucci Massimo, Poort Jeffrey, Lucazeau Francis, Rolandone Frédérique, Do Couto Damien, Blondel Simon, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Aslanian DanielORCID, Moulin MarylineORCID, Pellen Romain, Leroux EstelleORCID, Vázquez Juan-Tomás, Gorini Christian (2024). New heat flow data on the South Balearic margin: Evidence of regional fluid circulation system. Tectonophysics, 870, 230155 (15p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Krishna Kande Vamsi, Shanmugam Palanisamy (2023). Robust estimates of the Total Alkalinity from Satellite Oceanographic data in the Global Ocean. Ieee Access, 11, 42824-42838. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Déverchère Jacques, Graindorge David, Aïdi Chafik, Badji Rabie, Bouyahiaoui Boualem, Leprêtre Angélique, Mihoubi Abdelhafid, Beslier Marie-Odile, Charvis Philippe, Schnurle PhilippeORCID, Sage Francoise, Medaouri Mourad, Arab Mohamed, Bracene Rabah, Yelles-Chaouche Abdelkarim, Badsi Madjid, Galvé Audrey, Géli LouisORCID (2022). Formation, segmentation and deep crustal structure variations along the Algerian margin from the SPIRAL seismic experiment. Journal Of African Earth Sciences, 186, 104433 (14p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bellucci Massimo, Aslanian DanielORCID, Moulin MarylineORCID, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Leroux EstelleORCID, Pellen Romain, Poort Jeffrey, Del Ben Anna, Gorini Christian, Camerlenghi Angelo (2021). Salt morphologies and crustal segmentation relationship: New insights from the Western Mediterranean Sea. Earth-science Reviews, 222, 103818 (21p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Droz Laurence, Jégou I., Gillet H., Dennielou BernardORCID, Bez M., Canals M., Amblas D., Lastras G., Rabineau MarinaORCID (2020). On the termination of deep-sea fan channels: Examples from the Rhône Fan (Gulf of Lion, Western Mediterranean Sea). Geomorphology, 369, 107368 (23p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Maillard Agnès, Jolivet Laurent, Lofi Johanna, Thinon Isabelle, Couëffé Renaud, Canva Albane, Dofal Anthony (2020). Transfer zones and associated volcanic province in the eastern Valencia Basin: Evidence for a hot rifted margin? Marine And Petroleum Geology, 119, 104419 (21p.).

Dennielou BernardORCID, Jegou I., Droz Laurence, Jouet Gwenael, Cattaneo AntonioORCID, Berné Serge, Aslanian DanielORCID, Loubrieu Benoit, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Bermell Sylvain (2019). Major modification of sediment routing by a large Mass Transport Deposit in the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean). Marine Geology, 411, 1-20. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Leroux EstelleORCID, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Aslanian DanielORCID, Gorini Christian, Molliex Stephane, Bache Francois, Robin Cecile, Droz Laurence, Moulin MarylineORCID, Poort Jeffrey, Rubino Jean-Loup, Suc Jean-Pierre (2017). High resolution evolution of terrigenous sediment yields in the Provence Basin during the last 6 Ma: relation with climate and tectonics. Basin Research, 29(3), 305-339. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rabineau MarinaORCID, Cloetingh S., Kuroda J., Aslanian DanielORCID, Droxler A., Gorini C., Garcia-Castellanos D., Moscariello A., Burov E., Sierro F., Lirer F., Roure F., Pezard P. A., Matenco L., Hello Y., Mart Y., Camerlenghi A., Tripati A. (2015). Probing connections between deep earth and surface processes in a land-locked ocean basin transformed into a giant saline basin: the Mediterranean GOLD project. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 66, 6-17. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bache Francois, Gargani Julien, Suc Jean-Pierre, Gorini Christian, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Popescu Speranta-Maria, Leroux EstelleORCID, Do Couto Damien, Jouannic Gwenael, Rubino Jean-Loup, Olivet Jean-Louis, Clauzon Georges, Dos Reis Antonio Tadeu, Aslanian DanielORCID (2015). Messinian evaporite deposition during sea level rise in the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean). Marine And Petroleum Geology, 66, 262-277. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Leroux EstelleORCID, Aslanian DanielORCID, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Moulin MarylineORCID, Granjeon Didier, Gorini Christian, Droz Laurence (2015). Sedimentary markers in the Provençal Basin (western Mediterranean): a window into deep geodynamic processes. Terra Nova, 27(2), 122-129. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Leroux EstelleORCID, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Aslanian DanielORCID, Gorini Christian, Bache Francois, Moulin MarylineORCID, Pellen Romain, Granjeon Didier, Rubino Jean-Loup (2015). Post-rift evolution of the Gulf of Lion margin tested by stratigraphic modelling. Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, 186(4-5), 291-308. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Moulin MarylineORCID, Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Afilhado Alexandra, Aslanian DanielORCID, Schnurle PhilippeORCID, Nouze Herve, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Beslier Marie-Odile, Feld Aurelie (2015). Deep crustal structure across a young passive margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (The SARDINIA Experiment) - I. Gulf of Lion's margin. Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, 186(4-5), 309-330. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Afilhado Alexandra, Moulin MarylineORCID, Aslanian DanielORCID, Schnurle PhilippeORCID, Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Nouze Herve, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Leroux EstelleORCID, Beslier Marie-Odile (2015). Deep crustal structure across a young passive margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (The SARDINIA Experiment) - II. Sardinia's margin. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 186(4-5), 331-351. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Leroux EstelleORCID, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Aslanian DanielORCID, Granjeon Didier, Droz Laurence, Gorini Christian (2014). Stratigraphic simulations of the shelf of the Gulf of Lions: testing subsidence rates and sea-level curves during the Pliocene and Quaternary. Terra Nova, 26(3), 230-238. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rabineau MarinaORCID, Leroux EstelleORCID, Aslanian DanielORCID, Bache F., Gorini Christian, Moulin MarylineORCID, Molliex Stephane, Droz Laurence, Dos Reis Antonio, Rubino J. L., Guillocheau Francois, Olivet Jean-Louis (2014). Quantifying subsidence and isostatic readjustment using sedimentary paleomarkers, example from the Gulf of Lion. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 388, 353-366. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Aslanian DanielORCID, Moulin MarylineORCID, Schnurle PhilippeORCID, Klingelhoefer FrauckeORCID, Leroux EstelleORCID, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Gailler Audrey, Bache Francois, Gorini Christian, Kuroda J., Eguchi N., Droxler Andre W., Alain Karine, Roure François, Haq B. (2012). Structure and evolution of the Gulf of Lions: The Sardinia seismic experiment and the GOLD (Gulf of Lions Drilling) project. The Leading Edge, 31(7), 786-792. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bache Francois, Popescu Speranta-Maria, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Gorini Christian, Suc Jean-Pierre, Clauzon Georges, Olivet Jean-Louis, Rubino Jean-Loup, Melinte-Dobrinescu Mihaela Carmen, Estrada Ferran, Londeix Laurent, Armijo Rolando, Meyer Bertrand, Jolivet Laurent, Jouannic Gwenael, Leroux EstelleORCID, Aslanian DanielORCID, Dos Reis Antonio Tadeu, Mocochain Ludovic, Dumurdzanov Nikola, Zagorchev Ivan, Lesic Vesna, Tomic Dragana, Cagatay M. Namik, Brun Jean_pierre, Sokoutis Dimitrios, Csato Istvan, Ucarkus Gulsen, Cakir Ziyadin (2012). A two-step process for the reflooding of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Basin Research, 24(2), 125-153. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Garcia Marga, Maillard Agnès, Aslanian DanielORCID, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Alonso Belen, Gorini Christian, Estrada Ferran (2011). The Catalan margin during the Messinian Salinity Crisis: Physiography, morphology and sedimentary record. Marine Geology, 284(1-4), 158-174. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bache Francois, Olivet Jean-Louis, Gorini Christian, Aslanian DanielORCID, Labails Cinthia, Rabineau MarinaORCID (2010). Evolution of rifted continental margins: The case of the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean Basin). Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 292(3-4), 345-356. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gailler Audrey, Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Olivet Jean-Louis, Aslanian DanielORCID (2009). Crustal structure of a young margin pair: New results across the Liguro-Provencal Basin from wide-angle seismic tomography. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 286(1-2), 333-345.

Bache Francois, Olivet Jean-Louis, Gorini Christian, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Baztan Juan, Aslanian DanielORCID, Suc Jean-Pierre (2009). Messinian erosional and salinity crises: View from the Provence Basin (Gulf of Lions, Western Mediterranean). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 286(1-2), 139-157. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux

Aslanian D., 2009. Bassins, marges, Points Chauds: l'enseignement des vaches. 12ème Congrès de l'ASF 25-31 octobre 2009, Rennes, France. Abstract dans livre des résumés, 64, 15.

Aslanian D., 2009. The Northwestern Mediterranean, understanding Margins Formation and Geodynamics . IODP meeting in the Gulf of Lion, 3-4 mars 2009, Brest, France.

Bache F., Gorini C., Olivet J.L., Rabineau M., Aslanian D., Suc J.P., 2009. Messinian events: view from the Provence basin (Gulf of Lion, western Mediterranean). EGU General Assembly 2009, 19-24 april 2009, Vienna, Austria. Abstract in, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, 7667-4.

Bache F., Gorini C., Olivet J.L., Rabineau M., Baztan J., Aslanian D., Suc J.P., 2009. Messinian events: View from the Provence Basin (Gulf of Lions, Western Mediterranean Sea). 13th Congress Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy (RCMNS), 2-6 september 2009, Naples, Italy. Abstract in Abstractbook, Acta Naturalia de "l'Ateaneo Parmense", 45, 1/4, 317-319.

Bache F., Popescu M., Gorini C., Suc J.P;, Clauzon G., Rabineau M., Olivet J.L., Baztan J., Rubino J.L;, Melinte-Dobrinescu M.C., Estrada F., Londeix L., Armijo R., Meyer B., Jolivet L., Jouannic G., Leroux E., Aslanian D., Dos Reis A., Dumurdzanov N., Zagorchev I., Lesic V., Tomic D., Cagatay M., Ucarkus G., Cakir Z., 2009. A two-step process for reflooding of the Mediterranean basin after Messinian salinity crisis. 13th Congress Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy (RCMNS), 2-6 september 2009, Naples, Italy. Abstract in Abstractbook, Acta Naturalia de "l'Ateaneo Parmense", 45, 1/4, 320-322.

Bache F., Popescu S.M., Rabineau M., Gorini C., Suc J.P., Clauzon G., Olivet J.L., Rubino J.L., Melinte- Dobrinescu M., Estrada F., Londeix L., Armijo R., Meyer B., Jolivet L., Jouannic G., Leroux E., Aslanian D., Baztan J., Dos Reis A.T., Dumurdzanov N., Zagorchev I., Lesic V., Tomic D., Catagay M., Ucarkus G., Cakir Z., 2009. A two-step process for the reflooding of the Mediterranean basin after the Messinian salinity crisis. 12ème congrès de l'ASF, 25-31 octobre 2009, Rennes, France. Abstract dans livre des résumés, 64 .

Garcia M., Aslanian D., Rabineau M., Maillardo A., Gorini C., Alonso B., Estrada F., Leroux E., Bache F., 2009. The Messinian salinity crisis on the Catalan margin , Valencia basin. 13th Congress Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy (RCMNS), 2-6 september 2009, Naples, Italy. Abstract in Abstractbook, Acta Naturalia de "l'Ateaneo Parmense", 45, 1/4, 345-347.

Garcia M., Aslanian D., Rabineau M., Maillard A., Gorini C., Alonso B., Estrada F., Leroux E., Bache F., 2009. The Messinian salinity crisis on the catalan margin, Valencia basin. 12ème congrès de l'ASF, 25-31 octobre 2009, Rennes, France. Abstract dans livre des résumés, 64.

M. Moulin, A. Afilhado, L. Matias, F. Klingelhoefer, A. Gailler, D. Aslanian, J.-L. Olivet, H. Nouzé, M.-O. Beslier, E. Cosquer, F. Bache, M. Rabineau, L. Droz. Preliminary results about the deep structures of the Western Sardinia and Gulf of Lions conjugate margin pair (SARDINIA cruise). APMG meeting, Lisbon, 2009.

Marina RABINEAU, Christian GORINI, Daniel ASLANIAN and international proponents, An Ultra Deep Drilling with the Chikyu In the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea): Global Climate Changes and Extreme Events, Margin construction, Sea-level changes and the deep Biosphere, JF-Japan Frontiers of Science Symposium, Shonan Village, Japan, Janv 2009

Rabineau M., Aslanian D., Gorini C., Alain K., 2009. Drilling below the salt in the Gulf of Lion, Western Mediterranean Sea, using the Chikyu vessel: the "Gold" IODP Project. 13th Congress Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy (RCMNS), 2-6 september 2009, Naples, Italy. Abstract in Abstractbook, Acta Naturalia de "l'Ateaneo Parmense", 45, 1/4, 25.

Rabineau M., Aslanian D., Gorini C., Alain K., Vially R., and international participants, 2009. Drilling below the SALT in the Western Mediterranean Sea : the GOLD Project. AAPG European Region Annual Conference, 23-24 november 2009, Paris-Malmaison, France. Abstract, 123-126.

Rabineau M., Aslanian D., Gorini C., Alain K.. The GOLD IODP Project: Global Climate Changes, Extreme Events, Margins formation and the Limits of Life in the Gulf of Lion:AGU San Franscisco, Dec. 2009.

Rabineau M., Leroux E., Bache F., Aslanian D., Gorini C., Droz L., 2009. Subsidence plioquaternaire dans le Golfe du Lion : de la plate-forme au domaine profond. 12ème Congrès de l'ASF 25-31 octobre 2009, Rennes, France. Abstract dans Livres des résumés, 64, 270.

Gailler, A, Klingelhoefer, F, Beslier, M-O, Olivet, J-L, Aslanian, D, Bache, F, Moulin, M, Matias, L, Afilhado, A, Nouze, H: First results from the SARDINIA deep seismic cruise on the Western Sardinia and Gulf of Lions conjugate margin pair, AGU Meeting San Francisco, December 2008.

Gorini Christian1et2, Rabineau Marina3, D. Aslanian4, L. Droz2, JP Suc2, L. Jolivet2 et le groupe Action Marges « AMéditer » (Méditerrannée Occidentale), Que pouvons nous esperer d?un forage ultra-profond avec le chikyu dans le golfe du lion?, SGF, Lyon 2008.

Klingelhoefer, F., Olivet, J.-L, Aslanian, D., Bache, F., Moulin, M., Matias, L., Afilhado, A., Nouze, H., Bellier, M.-O., Gailler, A. Preliminary results from the SARDINIA deep seismic cruise on the Western Sardinia and Gulf of Lions conjugate margin pair, EGU meeting april 2008, Vienna.

Rabineau Marina1, Gorini, Christian3, D. Aslanian2 and the Action Marges « AMéditer » group (Méditerrannée Occidentale), The need for a very deep drilling with the Chikyu in the Gulf of Lion (Western Mediterranean Sea), SGF, Lyon 2008

Bache F., Olivet J-L , Gorini C., Rabineau M., Baztan J. et Aslanian D., La synthèse des données sismiques du golfe du Lion apporte une vision nouvelle de la crise messinienne, ASF, 2007

M. Rabineau*, J-L Olivet, D. Aslanian, J. Baztan, C. Gorini, F. Bache, Using Sedimentary Markers to Evaluate Subsidence Rates: A Case study in the Gulf of Lion, SBGF, Rio de Janeiro, 2007

Jean-Louis Olivet, Daniel Aslanian, Louis Géli et al., Apports de la campagne SARDINIA (Nov-Dec 2006), GDR Marges, Mars 2006

DEA ou MASTER 2 ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Master 1 : Estelle Leroux : Etude Cinématique de la Méditerranée Occidentale (Juin 2008)

Master 2 : Estelle Leroux : Simulations stratigraphique des dépôts plio-quaternaires de la plate-forme du Golfe du Lion (Juin 2008)

Thèses ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Bellucci Massimo (2021). Relation entre la segmentation de la croûte terrestre, la nature, la thermicité et la tectonique du sel dans la mer Méditerranée occidentale / Relationship between crustal segmentation, nature, thermicity and salt tectonics in the Western Mediterranean Sea. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Badhani ShrayORCID (2020). Instabilités des fonds marins dans le Golfe du Lion, Méditerranée occidentale / Seafloor instabilities in the Gulf of Lions, Western Mediterranean. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Biari Youssef (2015). Structure profonde de la marge Nord-Ouest Africaine. PhD Thesis, Université Européenne de Bretagne.

Leroux EstelleORCID (2012). Quantification des flux sédimentaires et de la subsidence du bassin Provençal. PhD Thesis, Université Européenne de Bretagne.

Bache, F. «Evolution Oligo-Miocène des marges du micro-océan liguro-provençal », Thèse Ifremer-CNRS-BDI, Soutenance Mars 2008.

Labails, C., « Etude géologique et géophysique des marges continentales passives, exemple de la marge marocaine », Thèse, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Fev 2007.