Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Atalante
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 15/02/2006 - 13/03/2006
Chief scientist(s) LEROY Sylvie ORCID


4 place Jussieu

75005 Paris

+33 (0)1 44 27 52 73



DOI 10.17600/6010030

Deep structure of young continental margins in the eastern Gulf of Aden (Southern Oman) using multi-channel reflection seismics and OBS refraction seismics (Land/Sea). The related project is GDR Marges.

Published data

Leroy Sylvie (2024). Gridded bathymetric data from the oceanic basin of the Eastern Gulf of Aden between the Alula Fartak and the Eastern Gulf of Aden Fracture Zones. https://doi.org/10.17882/102949

Data managed by SISMER



Gillard Morgane, Leroy Sylvie, Cannat Mathilde, Sloan Heather (2021). Margin-to-Margin Seafloor Spreading in the Eastern Gulf of Aden: A 16 Ma-Long History of Deformation and Magmatism from Seismic Reflection, Gravity and Magnetic Data. Frontiers In Earth Science, 9, 707721 (18p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2021.707721 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00767/87878/

Nonn Chloe, Leroy Sylvie, Khanbari Khaled, Ahmed Abdulhakim (2017). Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the eastern Gulf of Aden conjugate passive margins: Narrowness and asymmetry in oblique rifting context. Tectonophysics, 721, 322-348. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2017.09.024

Korostelev Felicie, Leroy Sylvie, Keir Derek, Weemstra Cornelis, Boschi Lapo, Molinari Irene, Ahmed Abdulhakim, Stuart Graham W., Rolandone Frederique, Khanbari Khaled, Al-Lazki Ali (2016). Magmatism at continental passive margins inferred from Ambient-Noise Phase-velocity in the Gulf of Aden. Terra Nova, 28(1), 19-26. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12182 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00297/40807/

Korostelev Felicie, Leroy Sylvie, Keir Derek, Ahmed Abdulhakim, Boschi Lapo, Rolandone Frederique, Stuart Graham W., Obrebski Mathias, Khanbari Khaled, El-Hussain Issa (2015). Upper mantle structure of the southern Arabian margin: Insights from teleseismic tomography. Geosphere, 11(5), 1262-1278. https://doi.org/10.1130/GES01159.1

Bellahsen N., Leroy Sylvie, Autin J., Razin P., D'Acremont E., Sloan H., Pik R., Ahmed A., Khanbari K. (2013). Pre-existing oblique transfer zones and transfer/transform relationships in continental margins: New insights from the southeastern Gulf of Aden, Socotra Island, Yemen. Tectonophysics, 607, 32-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2013.07.036

Watremez L., Burov E., D'Acremont E., Leroy Sylvie, Huet B., Lepourhiet L., Bellahsen N. (2013). Buoyancy and localizing properties of continental mantle lithosphere: Insights from thermomechanical models of the eastern Gulf of Aden. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 14(8), 2800-2817. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1002/ggge.20179 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00199/31070/

Leroy Sylvie, Razin Philippe, Autin Julia, Bache Francois, D'Acremont Elia, Watremez Louise, Robinet Jeremy, Baurion Celine, Denele Yoann, Bellahsen Nicolas, Lucazeau Francis, Rolandone Frederique, Rouzo Stephane, Serra Kiel Josep, Robin Cecile, Guillocheau Francois, Tiberi Christel, Basuyau Clemence, Beslier Marie-Odile, Ebinger Cynthia, Stuart Graham, Ahmed Abdulhakim, Khanbari Khaled, Al Ganad Ismael, de Clarens Philippe, Unternehr Patrick, Al Toubi Khalfan, Al Lazki Ali (2012). From rifting to oceanic spreading in the Gulf of Aden: a synthesis. Arabian Journal Of Geosciences, 5(5), 859-901. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-011-0475-4

Bache Francois, Leroy Sylvie, Baurion Celine, Robinet Jeremy, Gorini Christian, Lucazeau Francis, Razin Philippe, D'Acremont Elia, Al-Toubi Khalfan (2011). Post-rift uplift of the Dhofar margin (Gulf of Aden). Terra Nova, 23(1), 11-18. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3121.2010.00975.x

Watremez Louise, Leroy Sylvie, Rouzo Stephane, D'Acremont E., Unternehr P., Ebinger C., Lucazeau F., Al-Lazki A. (2011). The crustal structure of the north-eastern Gulf of Aden continental margin: insights from wide-angle seismic data. Geophysical Journal International, 184(2), 575-594. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04881.x , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00200/31102/

Autin Julia, Bellahsen Nicolas, Husson Laurent, Beslier Marie-Odile, Leroy Sylvie, D'Acremont Elia (2010). Analog models of oblique rifting in a cold lithosphere. Tectonics, 29(TC6016), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1029/2010TC002671

Leroy Sylvie, Lucazeau Francis, D'Acremont Elia, Watremez Louise, Autin Julia, Rouzo Stephane, Bellahsen Nicolas, Tiberi Christel, Ebinger Cynthia, Beslier Marie-Odile, Perrot Julie, Razin Philippe, Rolandone Frederique, Sloan Heather, Stuart Graham, Al Lazki Ali, Al-Toubi Khalfan, Bache Francois, Bonneville Alain, Goutorbe Bruno, Huchon Philippe, Unternehr Patrick, Khanbari Khaled (2010). Contrasted styles of rifting in the eastern Gulf of Aden: A combined wide-angle, multichannel seismic, and heat flow survey. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 11(7), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1029/2009GC002963

Lucazeau Francis, Leroy Sylvie, Rolandone Frederique, D'Acremont Elia, Watremez Louise, Bonneville Alain, Goutorbe Bruno, Dusunur Doga (2010). Heat-flow and hydrothermal circulation at the ocean-continent transition of the eastern gulf of Aden. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 295(3-4), 554-570. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2010.04.039

Leroy Sylvie, D'Acremont Elia, Tiberi Christel, Basuyau Clemence, Autin Julia, Lucazeau Francis, Sloan Heather (2010). Recent off-axis volcanism in the eastern Gulf of Aden: Implications for plume-ridge interaction. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 293(1-2), 140-153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2010.02.036

Autin Julia, Leroy Sylvie, Beslier Marie-Odile, D'Acremont Elia, Razin Philippe, Ribodetti Alessandra, Bellahsen Nicolas, Robin Cecile, Al Toubi Khalfan (2010). Continental break-up history of a deep magma-poor margin based on seismic reflection data (northeastern Gulf of Aden margin, offshore Oman). Geophysical Journal International, 180(2), 501-519. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04424.x

Basuyau C., Tiberi C., Leroy S., Stuart G., Al-Lazki A., Al-Toubi K., Ebinger C. (2010). Evidence of partial melting beneath a continental margin: case of Dhofar, in the Northeast Gulf of Aden (Sultanate of Oman). Geophysical Journal International, 180(2), 520-534. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04438.x

D'Acremont Elia, Leroy Sylvie, Maia Marcia, Gente Pascal, Autin Julia (2010). Volcanism, jump and propagation on the Sheba ridge, eastern Gulf of Aden: segmentation evolution and implications for oceanic accretion processes. Geophysical Journal International, 180(2), 535-551. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04448.x

Lucazeau Francis, Leroy Sylvie, Autin Julia, Bonneville Alain, Goutorbe Bruno, Watremez Louise, D'Acremont Elia, Duesuenur Doga, Rolandone Frederique, Huchon Philippe, Bellahsen Nicolas, Tuchais Patrick (2009). Post-rift volcanism and high heat-flow at the ocean-continent transition of the eastern Gulf of Aden. Terra Nova, 21(4), 285-292. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00883.x

Lucazeau Francis, Leroy Sylvie, Bonneville Alain, Goutorbe Bruno, Rolandone Frederique, D'Acremont Elia, Watremez Louise, Dusunur Doga, Tuchais Patrick, Huchon Philippe, Bellahsen Nicolas, Al-Toubi Khalfan (2008). Persistent thermal activity at the Eastern Gulf of Aden after continental break-up. Nature Geoscience, 1(12), 854-858. https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo359

Tiberi C., Leroy S., D'Acremont E., Bellahsen N., Ebinger C., Al-Lazki A., Pointu A. (2007). Crustal geometry of the northeastern Gulf of Aden passive margin: localization of the deformation inferred from receiver function analysis. Geophysical Journal International, 168(3), 1247-1260. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03294.x

References of Articles published in periodicals and magazines for the general public

Leroy S. (2009) Rifts et marges continentales - France Culture le 23 septembre 2009. Planète Terre. Sylvain Kahn.

Leroy S. (2008) Entre océans et continents : les marges continentales In Terre, Planète mystérieuse - Editions Cherche Midi.

Explorateurs des Mers - jardins du Trocadéro - CNRS, Ifremer, ANR - Décembre 2007. - Déchirure des continents et naissance des océans. Le golfe d'Aden. S. Leroy.

Le Golfe d'Aden : la naissance d'un océan, journal du CNRS, janvier 2007.

References of International Seminar Communications

Baurion C., Zaragosi S., Gorini C., Leroy S., Lucazeau F., Migeon S. 2012 Turbidite system architecture and recent sedimentary processes along the Nothern margin of the eastern Gulf of Aden. 6416 - EGU Vienna.

Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., Razin, P., YOCMAL team, 2012. Structure and Evolution of the Southern Boundary of the Arabian plate: from Rifting to Spreading in the Gulf of Aden, in: University, S.Q. (Ed.), International Conference on the Geology of the Arabian plate and the Oman Mountains. SQU, Muscat.

Leroy, S., Razin, P., Lucazeau, F., Manatschal, G., 2012. Rifting to spreading in the Gulf of Aden, in: Leeds, U. (Ed.), Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism Conference. Afar Consortium, Addis Abeba.

Lucazeau, F., Rolandone, F., Leroy, S., 2012. The Thermal regime of the Arabian plate, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, in: University, S.Q. (Ed.), International Conference on the Geology of the Arabian plate and the Oman Mountains. SQU, Muscat.

Robinet J., Razin P., Serra Kiel J., Gallardo Garcia A., Grelaud C., Roger J., Leroy S. 2012 Oligo-Miocene syn-rift and Miocene post-rift sedimentary records: the tectono-stratigraphic development of the northern proximal margin of the Gulf of Aden. - EGU Vienna. vol 14, 9285.

Rolandone, F., Lucazeau, F., Leroy, S., 2012. The Thermal regime of the Arabian plate, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, in: Leeds, U. (Ed.), Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism Conference. Afar Consortium, Addis Abeba.

Autin J. Bellahsen N., Leroy S., Beslier M.O., d'Acremont E., Husson L., 2012. Analogue models of oblique rifting in a[135] Autin J. Bellahsen N., Leroy S., Beslier M.O., d?Acremont E., Husson L., 2012. Analogue models of oblique rifting in a pre-structured lithosphere EGU Vienna. 7219.

Bache, F., Leroy, F., Baurion C., Robinet J., Gorini C., Lucazeau F., Razin, P., d?Acremont E., Al-Toubi K., 2012. IGC, Brisbane.

Baurion C., Gorini C., Leroy S., Lucazeau F., Migeon S. 2012. Evolution of post-rift sediment transport on a young rifted margin : Insights from the eastern part of the Gulf of Aden. EGU Vienna. Vol 14. 6354.

Baurion C., Sebastien Zaragosi, Christian Gorini, Sebastien Migeon, Sylvie Leroy, Francis Lucazeau, 2012.TURBIDITE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND RECENT SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES ALONG THE NORTHERN MARGIN OF THE EASTERN GULF OF ADEN, 11 au 14 Mars - IODP Barcelona, p 120.

Baurion C., Gorini C., Leroy S., Lucazeau F., SMit J., Migeon S., Bache F., Al-Toubi K. - 2011. Mass wasting and canyon formation in the light of climate and tectonics: Insights from the Gulf of Aden rifted margin. 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. Rio de Janeiro.

Baurion, C., Gorini, C., Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., Migeon, S., Bache, F., Zaragosi, S., Smit, J., Al Toubi, K., Dos Reis, T. 2011 First-stages formation and evolution of gravity-driven processes in the Eastern Gulf of Aden. in: AGU (Ed.), Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

Leroy, S., Razin, P., Lucazeau, F., d'Acremont, E., Autin, J., Watremez, L., Robinet, J., Baurion, C., , 2011. Rifting to spreading in the Gulf of Aden, in: AGU (Ed.), Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

Watremez L., Burov E., d?Acremont E., Leroy S., Huet B. - 2011. Mantle densities and rupture criterion: thermo- mechanical modelling applied to the eastern Gulf of Aden. EGU, Vienna.

Watremez, L., Leroy, S., d'Acremont, E., 2011. Nature of deep crustal structures of the northeastern Gulf of Aden margin inferred from S-wave modeling, in: AGU (Ed.), Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

Baurion, C., Gorini, C., Leroy S., Lucazeau, F., Bache, F., Al Toubi, K. Initiation and evolution processes of submarine instabilities and canyons: Insights from the Northern margin of the Gulf of Aden. Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco. 2010.

Baurion, C., Gorini, C., Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., Bache, F., Al-Toubi, K., Initiation and evolution processes of submarine instabilities and canyons: insights from the Northern margin of the Gulf of Aden., EGU, Vienna, 2010.

Keir, D., Ebinger, E. Leroy S. 2010 ? Knowledges of the rift systems of East Africa-Red Sea-Aden. Invited keynote, GeoPrisms NSF, Santa Fe USA.

Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., d'Acremont, E., Razin, P. & Sloan, H. 2010. Continental margins and Ocean-Continent Transitions of the Gulf of Aden: how Africa and Arabia broke up ? In: Fall meeting (edited by AGU) invited, San Francisco.

Leroy, S., Robin, C., Manatschal, G., Rabineau, M., Gorini, C., Lucazeau, F., Geoffroy, L., Dauteuil, O., Migeon, S., Mulder, T., Actions Marges: the French Margins program, MARGINS Successor Planning Workshop, NSF, San Antonio, 2010.

Razin, P., Robin, C., Serra Kiel, J., Bellahsen, N., Leroy, S., Grelaud, C., Robinet, J., Cenozoic evolution of Socotra Island in relation with the opening of the Gulf of Aden, EGU, Vienna, 2010.

Autin J., Leroy S., Beslier M.O. d?Acremont E., Ribodetti A., Bellahsen N., Continental break-up history of conjugate poor magmatic margins from seismic reflection (oriental Gulf of Aden), EGU Vienna, vol.11, EGU2009-8991.

Autin, J., Leroy, S., d'Acremont, E., Beslier, M.O., Bellahsen, N., Husson, L., Ribodetti, A., Razin, P., Robin, C., Al- Toubi, K., Continental break-up history of conjugate margins from seismic reflection and analogue modelling (oriental Gulf of Aden), Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2009.

Autin, J., Leroy, S., d'Acremont, E., Beslier, M.O., Bellahsen, N., Husson, L., Ribodetti, A., Razin, P., Robin, C., Al- Toubi, K., Continental break-up history of conjugate margins from seismic reflection and analogue modelling (oriental Gulf of Aden), ILP meeting, ILP, Abu Dhabi, 2009.

Bache F., Leroy, S., d?Acremont E., Autin J., L. Watremez & Rouzo S. (2009) Late differentiation of proximal and distal margins in the Gulf of Aden. EGU Vienna, vol.11, EGU2009-7406-5.

Bache, F., Leroy, S., Baurion, C., Gorini, C., Lucazeau, F., Razin, P., Robinet, J., d'Acremont, E., Autin, J., Post-rift uplift of the rifted margin of the Gulf of Aden, Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2009.

Basuyau, C., Tiberi, C., Leroy, S., Ebinger, C., Stuart, G., Al-Lazki, A., Al-Toubi, K., Rolandone, F., d'Acremont, E., Ahmed, A., Keir, D., Seismic structure of the northern margin of the Gulf of Aden, Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2009.

Bellahsen, N., Autin, J., Leroy, S., d'Acremont, E., Beslier, M.-O., Husson, L., Al-Toubi, K., How and when did a strong thinning occur in the Gulf of Aden ? A discussion from field, geophysical data and analogue models, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2009.

Denèle, Y., Leroy, S., Champanhet, J.M., Bellahsen, N., Pik, R., Proterozoic inheritance in the Gulf of Aden: the exmaple of the Socotra Island (Yemen), Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2009.

F. Lucazeau, S. Leroy, A. Bonneville, B. Goutorbe, E. d?Acremont, F. Rolandone, P. Huchon, D. Dusunur, L. Watremez, and N. Bellahsen (2009) Heat-Flow measurements in the eastern Gulf of Aden: where are the

J. Autin, N. Bellahsen, L. Husson, M.-O. Beslier, S. Leroy, and E. d?Acremont (2009) Evolution and segmentation of oblique rift in a cold lithosphere: Insights from analogue modeling ? EGU Vienna. Vol11, EGU2009-9120.

Leroy, S., Ebinger, C., Lucazeau, F., Encens team, Style Variations along the eastern Gulf of Aden margin: a combined MCS-OBS-Heat flow survey (Encens experiment), US MARGINS conf., NSF, Charleston, 2009.

Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., d'Acremont, E., Watremez, L., Autin, J., Rouzo, S., Bellahsen, N., Ebinger, C., Beslier, M.-O., Tiberi, C., Perrot, J., Razin, P., Stuart, G., Al-Lazki, A., Al-Toubi, K., Bonneville, A., Goutorbe, B., Rolandone, F., Bache, F., Huchon, P., Unternehr, P., Khanbari, K., Contrasted styles of rifting in the eastern Gulf of Aden., Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2009.

Razin, P., Robin, C., Serra Kiel, J., Leroy, S., Bellahsen, N., Khanbari, K., CENOZOIC EVOLUTION OF SOCOTRA ISLAND: OPENING OF THE GULF OF ADEN, Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2009.

Rolandone, F., Lucazeau, F., Leroy, S., Jaupart, C., Encens-Flux team, Thermal regime of a young passive margin from heat flow measurements in the eastern Gulf of Aden and in the Arabian platform Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2009.

Watremez L., Leroy S., Rouzo, S., d?Acremont E. et Lucazeau F. (2009) ? Crustal structure of the NE Gulf of Aden continental margin from wide-angle seismic data. ? EGU Vienna, vol.11, EGU2009-5527.

Watremez, L., Leroy, S., Rouzo, S., d'Acremont, E., Burov, E., Deep structure and evolution of the Northeastern Gulf of Aden margin from wide-angle seismic and thermomechanical modeling, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2009.

d'Acremont, E., Leroy, S., Beslier, M.O., Autin, J., Watremez, L., Maia, M., Gente, P., Ocean-Continent transition and oceanic ridge structural evolution (eastern Gulf of Aden): implications for rift to seafloor spreading processes, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2009.

evidences of fluid circulations? EGU Vienna, vol.11, EGU2009-7950.

J. Autin, S. Leroy, E. d'Acremont, M.-O. Beslier, A. Ribodeti, N. Bellahsen, Ph. Razin, C. Robin, C. Grelaud, K. Al-Tobi - Crustal geometry of a first order segment in the northeastern Gulf of Aden margin from seismic reflection (offshore Oman) ? EGU - 2008

L. Watremez, S. Leroy, S. Rouzo, E. d?Acremont, C. Tiberi, E. Burov and A. Al-Lazki - Deep Structure of the Northeastern Gulf of Aden Margin From Wide-Angle Seismic Network- EGU 2008.

C. Basuyau, C. Tiberi, S. Leroy, G. Stuart, A. Al-Lazki, K. Al-Toubi, C. Ebinger, Evidence of partial melting beneath a continental margin: case of Dhofar, in the Northern Gulf of Aden (Sultanante of Oman), AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco - 2007.

E. d?Acremont, S. Leroy, M. Maia, P. Gente, and J. Autin - Structure and segmentation of the eastern Gulf of Aden basin and the Sheba ridge from gravity, bathymetric and magnetic anomalies: implications for accretion processes - AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco - 2007

F. Lucazeau, A. Bonneville, S. Leroy and the ENCENS-FLUX* team - Thermal regime of young continental margins:how important are the fluids? - Heat Flow and Hydrothermalism conference - Salt Lake City - Septembre 2007.

F. Lucazeau, S. Leroy, A. Bonneville, B. Goutorbe, E. d'Acremont, F. Rolandone, L. Watremez, D. Dusunur, P. Tuchais, P. Huchon, N. Bellahsen - The thermal regime at the Ocean-Continent Transitions from heat-flow observations and constraints - OCT International meeting Paris - Septembre 2007.

F. Rolandone, S. Leroy, C. Tiberi, F. Lucazeau, A. Bonneville, C. Jaupart - Thermal effect of the Afar plume in the Gulf of Aden - 50th anniversary Geophysical Observatory - International Conference - Addis Ababa - November 2007.

J. Autin, S. Leroy, E. d'Acremont, M.-O. Beslier, A. Ribodeti, N. Bellahsen, Ph. Razin, C. Robin, C. Grelaud, K. Al-Tobi - Crustal geometry of a first order segment in the northeastern Gulf of Aden margin from seismic reflection (offshore Oman) - AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco - 2007

J. Autin, Sylvie Leroy, Elia d?Acremont, Marie-Odile Beslier, Alessandra Ribodetti, Structure and evolution of the north eastern Gulf of Aden margin, EGU, 2007.

K. Al-Toubi, K. Khanbari - Structure and Evolution of the continent-ocean zones of the eastern Gulf of Aden Passive Margins - OCT International meeting Paris - Septembre 2007.

L. Watremez, N. Bellahsen, 2007, Thermal regime of a young passive margin: the eastern Gulf of Aden, EGU Vienne.

L. Watremez, S. Leroy, S. Rouzo, E. d?Acremont, C. Tiberi, E. Burov and A. Al-Lazki - Deep Structure of the Northeastern Gulf of Aden Margin From Wide-Angle Seismic Network - AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco - 2007

S. Leroy, F. Lucazeau, Ph Razin, G. Manatschal and the YOCMAL project team - The « Young Conjugate Margins Laboratory » project in the Gulf of Aden - 50th anniversary Geophysical Observatory - International Conference - Addis Ababa - November 2007.

S. Leroy, F. Lucazeau, Ph Razin, G. Manatschal and the YOCMAL project team - The « Young Conjugate Margins Laboratory » project in the Gulf of Aden - AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco - 2007.

S. Leroy, Cynthia Ebinger, Elia d'Acremont, Graham Stuart, Ali Al-Lazki, Christel Tiberi, Julia Autin, Louise Watremez, Marie-Odile Beslier, Nicolas Bellahsen, Francis Lucazeau, Julie Perrot, Frédéric Mouthereau, Esther Courrèges, Philippe Huchon, Stéphane Rouzo, Said Bahalaf, Jamal Sholan, Patrick Unternehr, Yann Hello, Alain Anglade, Olivier Desprez, Laurent Beguery, OualidAouji, Romuald Daniel, Khalfan Al-Toubi, Françoise Sage, The onshore-offshore ENCENS project: Imaging the stretching/thinning of the continental lithosphere and inception of oceanic spreading in the eastern Gulf of Aden. 2006, AGU Fall meeting San Francisco.

P. Razin, P. Huchon, J. Perrot, F. Mouthereau, F. Rolandone1, A. Ribodetti, F. Sage, E. Ebinger, G. Stuart, A. Al-Lazki,

S. Leroy, E. d?Acremont, J. Autin, L. Watremez, F. Lucazeau, M.O. Beslier, S. Rouzo, C. Tiberi, N. Bellahsen, C. Robin,

F. Lucazeau, S. Leroy, E. d'Acremont, A. Bonneville, D. Dusunur, B. Goutorbe, P. Huchon, F. Rolandone, P. Tuchais,

References of National Seminar Communications

Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., Encens team, Style Variations along the eastern Gulf of Aden margin: a combined MCS-OBS- Heat flow survey (Encens experiment), 2010 RST Bordeaux.

Robinet, J., Razin, P., Serra Kiel, J., Roger, J., Grelaud, C. & Leroy S. 2010. Évolution des systèmes sédimentaires paléogènes sur la marge orientale de la plaque Arabe (Huqf, Sultanat d?Oman), RST. RST, Bordeaux.

Bache, F., Leroy, S., Autin, J., Watremez, L., Rouzo, S., Late differentiation of proximal and distal margins in the Gulf of Aden, ASF, Rennes, 2009

Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., Encens team, Style Variations along the eastern Gulf of Aden margin: a combined MCS-OBS- Heat flow survey (Encens experiment), ASF, Rennes, 2009.

Razin & G. Manatschal ? The Young conjugate margins laboratory ? RST invited talk. 2008

Graham Stuart, Ali Al-Lazki, Christel Tiberi, Cécile Robin, Philippe Razin, Julia Autin, Louise Watremez, Marie-Odile Beslier, Nicolas Bellahsen, Francis Lucazeau, Julie Perrot, Frédéric Mouthereau, Esther Courrèges, Philippe Huchon, Cynthia Ebinger, Stéphane Rouzo, Said Bahalaf, Jamal Sholan, Patrick Unternehr, Yann Hello, Alain Anglade, Olivier Desprez, Laurent Beguery, OualidAouji, Romuald Daniel, Khalfan Al-Toubi, Mécanismes de formation des marges du golfe d?Aden oriental (des sédiments à la lithosphère) ? Colloque GDR Marges ? Mars 2006.

Julia Autin, Sylvie Leroy, Elia d?Acremont, Marie-Odile Beslier, Nicolas Bellahsen, Alessandra Ribodetti, Françoise Sage - Structuration et segmentation de la marge nord du Golfe d'Aden oriental : premiers résultats de la campagne ENCENS ? Réunion Sciences de la Terre, Dijon, 2006.

S. Leroy, Elia d'Acremont,

S. Leroy, F. Lucazeau, P.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Céline Baurion - Mémoire de M2., Université Pierre et Marie Curie (ISTEP) 2009.

Esther Courrèges - Mémoire de D.E.A., Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Labo. Tectonique). 2006

Thesis using campaign data

Biari Youssef (2015). Structure profonde de la marge Nord-Ouest Africaine. PhD Thesis, Université Européenne de Bretagne.

C. Baurion, thèse à soutenir décembre 2012 UPMC.

J. Robinet , thèse à soutenir septembre 2012 UPMC - ANR YOCMAL

L. Watremez, Structure profonde et Evolution de la marge continentale nord du golfe d'Aden oriental, par sismique grand-angle et modélisation thermo-mécanique - UPMC, soutenue le 30 juin 2010. Directeurs : S. Leroy, E. Burov, E. d'Acremont.

Autin J. Déchirure continentale et segmentation du Golfe d'Aden Oriental en contexte de rifting oblique. - UPMC soutenue le 5 décembre 2008. Directeurs S. Leroy, MO Beslier