Sea/Ocean |
Northeast Atlantic Ocean (40W) (Galicia, Cantabrico) |
Ports |
Port of departure : Vigo (Spain)
Port of return : Santander (Spain)
Scientific Authority |
Participating bodie(s) |
Discipline(s) |
Code |
Label |
Quantity |
PI |
B06 |
Dissolved organic matter (inc DOC) With J. Miquel / P.Carrera / D. Oñate. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
B07 |
Pelagic bacteria/micro-organisms With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
B08 |
Phytoplankton With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with vertical tows |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
B09 |
Zooplankton With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with vertical tows |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
B10 |
Neuston With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
B11 |
Nekton With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
B13 |
Eggs & larvae With G. Costas / F. Baldó. 370 Obtained by CUFES |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
B14 |
Pelagic fish C. Burgos / B. Santos. 61 Fishing hauls with pelagic trawl |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
B71 |
Particulate organic matter (inc POC With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
B72 |
Biochemical meas. (eg,lipids,amino With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
G73 |
Single-beam echosounding J. Miquel / P.Carrera / D. Oñate.Echosounder 38 & 120 kHz frequencies |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H09 |
Water bottle stations |
70 stations |
PORTEIRO Carmela |
H10 |
CTD stations |
113 stations |
PORTEIRO Carmela |
H11 |
Subsurface meas. underway (T,S) Continuous using Thalassa facilities |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H21 |
Oxygen With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H22 |
Phosphate With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H23 |
Total - P With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H24 |
Nitrate With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H25 |
Nitrite With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H26 |
Silicate With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H27 |
Alkalinity With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H28 |
pH With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H30 |
Trace elements With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H71 |
Surface measurements underway (T,S) Thermosalinomètre |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H74 |
Carbon dioxide With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H76 |
Ammonia With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
H90 |
Other chemical oceanographic meas. With A. Bode / E. Nogueira. 70 samples with bottles |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
M06 |
Routine standard measurements Centrales vent et météo |
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PORTEIRO Carmela |
Summary of measurements |
- -Acoustics: acoustic sampling was to be done in daytime on a sampling grid with radial legs 8 miles apart. A total of 1,998 nautical miles were covered, 977 on radials.
-Trawls: A pelagic trawl and a GOV semi-pelagic trawl were used. A total of 61 hauls were made. -Hydrology and plankton: stations set on acoustic transects, 3 nautical miles apart (at night, on profiles coinciding with the acoustic ones). A total of 113 vertical profiles of salinity, temperature and fluorescence along 20 transects. -Continous underway recording of eggs. CUFES pump used to get water at 3m deep. The CUFES (Continuous Underway Fish Egg Sampler) provided the horizontal distribution of eggs. A total of 370 samples were obtained.
Location map |
Positionning system |
Geodetic system : WORLD GEODETIC SYSTEM 1984 = WGS84
Positioning system : GPS naturel et différentiel