Contexte scientifique et programmatique des campagnes
Résultats majeurs
Lericolais Gilles
, Bulois C., Gillet Herve, Guichard F. (2009). High frequency sea level fluctuations recorded in the Black Sea since the LGM. Global and Planetary Change, 66(1-2), 65-75. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Popescu Irina, de Batist Marc, Lericolais Gilles
, Nouze Herve, Poort Jeffrey, Panin Nicolae, Versteeg Wim, Gillet Herve (2006). Multiple bottom-simulating reflections in the Black Sea: Potential proxies of past climate conditions. Marine Geology, 227(3-4), 163-176. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Okay, S., Cifci, G., Lericolais, G., Bohrmann, G., and Ivanov, M. K., 2006, A tributary canyon system, shallow gas accumulations and an unnamed mud volcano at Bosphorus outlet in Black Sea, in European Geosciences Union 2006 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna (Aut), vol. 8, 08072, 2006.
Références des rapports de contrats (Union européenne, FAO, Convention, Collectivités ...)
Lericolais, G., and Assemblage partners, 2006, Assemblage deliverable 16: Report on velocity analysis and on core information about methane release: European Community, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Deliverables of the EVK3-CT-2002-00090 European project; Lericolais, G.; 42.
Michaelis, W., and Assemblage partners, 2006, Assemblage deliverable 18: Report on the nature and source of organic matter in the sediments, especially in sapropelic horizons; characterisation of the anoxic depositional environment & Deliverable 19 : Report on the chronology of continental and marine events and their role in the evolution of anoxia, with assessment of the role of warm and cool episodes and possible tools to predict future episodes of anoxia: European Community, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Deliverables of the EVK3-CT-2002-00090 European project; Lericolais, G.; 40.
Wong, H. K., Lericolais, G., Gillet, H., and Assemblage partners, 2006, Assemblage deliverable 17: Gas hydrate localisation maps with their extent in isolines: European Community, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Deliverables of the EVK3-CT-2002-00090 European project; Lericolais, G.; 26.