Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Marion Dufresne
Ship owner TAAF
Dates 12/06/2005 - 08/07/2005
Chief scientist(s) BEAUFORT Luc


Technopôle environnement Arbois-Méditerranée

BP 80

13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 4

+33(0)4 42 97 15 00

DOI 10.17600/5200080

The main objectives of the MD148-PECTEN (Past Equatorial Climate: Tracking El Niño) cruise were to reconstruct the past climate variations on different time scales in the western Equatorial Pacific Ocean. This region is particularly interesting for the study of climate trends. It is the seat of significant deep atmospheric convection which is behind the oscillation called El Niño Southern Oscillation or ENSO. Vertical movements of air which form the convection are due to very high surface seawater temperatures in this region. The PECTEN mission is the thirteenth strand of the IMAGES programme devoted to studying climate variations over the past 900,000 years by analyzing marine sediment core samples. Knowledge about long term climate variations in the western Pacific is essential in order to understand the climate system on a global scale. And yet, this region of the world is very poorly known from that point of view. A few sediment cores sampled in the region have helped us to better understand changes in the climate on the scale of a million years or even that of about ten thousand years. However, nothing is known yet about faster climate variations (from 10 to 1,000 years) in this area. The spaces to be explored during this mission had to show high sedimentation rates (between 10 and 4,000 centimeters per thousand years). So the sediment collected may provide essential archives for the study of past climates. The related programmes are: the international IMAGES programme and the IGBP (International Geosphere - Biosphere Program).

Published data

Beaufort Luc, Bolton Clara, Sarr Anta C. (2021). Morphometry, and mass accumulation rates of Indo-Pacific Pleistocene coccoliths and associated Climatic Simulations.

Data managed by SISMER



Gallagher Stephen J., Korasidis Vera A., Auer Gerald, de Vleeschouwer David, Groeneveld Jeroen, Christensen Beth (2024). Cenozoic history of the Australian Monsoon. Progress In Earth And Planetary Science, 11(1), 60 (32p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Tang Xiaojie, Yu Zhaojie, Lu Zhengyao, Song Lina, Song Zehua, Colin Christophe, Siani Giuseppe, Kang Xiaoying, Chang Fengming, Bassinot Franck, Wan Shiming (2024). Orbital hydroclimate variability revealed by grain-size evidence in the tropical Pacific Islands since 140 ka. Global And Planetary Change, 236, 104429 (14p.).

Nemoto Karin, Yokoyama Yusuke, Horiike Satoshi, Obrochta Stephen P, Miyairi Yosuke (2024). Meridional Migrations Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone During The Last Deglaciation In The Timor Sea Detected By Extensive Radiocarbon Dating. Radiocarbon, 66(6), 1958-1967. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Yu Pai-Sen, Chen Ting-Ting (2023). An integrated, non-destructive method for evaluating core quality from R/V Legend’s giant piston coring system (LGD-GPC). Terrestrial Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences, 34(17), 14p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

de Sousa Gurjão Carlos Diego, Justino Flávio, Pires Gabrielle, Senna Mônica, Lindemann Douglas, Rodrigues Jackson (2023). Southern Hemisphere Monsoonal System during Superinterglacial Stages: MIS5e, MIS11c and MIS31. Climate Dynamics, 61(3-4), 1867-1885. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lo Li, Shen Chuan-Chou, Zeeden Christian, Tsai Yi-Hsueh, Yin Qiuzhen, Yang Chun-Chih, Chang Tzu-Ling, Su Yu-Chu, Mii Horng-Sheng, Chuang Chih-Kai, Chem Yi-Chi (2022). Orbital control on the thermocline structure during the past 568 kyr in the Solomon Sea, southwest equatorial pacific. Quaternary Science Reviews, 295, 107756 (16p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Beaufort Luc, Bolton Clara T, Sarr Anta-Clarisse, Sucheras-Marx Baptiste, Rosenthal Yair, Donnadieu Yannick, Barbarin Nicholas, Bova Samantha, Cornuault Pauline, Gally Yves, Gray Emmeline, Mazur Jean-Charles, Tetard Martin (2022). Cyclic evolution of phytoplankton forced by changes in tropical seasonality. Nature, 601(7891), 79-84. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Tang Xiaojie, Yu Zhaojie, Wan Shiming (2022). Spatial and temporal precipitation variability in the Indo-Pacific region during the Late Quaternary. Quaternary sciences, 42(4), 991-1009.

Mallarino Gianni, Francis Jason M., Jorry StephanORCID, Daniell James J., Droxler André W., Dickens Gerald R., Beaufort Luc, Bentley Samuel J., Opdyke Bradley N., Peterson Larry C. (2021). Timescale dependent sedimentary record during the past 130 kyr from a tropical mixed siliciclastic–carbonate shelf edge and slope: Ashmore Trough (southern Gulf of Papua). Sedimentology, 68(6), 2606-2648. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lo Li, Chang Tzu-Ling, Su Yu-Chu, Chuang Chih-Kai, Shen Chuan-Chou, Mii Horng-Sheng (2021). A dataset of the mid-brunhes period at site MD05-2925, Solomon Sea: Surface-subsurface planktonic foraminifera stable C-O isotope and Mg/Ca ratios. Data In Brief, 38, 107283 (5p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Savranskaia Tatiana, Egli Ramon, Valet Jean-Pierre, Bassinot Franck, Meynadier Laure, Bourlès Didier L., Simon Quentin, Thouveny Nicolas (2021). Disentangling magnetic and environmental signatures of sedimentary 10Be/9Be records. Quaternary Science Reviews, 257, 106809 (19p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Nilsson-Kerr Katrina, Anand Pallavi, Holden Philip B., Clemens Steven C., Leng Melanie J. (2021). Dipole patterns in tropical precipitation were pervasive across landmasses throughout Marine Isotope Stage 5. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 64 (9p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Simon Quentin, Suganuma Yusuke, Okada Makoto, Haneda Yuki, Aster Team (2019). High-resolution 10Be and paleomagnetic recording of the last polarity reversal in the Chiba composite section: Age and dynamics of the Matuyama–Brunhes transition. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 519, 92-100. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Thomas Marie L, Warny Sophie, Jarzen David M., Bentley Samuel J., Sr., Droxler Andre W., Harper Brandon B., Nittrouer Charles A., Xu Kehui (2018). Palynomorph evidence for tropical climate stability in the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea, over the latest marine transgression and highstand (14,500 years BP to today). Quaternary International, 467(Part.B), 277-291.

Bayon Germain, de Deckker Patrick, Magee John W., Germain Yoan, Bermell Sylvain, Tachikawa Kazuyo, Norman Marc D. (2017). Extensive wet episodes in Late Glacial Australia resulting from high-latitude forcings. Scientific Reports, 7, 44054 (7p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Simon Quentin, Thouveny Nicolas, Bourles Didier L., Valet Jean-Pierre, Bassinot Franck, Menabreaz Lucie, Guillou Valery, Choy Sandrine, Beaufort Luc (2016). Authigenic 10Be/9Be ratio signatures of the cosmogenic nuclide production linked to geomagnetic dipole moment variation since the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 121(11), 7716-7741. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Valet Jean-Pierre, Fournier Alexandre (2016). Deciphering records of geomagnetic reversals. Reviews Of Geophysics, 54(2), 410-446. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Oda Hirokuni, Yamamoto Yuhji, Zhao Xixi, Bijaksana Satria, Liu Qingsong (2016). Special issue on "Recent advances in environmental magnetism and paleomagnetism". Earth Planets And Space, 68(59), 1-3. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Septama Erlangga, Bentley Samuel J., Droxler Andre W. (2016). Conduits, timing and processes of sediment delivery across a high-relief continental margin: Continental shelf to basin in Late Quaternary, Gulf of Papua. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 72, 447-462.

Liu Yi, Lo Li, Shi Zhengguo, Wei Kuo-Yen, Chou Chien-Ju, Chen Yi-Chi, Chuang Chih-Kai, Wu Chung-Che, Mii Horng-Sheng, Peng Zicheng, Amakawa Hiroshi, Burr George S., Lee Shih-Yu, Delong Kristine L., Elderfield Henry, Shen Chuan-Chou (2015). Obliquity pacing of the western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone over the past 282,000 years. Nature Communications, 6, -. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Harper Brandon B., Puga-Bernabeu Angel, Droxler Andre W., Webster Jody M., Gischler Eberhard, Tiwari Manish, Lado-Insua Tania, Thomas Alex L., Morgan Sally, Jovane Luigi, Roehl Ursula (2015). Mixed Carbonate–Siliciclastic Sedimentation Along the Great Barrier Reef Upper Slope: A Challenge To the Reciprocal Sedimentation Model. Journal Of Sedimentary Research, 85(9), 1019-1036. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Huang Yin-Sheng, Lee Teh-Quei, Hsu Shu-Kun (2015). Orbital-scale variation in the magnetic content as a result of sea level changes in Papua New Guinea over the past 400 ka. Earth Planets And Space, 67, -. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Regoli Fabienne, de Garidel-Thoron Thibault, Tachikawa Kazuyo, Jian Zhiming, Ye Liming, Droxler Andre W., Lenoir Guillaume, Crucifix Michel, Barbarin Nicolas, Beaufort Luc (2015). Progressive shoaling of the equatorial Pacific thermocline over the last eight glacial periods. Paleoceanography, 30(5), 439-455. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lo L., Shen C. -C., Wei K. -Y., Burr G. S., Mii H. -S., Chen M. -T., Lee S. -Y., Tsai M. -C. (2014). Millennial meridional dynamics of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the last termination. Climate Of The Past, 10(6), 2253-2261. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Labatut M., Lacan F., Pradoux C., Chmeleff J., Radic A., Murray J. W., Poitrasson F., Johansen A. M., Thil F. (2014). Iron sources and dissolved-particulate interactions in the seawater of the Western Equatorial Pacific, iron isotope perspectives. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28(10), 1044-1065. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Valet Jean-Pierre, Bassinot Franck, Bouilloux Alexandra, Bourles Didier, Nomade Sebastien, Guillou Valery, Lopes Fernand, Thouveny Nicolas, Dewilde Fabien (2014). Geomagnetic, cosmogenic and climatic changes across the last geomagnetic reversal from Equatorial Indian Ocean sediments. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 397, 67-79.

Timmermann Axel, Sachs Julian, Timm Oliver Elison (2014). Assessing divergent SST behavior during the last 21 ka derived from alkenones and G. ruber-Mg/Ca in the equatorial Pacific. Paleoceanography, 29(6), 680-696. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lo Li, Shen Chuan-Chou, Lu Chia-Jung, Chen Yi-Chi, Chang Ching-Chih, Wei Kuo-Yen, Qu Dingchuang, Gagan Michael K. (2014). Determination of element/Ca ratios in foraminifera and corals using cold- and hot-plasma techniques in inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry. Journal Of Asian Earth Sciences, 81, 115-122.

Tachikawa Kazuyo, Timmermann Axel, Vidal Laurence, Sonzogni Corinne, Timm Oliver Elison (2014). CO2 radiative forcing and Intertropical Convergence Zone influences on western Pacific warm pool climate over the past 400 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews, 86, 24-34.

Menabreaz Lucie, Thouveny Nicolas, Bourles Didier L., Vidal Laurence (2014). The geomagnetic dipole moment variation between 250 and 800 ka BP reconstructed from the authigenic Be-10/Be-9 signature in West Equatorial Pacific sediments. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 385, 190-205.

Wu Jiawang, Liu Zhifei, Zhou Chao (2013). Provenance and supply of Fe-enriched terrigenous sediments in the western equatorial Pacific and their relation to precipitation variations during the late Quaternary. Global And Planetary Change, 108, 56-71.

Reeves Jessica M., Bostock Helen C., Ayliffe Linda K., Barrows Timothy T., de Deckker Patrick, Devriendt Laurent S., Dunbar Gavin B., Drysdale Russell N., Fitzsimmons Kathryn E., Gagan Michael K., Griffiths Michael L., Haberle Simon G., Jansen John D., Krause Claire, Lewis Stephen, McGregor Helen V., Mooney Scott D., Moss Patrick, Nanson Gerald C., Purcell Anthony, Van Der Kaars Sander (2013). Palaeoenvironmental change in tropical Australasia over the last 30,000 years - a synthesis by the OZ-INTIMATE group. Quaternary Science Reviews, 74, 97-114. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Tachikawa K., Timmermann A., Vidal Lucas, Sonzogni C., Timm O. E. (2013). Southern Hemisphere orbital forcing and its effects on CO2 and tropical Pacific climate. Climate of the Past Discussions, 9(2), 1869-1900. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Menabreaz L., Bourles D. L., Thouveny N. (2012). Amplitude and timing of the Laschamp geomagnetic dipole low from the global atmospheric Be-10 overproduction: Contribution of authigenic Be-10/Be-9 ratios in west equatorial Pacific sediments. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 117(B11101), 1-13.

Tachikawa Kazuyo, Cartapanis Olivier, Vidal Laurence, Beaufort Luc, Barlyaeva Tatiana, Bard Edouard (2011). The precession phase of hydrological variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool during the past 400 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(25-26), 3716-3727.

Brandefelt J., Kjellstrom E., Naslund J. -O., Strandberg G., Voelker A. H. L., Wohlfarth B. (2011). A coupled climate model simulation of Marine Isotope Stage 3 stadial climate. Climate Of The Past, 7(2), 649-670. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jorry StephanORCID, Droxler Andre W., Francis Jason M. (2010). Deepwater carbonate deposition in response to re-flooding of carbonate bank and atoll-tops at glacial terminations. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(17-18), 2010-2026. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Tcherepanov Evgueni N., Droxler Andre W., Lapointe Philippe, Mohn Kenneth (2008). Carbonate seismic stratigraphy of the Gulf of Papua mixed depositional system: Neogene stratigraphic signature and eustatic control. Basin Research, 20(2), 185-209.

Jorry Stephan J.ORCID, Droxler Andre W., Mallarino Gianni, Dickens Gerald R., Bentley Sam J., Beaufort Luc, Peterson Larry C., Opdyke Bradley N. (2008). Bundled turbidite deposition in the central Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua) since Last Glacial Maximum: Linking sediment nature and accumulation to sea level fluctuations at millennial timescale. Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface, 113(F01S19), 1-15. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Francis Jason M., Daniell James J., Droxler Andre W., Dickens Gerald R., Bentley Samuel J., Peterson Larry C., Opdyke Bradley N., Beaufort Luc (2008). Deep water geomorphology of the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system, Gulf of Papua. Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface, 113(F01S16), 1-22. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Carson Brooke E., Francis Jason M., Leckie R. Mark, Droxler Andre W., Dickens Gerald R., Jorry Stephan J.ORCID, Bentley Sam J., Peterson Larry C., Opdyke Bradley N. (2008). Benthic Foraminiferal response to sea level change in the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system of southern Ashmore Trough (Gulf of Papua). Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface, 113(F01S20), 18 PP. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Tcherepanov Evgueni N., Droxler Andre W., Lapointe Philippe, Dickens Gerald R., Bentley Sam J., Beaufort Luc, Peterson Larry C., Daniell James, Opdyke Bradley N. (2008). Neogene evolution of the mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system in the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea. Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface, 113(F01S21), 1-15. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Daniell James (2008). Development of a bathymetric grid for the Gulf of Papua and adjacent areas: A note describing its development. Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface, 113(F01S15), 1-8.

References of Technical Reports

Beaufort, L., and S. s. party (2005), MD148/PECTEN, 80 81CD pp., Institut Polaire Français, Plouzané.

References of International Seminar Communications

Tachikawa, K., O. Cartapanis, L. Vidal, L. Beaufort, and E. Bard (2008), Hydrological Cycle in the Western Equatorial Warm Pool over the Past 220 k years, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53) Fall meet. Suppl., Abstract PP22A-06.

de Garidel-Thoron, T., Barboni, D., Beaufort, L., Buchet, N., Giraudeau, J., Martinez, P., Siboni, S., Ra- dakovitch, O., and Vidal, L. (2008). High resolution records of rainfall changes over Papua New Guinea throughout the last 2000 years. IODP-ICDP workshop: Acquiring high to ultra-high resolution geological records of past climate change by scientific drilling, Potsdam (Allemagne).

de Garidel-Thoron, T., D. Barboni, L. Beaufort, N. Buchet, J. Giraudeau, P. Martinez, S. Siboni, O. Rada- kovitch, et al. (2008), High resolution records of rainfall changes over Papua New Guinea throu- ghout the last 2000 years, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP13E-02.

Jorry, S. J., A. W. Droxler, G. Mallarino, L. Beaufort, S. J. Bentley, G. R. Dickens, and L. C. Peterson (2006), Nature, Timing, And Frequency Of Gravity Flow Deposition Linked To Millennial Time Scale Sea Level/Climate Fluctuations During Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle : An Example From The Central Pandora Trough (Gulf Of Papua). paper presented at Sealaix 06, Hyères.

Jorry, S. J., E. Capron, L. Menabreaz, A. W. Droxler, G. Mallarino, G. R. Dickens, S. J. Bentley, L. C. Pe- terson, et al. (2006), Linking Variations at Millennial Time Scale of Sediment Nature and Accu- mulation to Sea- Level Fluctuations, Since Last Glacial Maximum, Along a Core Transect Across Central Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua), Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS23B-1652.

References of National Seminar Communications

de Garidel-Thoron, T., L. Beaufort, F. Bassinot, Y. Rosenthal, G. Delaygue, M. Khodri, K. Tachikawa, N. Buchet, S. Siboni, A. Alexandre, D. Barboni (2007). Pacthol : Pacific climate throughout the Holocene. Colloque de restitution du programme ECLIPSE, Paris.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

O. Cartapanis, Apport terrigène dans le Pacifique Ouest équatorial comme indicateur de paléo-pluviosité pendant le dernier cycle glaciaire, Mémoire de MASTER 2, Géosciences de l'Environnement, Juin 2007. S. Siboni Changements paleoécologiques durant les 1500 dernières années dans la région Est Sepik au Nord de la Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée, Mémoire de MASTER 2, Géosciences de l'Environnement, Juin 2007.

T. Bolliet, Reconstructions paléoenvironnementales grâce aux assemblages et à la morphométrie des coccolithes dans la Warm Pool du Pacifique Ouest Équatorial, Mémoire de MASTER 2, Géosciences de l'Environnement, Juin 2006.

Thesis using campaign data

Gurjào Carlos Diego De Sousa (2022). Sistema de monçôes tropicais e mudanças de vegetaçào em periodos interglaciais passados. PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa.

Fabienne Regoli, CEREGE, Thèse en cours sur la chimie et la morphométrie des foraminifères planctonique. Son premier chantier qu'elle est en train de finir est l'étude de la carotte MD05-2930 dans le golfe de Papouasie. Début de thèse Octobre 2008 Soutenance prévue Octobre 2011.