Type Campagne océanographique
Navire Marion Dufresne
Propriétaire navire TAAF
Dates 15/07/2005 - 09/08/2005
Chef(s) de mission SIBUET Jean-Claude


Univ. Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, Univ. Bretagne Sud

Place Nicolas Copernic

29280 Plouzané

DOI 10.17600/5200030

Les objectifs majeurs de la campagne Sumatra Aftershocks était l'enregistrement des répliques du grand séisme de Sumatra (25/12/04), qui a touché les rives de plusieurs pays côtiers et causé, par un puissant tsunami, la mort d'au moins 222 000 personnes pour pouvoir identifier les structures actives dans la zone et une cartographie bathymétrique de la zone pour imager des éventuels glissements sous-marins.

Contexte scientifique et programmatique des campagnes

Résultats majeurs

Données archivées au Sismer

Opérations de Prélèvements



Frederik M. C. G., Gulick S. P. S., Austin J. A., Jr., Bangs N. L. B., Udrekh (2015). What 2-D multichannel seismic and multibeam bathymetric data tell us about the North Sumatra wedge structure and coseismic response. Tectonics, 34(9), 1910-1926. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cochran James R. (2010). Morphology and tectonics of the Andaman Forearc, northeastern Indian Ocean. Geophysical Journal International, 182(2), 631-651. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Gutscher M. -A., Ladage S., Dessa J. -X., Graindorge D., Franke D., Andre Camille, Permana H., Yudistira T., Chauhan A. (2010). Limits of the seismogenic zone in the epicentral region of the 26 December 2004 great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake: Results from seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection surveys and thermal modeling. Journal Of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 115(B01304), 1-23. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sultan NabilORCID, Cattaneo AntonioORCID, Sibuet Jean-Claude, Schneider Jean-Luc (2009). Deep sea in situ excess pore pressure and sediment deformation off NW Sumatra and its relation with the December 26, 2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98(4), 823-837. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lin Jing-Yi, Le Pichon Xavier, Rangin Claude, Sibuet Jean-Claude, Maury Tanguy (2009). Spatial aftershock distribution of the 26 December 2004 great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in the northern Sumatra area. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 10(5), 1-15. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Singh Satish C., Carton Helene, Tapponnier Paul, Hananto Nugroho D., Chauhan Ajay P. S., Hartoyo Djoko, Bayly Martin, Moeljopranoto Soelistijani, Bunting Tim, Christie Phil, Lubis Hasbi, Martin James (2008). Seismic evidence for broken oceanic crust in the 2004 Sumatra earthquake epicentral region. Nature Geoscience, 1(11), 777-781.

Graindorge D, Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Sibuet Jean-Claude, McNeill L, Henstock T, Dean S, Gutscher M, Dessa J, Permana H, Singh S, Leau H, White N, Carton H, Malod Jacques-Andre, Rangin C, Aryawan K, Chaubey A, Chauhan A, Galih D, Greenroyd C, Laesanpura A, Prihantono J, Royle G, Shankar U (2008). Impact of lower plate structure on upper plate deformation at the NW Sumatran convergent margin from seafloor morphology. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 275(3-4), 201-210. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sibuet Jean-Claude, Rangin C, Le Pichon X, Singh S, Cattaneo AntonioORCID, Graindorge D, Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Lin Jing-Yi, Malod Jacques-Andre, Maury Tanguy, Schneider J, Sultan NabilORCID, Umber Marie, Yamaguchi H (2007). 26th December 2004 great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake: Co-seismic and post-seismic motions in northern Sumatra. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 263(1-2), 88-103. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline

Singh, S., Malod, J., Sibuet, J.-C., Rangin, C., Apprioual, R., Aryanto, N., Begot, J., Cattaneo, A., Chauhan, A., Creach, R., Crozon, J., Domzig, A., Falleau, N., Graindorge, D., Harmegnies, F., Haryadi, Y., Klingelhoefer, F., Kolloru, JS., Landure, J-Y., Le Lann, C., Normand, A., Oggian, G., Restuning Galih, G., Schneider, J.-L., Sultan, N., Taufik, M., Umber, M., Yamaguchi, H. (2005) Sumatra earthquake research indicates why rupture propagated northward, EOS, 86(48), 497, 502.

Références des rapports techniques

(2005) Campagne SUMATRA AFTERSHOCKS. 15 juillet-9 août 2005.

Sibuet Jean-Claude (2005). MD149 / Sumatra aftershocks on board Marion Dufresne. Jakarta (Indonesia), July 15, 2005 - Colombo (Sri Lanka), August 9, 2005. OCE/2005/04.

Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux

Lin, J-Y; Le Pichon, X; Rangin, C; Sibuet, J; Maury, T, 2008, Spatial aftershock distribution of the 26th December 2004 great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in the northern Sumatra area AGU 2008 fall meeting.

Lin J.-Y., Le Pichon X., Rangin C., Sibuet J.-C. and Maury T., 2007, Spatial aftershocks distribution of the December 26, 2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake based on the "Sumatra Aftershocks" OBS survey. Subduction zone geodynamic, 4-6 June, 2007, Montpellier, France.

Rangin C., Le Pichon X., Lin J.-Y., Maury T. and Sibuet J.C., 2007, Docked Or Accreted Indian Ocean Fracture Ridges Along The Sumatra Subduction Zone Northern Tip. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, 10-14 December 2007, San Francisco, abstract.

Rangin C., Le Pichon X., Lin J.-Y., Maury T. and Sibuet J.C., 2007, Indian Ocean Fracture Ridges interaction with the Sumatra subduction zone. Subduction zone geodynamic, 4-6 June, 2007, Montpellier, France.

Sibuet, J.-C., Rangin, C, Le Pichon, X, Singh, S, Cattaneo, A, Graindorge, D, Klingelhoefer, F, Lin, J, Malod, J, Maury, T, Sultan, N, Umber, M, 2006: 26th December 2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake: seismogenic zone and active splay faults. AGU Fall meeting 2006 (San Francisco).

Sibuet, J.-C., Rangin, C., Singh, S., Cattaneo, A., Graindorge, D., Klingelhoefer, F., Malod, J.,, Schneider J.-L., Sultan, N., Umber, M., and the Sumatra aftershocks team, 2006. 26th December 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake: first insights from the summer 2005 Marion Dufresne cruise. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 03307, 2006 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-03307.

Singh, S C, Carton, H, Hartoyo, D, Hananto, N, Chauhan, A, Tapponnier, P, White, N, Bunting, T, Christie, P, Lubis, H, Martin, J, Klingelhoefer, F 2006, Seismic reflection images of the Great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake rupture: from source to surface, AGU Fall meeting 2006 (San Francisco).

Malod, J., Singh, S., Sibuet, J.-C., Rangin, C., Apprioual, R., Aryanto, N., Begot, J., Cattaneo, A., Chauhan, A., Creach, R., Crozon, J., Domzig, A., Falleau, N., Graindorge, D., Harmegnies, F., Haryadi, Y., Klingelhoefer, F., Kolloru, JS., Landure, J-Y., Le Lann, C., Normand, A., Oggian, G., Restuning Galih, G., Schneider, J.-L., Sultan, N., Taufik, M., Umber, M., Yamaguchi, H., The Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake: Why did the rupture propagate north not the southeast of the epicenter? Fall meeting, 2005, Transaction, 86, 52.

Rangin, C, Sibuet, J.-C., Malod, J., Singh, S., Apprioual, R., Aryanto, N., Begot, J., Cattaneo, A., Chauhan, A., Creach, R., Crozon, J., Domzig, A., Falleau, N., Graindorge, D., Harmegnies, F., Haryadi, Y., Klingelhoefer,F., Kolloru, JS., Landure, J-Y., Le Lann, C., Normand, A., Oggian, G., Restuning Galih, G., Schneider, J.-L., Sultan, N., Taufik, M., Umber, M., Yamaguchi, H., Swath bathymetric transect across the Sunda trench in relation with the December 26, 2004 earthquake: First tectonic results of the R/V Marion Dufresne cruise, AGU FALL meeting, EOS Transaction, 86, 52.

Sibuet, J.-C., Rangin, C., Singh, S., Apprioual, R., Aryanto, N., Begot, J., Cattaneo, A., Chauhan, A., Creach, R., Crozon, J., Domzig, A., Falleau, N., Graindorge, D., Harmegnies, F., Haryadi, Y., Klingelhoefer, F., Kolloru, JS., Landure, J-Y., Le Lann, C., Normand, A., Oggian, G., Restuning Galih, G., Schneider, J.-L., Sultan, N., Taufik, M., Umber, M., Yamaguchi, H., 26th December 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake: first insights from the summer 2005 Marion Dufresne cruise, AGU Fall meeting, 2005, EOS Transaction, 86, 52.

Sultan, N., Cattaneo, A., Sibuet, J.-C., Schneider, J.-L., Harmegnies, F., Landure, J.-Y., Apprioual, R., Aryanto, N., Begot, J., Cattaneo, A., Chauhan, A., Creach, R., Crozon, J., Domzig, A., Falleau, N., Graindorge, D., Harmegnies, F., Haryadi, Y., Klingelhoefer, F., Kolloru, JS., Landure, J-Y., Le Lann, C., Normand, A., Oggian, G., Restuning Galih, G., Schneider, J.-L., Sultan, N., Taufik, M., Umber, M., Yamaguchi, H., Evidence from in situ pore pressure monitoring of submarine slope failures generated by the December 26, 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake, AGU Fall Meeting 2005, EOS Transaction, 86, 52.

DEA ou MASTER 2 ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Umber Marie., 2006. Localisation des hypocentres des répliques du séisme de Sumatra du 26/12/2004 et localisation des failles actives dans le prisme d'accrétion. Mémoire d'ingénieur de l?École et Observatoire des sciences de la terre Strasbourg Ifremer. Brest. CB/GM/LGG/06-04, 69 p.