Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Le Suroît
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 03/12/2005 - 12/12/2005
Chief scientist(s) DEVERCHERE Jacques ORCID, YELLES Abdelkrim


Univ. Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, Univ. Bretagne Sud

Place Nicolas Copernic

29280 Plouzané

DOI 10.17600/5020090
Objective The general objective is to reduce seismic and gravity hazards in Northern Algeria though a detailed examination of the submarine geomorphology and subsurface structures. There are seisms reaching a magnitude of 7.5 and sedimentary movement phenomena which interact on this continental board on different time scales. This Franco-Algerian operation involved 10 SAMRA cruise days, financed by the Algerial ministry of Research (Algerian Scientific research and Development directorate). It aimed to use several methods (SMF, chirp, corers, etc.) at various resolutions of time and space to increase knowledge and understanding of these phenomena on the still poorly known central and eastern part of the Algerian margin. This part concerned transversal profiles of easern Algeria. The related programmes are: 'ESF-EUROCORE-EUROMARGINS WESTMED', 'ACI Risques Naturels' and 'GDR MARGES'.

Data managed by SISMER



Déverchère Jacques, Barbé Antoine, Kernec Maxime, Jaud Marion, Ruault Riwalenn (2022). A submarine morphotectonic analysis combining GIS-based methods and virtual reality: Case study of the low-rate active thrust faulting off Boumerdès (Algeria). Frontiers In Earth Science, 10, 1010226 (18p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Babonneau Nathalie, Cattaneo AntonioORCID, Ratzov Gueorgui, Deverchere Jacques, Yelles-Chaouche Abdelkarim, Lateb Tassadit, Bachir Roza Si (2017). Turbidite chronostratigraphy off Algiers, central Algerian margin: A key for reconstructing Holocene paleo-earthquake cycles. Marine Geology, 384, 63-80. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bouyahiaoui B., Sage F., Abtout A., Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID, Yelles-Chaouche K., Schnuerle P., Marok A., Deverchere Jacques, Arab M., Galve A., Collot J.Y. (2015). Crustal structure of the eastern Algerian continental margin and adjacent deep basin: implications for late Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean. Geophysical Journal International, 201(3), 1912-1938. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mihoubi A., Schnurle PhilippeORCID, Benaissa Z., Badsi M., Bracene R., Djelit H., Geli LouisORCID, Sage F., Agoudjil A., Klingelhoefer FraukeORCID (2014). Seismic imaging of the eastern Algerian margin off Jijel: integrating wide-angle seismic modelling and multichannel seismic pre-stack depth migration. Geophysical Journal International, 198(3), 1486-1503. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Giresse Pierre, Bassetti Maria-Angela, Pauc Henri, Gaullier Virginie, Deverchere Jacques, Bracene Rabah, Yelles Abdelkarim (2013). Sediment accumulation rates and turbidite frequency in the eastern Algerian margin. An attempt to examine the triggering mechanisms. Sedimentary Geology, 294, 266-281.

Cattaneo AntonioORCID, Babonneau Nathalie, Ratzov G., Dan-Unterseh G., Yelles K., Bracene R., Mercier De Lepinay Bernard, Boudiaf A., Deverchere Jacques (2012). Searching for the seafloor signature of the 21 May 2003 Boumerdès earthquake offshore central Algeria. Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences, 12(7), 2159-2172. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Strzerzynski Pierre, Deverchere Jacques, Cattaneo AntonioORCID, Domzig Anne, Yelles Karim, de Lepinay Bernard Mercier, Babonneau Nathalie, Boudiaf Azzedine (2010). Tectonic inheritance and Pliocene-Pleistocene inversion of the Algerian margin around Algiers: Insights from multibeam and seismic reflection data. Tectonics, 29(TC2008), 1-22. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cattaneo AntonioORCID, Babonneau Nathalie, Dan G., Deverchere Jacques, Domzig Anne, Gaullier V., Lepillier Baptiste, de Lepinay B. M., Nougues Audrey, Strzerzynski P., Sultan NabilORCID, Yelles K. (2010). Submarine Landslides Along the Algerian Margin: A Review of Their Occurrence and Potential Link with Tectonic Structures. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 28, 515-525.

Kherroubi Abdelaziz, Deverchere Jacques, Yelles Abdelkarim, de Lepinay Bernard Mercier, Domzig Anne, Cattaneo AntonioORCID, Bracene Rabah, Gaullier Virginie, Graindorge David (2009). Recent and active deformation pattern off the easternmost Algerian margin, Western Mediterranean Sea: New evidence for contractional tectonic reactivation. Marine Geology, 261(1-4), 17-32. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Dan Gabriela, Sultan NabilORCID, Savoye Bruno, Deverchere Jacques, Yelles Karim (2009). Quantifying the role of sandy-silty sediments in generating slope failures during earthquakes: example from the Algerian margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98(4), 769-789. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Domzig A, Gaullier V., Giresse P., Pauc H., Deverchere J., Yelles K. (2009). Deposition processes from echo-character mapping along the western Algerian margin (Oran-Tenes), Western Mediterranean. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 26(5), 673-694.

Yelles-Chaouche Abdelkarim, Roger Jean, Deverchere Jacques, Bracene Rabah, Domzig Anne, Hebert Helene, Kherroubi Abdelaziz (2009). The 1856 Tsunami of Djidjelli (Eastern Algeria): Seismotectonics, Modelling and Hazard Implications for the Algerian Coast. Pure And Applied Geophysics, 166(1-2), 283-300.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Lofi Johanna, Sage Francoise, Deverchere Jacques, Loncke Lies, Maillard Agnes, Gaullier Virginie, Thinon Isabelle, Gillet Herve, Guennoc Pol, Gorini Christian (2011). Refining our knowledge of the Messinian salinity crisis records in the offshore domain through multi-site seismic analysis. Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, 182(2), 163-180.

Thesis using campaign data

Leffondré Pierre (2021). Inversion tectonique d’une marge passive : le cas de la marge algérienne / Tectonic inversion of a passive margin : the case of the algerian margin. PhD Thesis, Unversité de Bretagne Occidentale.

Aidi Chafik (2020). Etude de la structure crustale de la bordure continentale nord-algérienne au large de la Grande Kabylie par exploitation des données sismique réflexion multi-traces et grand-angle terre-mer. PhD Thesis, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari-Boumédiène.

Arab Mohamed (2016). Analyse des systèmes pétroliers de l'offshore algérien oriental : quantification, modélisation stratigraphique et thermique / Petroleum system analysis of the Eastern Algerian offshore : quantification, stratigraphic and thermal modeling. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Hamai Lamine (2016). Étude thermomécanique de la zone de transition mer-continent de la marge algérienne : implication géodynamique / Thermomechanical study of the ocean-continent transition zone of the Algerian margin : geodynamics implications. PhD Thesis, Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Université Abou Bekr Belkaïd Tlemcen.

Bouyahiaoui Boualem (2014). Structure profonde et réactivation de la marge est-algérienne et du bassin adjacent (secteur d'Annaba), contraintes par sismique réflexion multitrace et grand-angle terre-mer / Deep structure and reactivation of the eastern-algerian margin and its adjacent basin (Annaba region), constraints by multichannel seismic reflection and wide-angle onshore-offshore. PhD Thesis, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Université Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen.

Mihoubi Abdelhafid (2014). Imagerie sismique de la structure profonde de la marge Algérienne orientale (secteur de Jijel) : implications en terme de potentiel pétrolier / Seismic imaging of the Eastern Algerian marging of Jijel. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Badji Rabia (2014). Structure Profonde de la croûte et potentiel pétrolier des bassins sédimentaires à l'ouest de l'Algérie / Deep crustal structure and petroleum potential of the sedimentary basins of western Algeria. PhD Thesis, Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis.