Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Burgaud, G., Birrien, J-L., Arzur, D., Crassous, P. and Barbier, G. Morphological plasticity of deep-sea yeasts depending on hydrostatic pressure variations. FEMS 2009 Microbiology Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Byrne,N., Strous, M., Crépeau, V., Kartal, B., Birrien, J-L., Schmid, M., Lesongeur, F., Jetten, M., Prieur, D. and Godfroy, A.. Presence and activity of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria at deep-sea hydrothermal vents Extremophiles 2009, Cape Town, South Africa, Septembre 2009.
Cuvelier, D. Sarrazin J., Colaço A., Copley J. , Desbruyères, D., Glover, A., Tyler, P., Serrão Santos, R. (2009). A first decadal study (1994-2008) of community dynamics on an Atlantic hydrothermal edifice as revealed by high-resolution video image analysis. 4th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems, Okinawa, Japan, 2009
Dutertre M., Rosa P. and Cosson R.P. Is there a relationship between Bathymodiolus azoricus gill size and its environmental conditions? Fourth International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems, Okinawa, Japan, 2009.
Nakagawa, S., Makita, H., Takai, K., Inagaki, F., Nakamura, K., Godfroy, A., Horikoshi,K. Allelic diversity and population structure in deep-sea vent epsilon-Proteobacteria as determined from sequence analysis of housekeeping genes. ASLO meeting 2009. Nice, France.
Petersen, J.M., Ramette, A., Lott, C., Cambon-Bonavita, M.-A., Zbinden, M., Dubilier, N. Epibiosis of the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. American Society for Microbiology (ASM), General Meeting 2009, Philadelphia, USA.
Petersen, J.M., Ramette, A., Lott, C., Cambon-Bonavita, M.-A., Zbinden, M., Dubilier, N.Biogeography of epibiotic gamma-and epsilonproteobacteria on the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Gordon Research Conference for Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Mount Holyoke, USA, 2009.
Burgaud, G., Le Calvez, T., Mounier, J., Adolphe, Y., Vandenkoornhuyse, P. and Barbier, G. (2008) Fungi in deep-sea hydrothermal vents: Surprising diversity & Hints for their ecological role. The 12th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Cairns, Australia.
Byrne,N., Strous, M., Crépeau, V., Kartal, B., Birrien, J-L., Schmid, M., Lesongeur, F., Jetten, M., Prieur, D. and Godfroy, A..(2008) Presence and activity of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria at deep-sea hydrothermal vents ISME Cairns, Australie Août 2008.
Charlou, J.L., Donval, J.P., Konn, C., Jean-Baptiste, P., Holm, N., Dehairs, F., Bouillon, S. Mineral, gases and organic signature of hydrothermal fluids issued from ultramafics on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge EGU General assembly 2008, Vienne, Autriche.
Chu, N. C., E. Ponzevera, G. Bayon, and Y. Fouquet (2008), Ca isotope systematics of marine hydrothermal and cold seep carbonates . Goldschmidt conférence 2008, Vancouver.
Compère P., Zbinden M., Corbari L., Cambon-Bonavita M-A, Shillito B, Lepoint G and. Gaill F. Integument, moult cycle and bacterial ectosymbionts relationships in the deep-sea hydrothermal vent shrimp, Rimicaris exoculata : a review. XXth International Congress of Zoology, Paris - 26-29 August 2008.
Corbari L., Cambon-Bonavita M-A., Long C.J., Grandjean F., Zbinden M., Gaill F., and Compère P.. New insights on Rimicaris exoculata bacterial ectosymbiosis : a moult cycle related perspective. World conference of marine biodiversity, Valence, France, Novembre 2008.
Corbari L., Cambon-Bonavita M-A., Zbinden M., Gaill, F.,and Compère P. Do the hydrothermal vent fluid characteristics influence on the ectosymbiotic bacteria and associated minerals in the shrimp Rimicaris exoculata ? XXth International Congress of Zoology, Paris - 26-29 August 2008.
Cuvelier, D., Sarrazin J., Colaço A., Copley J. ,; Desbruyères, D. , Glover, A., Tyler, P. , Serrão Santos, R. (2008). Community dynamics on a high temperature hydrothermal edifice: a decadal study. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 2008.
Konn C., J. L. Charlou, J. P. Donval, N. G. Holm, Organic compound occurrence in fluids from ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems of the Mid-Atlantic ridge: a consequence of H2 production? 33 th International Geological Congress Oslo-6-14 August 2008.
Konn, C., Charlou, J. L., Donval, J. P., Holm, N. G., Dumont, M., Dehairs, F., and Bouillon, S. Fluids from ultramafic-hosted vents of the Mid Atlantic Ridge : biogenic or abiogenic organic compounds spotted. EGU General assembly 2008.
Nakagawa, S., Makita, H., Takai, K., Nakamura, K., Godfroy, A. Horikoshi K.. Population genetic analysis of deep-sea vent epsilon-Proteobacteria by multilocus sequence typing. 12th International Symposium of Microbial Ecology. 2008 Cairns, Australia.
Petersen, J.M., Ramette, A., Lott, C., Cambon-Bonavita, M.-A., Zbinden, M., Dubilier, N.Biogeography of epibiotic gamma-and epsilonproteobacteria on the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), Cairns, Australia, 2008.
Petersen, J.M., Ramette, A., Lott, C., Cambon-Bonavita, M.-A., Zbinden, M., Dubilier, N.Epibiotic gamma- and epsilonproteobacteria on the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, 2008.
Zbinden, M., , Shillito B., Le Bris N., de Villardi de Montlaur C., Roussel E., Guyot F., Gaill F. and Cambon-Bonavita M-A.. New insights on the metabolic diversity among the branchial epibiotic microbial communities of the hydrothermal shrimp Rimicaris exoculata. XXth International Congress of Zoology, Paris - 26-29 August 2008.
Zbinden, M., , Shillito B., Le Bris N., de Villardi de Montlaur C., Roussel E., Guyot F., Gaill F. and Cambon-Bonavita M-A.. New insights on the metabolic diversity among the branchial epibiotic microbial communities of the hydrothermal shrimp Rimicaris exoculata. ISME Australie Août 2008.
Burgaud, G., Le Calvez, T., Mahé, S., Arzur, D., Vandenkoornhuyse, P. and Barbier, G. (2007) Deep-sea fungi : Evidence for their presence in hydrothermal vents. First EURODEEP Workshop, Taormina, Sicilia.
Byrne, N., F. Lesongeur, D. Prieur, and A. Godfroy. Diversity of thermophilic microbial populations in deep sea hydrothermal vent chimney: cultural approach in bioreactor. Thermophiles, 2007, Bergen (Norvège).
Konn, C., Charlou, J.L., Donval, J.P., Holm, N.G., Dehairs, F. and Bouillon, S., 2007. Organic geochemistry of fluids from 4 ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems of the Mid Atlantic Ridge, InterRidge Theoretical Institute ?Biogeochemical interaction at deep-sea vents?, Woods Hole, massachusetts, USA, 10-14th sept 2007.
Konn, C., Holm, N.G., Charlou, J.L., Donval, J.P., Dehairs, F. and Bouillon, S., 2007. Fluids from ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems of the Mid Atlantic Ridge - Organics and Life. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9: 09110. (EGU, 2007)
Martins I., A. Colaço, F. Lesongeur, A. Godfroy, P-M. Sarradin, R. P. Cosson, R. S. Santos (2007). "Metal uptake and physiological condition of mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from Lucky Strike hydrothermal field". International Symposium PRIMO- "Pollutant responses in marine organisms", Florianópolis, Brazil
Petersen, J.M., Cambon-Bonavita, M.-A., Zbinden, M., Dubilier, N. Epibiotic gamma- and epsilonproteobacteria on the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. VAAM (Annual conference of the association for general and applied microbiology), Osnabrück, Germany, 2007.
Sarrazin J., J. Blandin, L. Delauney, S. Dentrecolas, P. Dorval, J. Dupont, J. Legrand, D. Leroux, P. Léon, J.P. Lévèque, P. Rodier, R. Vuillemin, P.M. Sarradin. (2007). TEMPO: a new ecological module for studying deep-sea community dynamics at hydrothermal Vents. MARTECH07,
Sarrazin J., J. Blandin, L. Delauney, S. Dentrecolas, P. Dorval, J. Dupont, J. Legrand, D. Leroux, P. Léon, J.P. Lévèque, P. Rodier, R. Vuillemin, P.M. Sarradin. TEMPO: a new ecological module for studying deep-sea community dynamics at hydrothermal Vents. OCEANS07 IEEE Aberdeen, June 2007, Aberdeen Scotland.
Schmidt, C., Gaill, F., Vuillemin, R., Le Gall, C., Le Bris, N. (2007) Geochemical energy sources for microbial primary production in the environment of hydrothermal vent shrimps. Rocks?n?Beasts Conference, Leeds,
Schmidt, C., Gaill, F., Vuillemin, R., Le Gall, C., Le Bris, N.. Geochemical energy sources for microbial primary production in the environment of hydrothermal vent shrimps. EGU. 2007 Vienne, Austria.
Schmidt, C., Vuillemin, R., Le Gall, C., Gaill, F., Le Bris, N. 2007. Geochemical energy sources for microbial primary production in the environment of hydrothermal vent shrimps. InterRidge Theoretical Institute. Woods Hole, US.
Barbier, G., Le Calvez, T., Burgaud, G., Arzur, D. and Vandenkoornhuyse, P.(2006) New fungal taxonomic groups isolated from deep-sea vent ecosystems. International Conference on Extremophiles, Brest, France.
Byrne N., Birrien JL., Strous M., Schmid M., Lesongeur F., Prieur D., Godfroy A. (2006) Looking for ANAMMOX bacteria in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. International Conference on Extremophiles, Brest, France.
Charlou, J.L., Donval, J.P., Konn, C.; Jean-Baptiste, P., Holm, N., Dehairs, F. and Bouillon, S. (2006). Mineral, gases and organic signature of hydrothermal fluids issued from ultramafics on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge European Geosciences Union (EGU) Vienne, Autriche.
Costa, V. and Kadar, E. (2006) Site specific metal signatures in the shells of the deep sea hydrothermal mussel B. azoricus - 11th International Deep-Sea Symposium, Southampton, UK.
Durand,L., V Cueff Gauchard, M Zbinden, E Roussel, N Le Bris, C. Schmidt, C Tessier, B Shillito, and MA Cambon Bonavita (2006) Micro-organisms Associated with the Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp Rimicaris exoculata : a Possible Symbiosis? 6th International Conference on Extremophiles, Brest (France).
Durand,L., V Cueff Gauchard, M Zbinden, N Le Bris, E Roussel, C. Schmidt, B Shillito and MA Cambon Bonavita (2006) Micro-Organisms and Minerals Associated to the Rimicaris Exoculata Vent Shrimp. International Symbiosis Symposium, Vienne (Autriche).
Kato, C., Sato, T., Kawano, H., Abe, F., Ohmae, E., Nakasone, K. (2006, Sep.) Diversity of deep-sea piezophiles, and their pressure adapted enzymes. 6th International Conference on Extremophiles, Brest, France.
Kato, C., Takai, K., Hirayama, H., Nakagawa, S., Querellou, J. and Godfroy, A. (2006) Investigation cruises of the EXOMAR 2005 The French-Japanese cooperation cruises of the Mid Atlantic Ridge-. Pressure, Hydration and Dynamics toward a new dynamic view of protein-, JSPS Core-to-Core Program, International Seminar 2006, Abstract p. 35, Okinawa, Japan.
Konn, C., Charlou, J. L., Donval, J. P., Holm, N. G., Dumont, M., Dehairs, F. and Bouillon, S. (2006). Fluids from ultramafic-hosted vents of the Mid Atlantic Ridge : biogenic or abiogenic organic compounds spotted. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Vienne, Autriche
Konn,C. Organics in hydrothermal fluids from ultramafic-hosted vents of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge- The first step to the origin of life. (2006) 16th V. M. Goldschmidt Conference.
Martins I., Colaço A, Serrão Santos R., Cosson, R., Sarradin, P-M. (2006) Physiological condition of mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from Eiffel Tower hydrothermal vent field: filament bacteria approach? - 11th International Deep-Sea Symposium, Southampton, UK.
Randrianalivelo, H., Lesongeur, F. and Godfroy, A.(2006) Diversity of microbial mats at deep-sea hydrothermal vents (Lucky Strike, MAR). International Conference on Extremophiles, Brest, France.
Schmidt, C., Le Bris, N. , Le Gall, C., Rodier, P., Gaill, F. 2006. Modelling geochemical driving forces for chemosynthetic processes associated with symbiotic shrimps at hydrothermal vents. EGU. Vienne, Austria.
Schmidt, C., Le Bris, N., Le Gall, C., Rodier, P., Gaill, F. 2006. Modelling geochemical driving forces for chemosynthetic processes associated with symbiotic shrimps at hydrothermal vents. Deep Sea Biology Symposium. Southampton, UK.
Takai, K. Development and impact of high-pressure and high-temperature-cultivation technique, 2006, Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Microbial Ecology.
Charlou, J-L., Donval J-P. , Y Fouquet, Y., Jean-Baptiste, P., Dehairs, F. N Holm and Godfroy, A. (2005). Organics in hydrothermal fluids from ultramafics on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) . AGU Fall meeting San Francisco, USA.
Kato, C., Takai, K., Hirayama, H., Nakagawa, S., Quérellou, J. and Godfroy, A. (2005, Nov) The French-Japanese cooperation cruises of the Mid Atlantic Ridge, EXOMAR 2005. 6th Meeting of Japanese Society for Extremophiles, J. Jap. Soc. Extremophiles, 4 (2), 105-106, Tokyo, Japan.
Sarradin, P.M., (2005) Spatial and temporal dynamics of hydrothermal vent communities and links with hydrothermal active processes. In Standardisation in Seafloor Observatories, Paris, 1-2 février.
Shillito, B., Hamel , G, Ravaux , J., Gaill, F.(2005) Isobaric Collection of Deep-Sea Fauna: the PERISCOP Project, 3rd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Vent and Seep Biology, San Diego, USA.
Cuvelier, D., Sarrazin J., Colaço A., Copley J., Desbruyères, D., Glover, A., Tyler, P., Serrão Santos, R. Community dynamics between 1994 and 2008 on an Atlantic hydrothermal edifice as revealed by high-resolution video image analysis. ICES International Symposium "Issues Confronting the Deep Oceans" Horta, Portugal 2009.
Références des communications dans des colloques nationaux
Zbinden Magali, Bruce Shillito, Laure Corbari, Philippe compère, Marie-Anne Cambon-Bonavita. Rimicaris exoculata : renouvellement et diversité des épibiontes". Journées ECCHIS, Roscoff France 7 - 8 janvier 2008.
Birrien, J.L.(2007) Microorganismes piézothermophiles. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest
Briand, P. et Godfroy, A.(2007) Inventaire faunistique réalisé lors de la campagne EXOMAR. (2007) EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest
Burgaud, G., Le Calvez, T. et Barbier, G (2007) Biodiversité de la microflore fongique abyssale. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Burgaud, G., Le Calvez, T., Mahé, S., Arzur, D., Vandenkoornhuyse, P. and Barbier, G. (2007) Mise en évidence d?une biodiversité fongique insoupçonnée dans les écosystèmes hydrothermaux profonds. Colloque d?Écologie Microbienne, La Grande Motte.
Burgaud, G., Le Calvez, T., Mahé, S., Arzur, D., Vandenkoornhuyse, P. and Barbier, G. (2007) Nouveaux taxons fongiques isolés d?écosystèmes hydrothermaux profonds. 7ème Congrès National de la Société Française de Microbiologie.
Byrne N., V. Crepeau, J-L. Birrien, M. Strous, M. Schmid, B. Kartal, F. Lesongeur, D. Prieur, A. Godfroy. Recherche de bactéries Anammox dans les écosystèmes hydrothermaux profonds de la dorsale médio atlantique. 3éme Congrès d?Écologie Microbienne de l?association Francophone d?Ecologie Microbienne Montpellier octobre 2007
Byrne, N, J-L. Birrien, V. Crepeau, M. Strous, M. Schmid, F. Lesongeur, D. Prieur, and A. Godfroy. Recherche de micro-organismes « Anammox » dans l?écosystème hydrothermal.Exomar réunion Post campagne EXOMAR - Mai 2007 - Plouzané.
Byrne, N., Crépeau, V., Prieur, D., Strous, M. et Godfroy, A. (2007) Recherche de microorganismes Anammox dans l?écosystème hydrothermal. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest
Byrne, N., F. Lesongeur, D. Prieur, A. Godfroy. Diversité métabolique des micro-organismes des édifices hydrothermaux actifs: cultures d?enrichissement en bioréacteur. 3éme Congrès d?Écologie Microbienne de l?association Francophone d?Écologie Microbienne Montpellier octobre 2007
Byrne, N., F. Lesongeur, et A. Godfroy. Diversité métabolique des micro-organismes des édifices hydrothermaux actifs: cultures d?enrichissement en bioréacteur. - Journées Scientifiques du GDR Ecchis Avril 2007 - Roscoff.
Byrne, N., Lesongeur, F. et Godfroy, A. (2007) Diversité métabolique des microorganismes des édifices hydrothermaux actifs : approche culturale en bioréacteur. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Cambon-Bonavita, M. A., M Zbinden, L Durand, V Cueff Gauchard, E Roussel, C Tessier, M Guri, T Martin, N Le Bris, C Schmidt, F Gaill, B Shillito (2007) Etude de la symbiose chez Rimicaris exoculata. Troisième colloque d?écologie microbienne de l?AFEM, La Grande Motte (France).
Cambon-Bonavita, M.A. et Zbinden, M.(2007) Les épibioses de la cavité céphalothoracique des crevettes Rimicaris exoculata. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Durand, L. et Cambon-Bonavita, M.A. (2007) Microflore du tube digestif de la crevette Rimicaris exoculata. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Durand, L., M Guri, T Martin, V Cueff Gauchard, E Roussel, M Zbinden, S Duperron, C Schmidt, B Shillito and M A Cambon Bonavita (2007) Étude de la symbiose chez Rimicaris exoculata : approches moléculaire et culturale. Troisième colloque d?écologie microbienne de l?AFEM, La Grande Motte (France).
Dutertre M., Rosa P. and Cosson R. P. Is there a relationship between Bathymodiolus azoricus gill size and its environmental conditions? Journées du GDR Ecchis, 23 et 24 Avril 2007, Roscoff ; Réunion Post-Campagne EXOMAR, 29 et 30 Mai, Brest.
Fabri, M.C., Brind?Amour, A., Sarradin, P.M. et Sarrazin, J. (2007) Variations spatio-temporelles de température à micro-échelle dans les assemblages de moules. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Fouquet, Y. (2007) Contexte géologique et minéralogie des sites étudiés lors de la campagne EXOMAR. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Geslin, C. (2007) Recherche d?éléments génétiques mobiles chez les Bacteria hydrothermales EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Godfroy, A., Kato, C., Takai, K., Nagakawa, S. et Hirayama, H. (2007). Japan team results on EXOMAR cruise. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Godfroy, A., Lesongeur, F. et Randrianalivelo, H. (2007) Diversité des tapis microbiens du site Lucky Strike EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Khripounoff, A., Lesongeur, F., Crassous, P. et Godfroy, A. (2007) Dispersion des micro-organismes hydrothermaux. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Konn, C., Donval J. P. et Charlou J.L.(2007) Chimie minérale et organique des fluides de Rainbow et Lost City. EXOMAR post cruise meeting,
Sarradin, P.M., Le Gall, C. et Delauney L. (2007) Mesure in situ de l?oxygène dissout dans l?environnement hydrothermal ; approche temporelle. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest
Sarrazin, J., Fabri, M.C., Talarmin, A. et Sarradin, P.M. (2007) Microscale variations of biological and environmental factors in a patchy hydrothermal mussel assemblage. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Schmidt, C. et Le Bris, N. (2007) Sources énergétiques pour la production microbienne autotrophe chez la crevette Rimicaris exoculata. EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Vangriesheim, A. (2007) Conditions hydrodynamiques aux sites Lucky Strike et Rainbow. (2007) EXOMAR post cruise meeting, Brest.
Shillito, B. (invité), Hamel, G., Ravaux, J., Cottin, D., Gaill, F. (2006)La récolte sous pression d'organismes de grande profondeur: le projet PERISCOP. 5eme forum national des Hautes Pressions (CNRS) Monthieux, France