Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Gwen Drez
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 01/08/2000 - 12/08/2000
Chief scientist(s) LAGARDERE Françoise


Centre de Recherche sur Ecosystèmes Littoraux Anthropisés

Place du Séminaire

BP 7



DOI 10.17600/50050
Objective The Marennes-Oleron basin was the study site and common sole was the target species for this operation focusing mainly on how the nursery and/or refuge zones are occupied in summertime in an environment which is modified by anthropogenic impacts (shellfish farms and coastal fisheries). This project should contribute to better defining the habitat in the potential nursery area of soft substrate zone in the Pertuis Charentais. This exploratory cruise aimed to test two acoustic telemetry systems to study the behaviour of sole. During the allotted 12 days, three types of operations were performed: 1) continuous monitoring of sole equipped with ultrasound tags (4 tracking sessions of 48 h each), 2) qualitative sampling by trawling (17 hauls of about 10 minutes) and 3) set gear (fyke nets)in areas that are inaccessible for trawling. This cruise confirmed the Marennes-Oleron basin's role as a nursery. It supports all age classes that find food and probably shelter there. In the first analysis, the telemetry showed that their movements were strongly linked to tidal conditions. The scope of movement observed indicated that although it is very strongly structured by shellfish farming activities, this environment remains quite open all the same. Other analyses will focus on growth and diet. The related project is PNEC'99. The cruise map shows the site explored (WGS 84 coordinates). The red symbols represent the points were the telemetry buoys were moored, the ellipse shows the area where tagged sole were released and the yellow symbols are the points where the trawls were shot and turned (haul 4 was done from aboard N-D de la Merci). The hatched areas are oyster farms.


References of Technical Reports

Regimbart AmelieORCID, Guitton Jérôme, Le Pape Olivier (2018). Zones fonctionnelles pour les ressources halieutiques dans les eaux sous souveraineté française. Deuxième partie : Inventaire. Rapport d'étude. Les publications du Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST n°46, 175 p.

Herbland Alain (2002). Chantier Golfe de Gascogne. Rôle des forçages naturels et anthropiques sur les écosystemes et les principales ressources halieutiques du golfe de Gascogne. Rapport mi-parcours.