Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Marion Dufresne
Ship owner TAAF
Dates 22/09/2004 - 16/10/2004
Chief scientist(s) ELLOUZ-ZIMMERMANN Nadine , LALLEMANT Siegfried


1-4 avenue du Bois Préau

92852 Rueil-Malmaison

+33 (0)1

DOI 10.17600/4200250
Objective Between the two large collision systems of Zagros (Iran) and the Himalaya (Pakistan-India), one of the oldest ocean crusts of the Indian subducts under the Eurasian blocks. This phenomenon of Indian and Arab plate subduction under Asia began at the start of the Tertiary, as shown by the formation of the volcanic arc at the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Significant historic earthquakes, like that of 1945, can be linked to these convergence movements. The Makran tectonic accretionary prism (stacks of thrust slices made up of sediments from the Indus) thus results in the subduction of ocean plates towards the north at an average speed which is currently 5 cm/year. Currently, 2/3 of the prism is emerged and can be studied on land, which makes this a unique example. In addition, the deformation front, where the most recent processes can be analyzed, is located at sea, off Pakistan.

Data managed by SISMER



Bagniewski Witold, Rousseau Denis-Didier, Ghil Michael (2023). The PaleoJump database for abrupt transitions in past climates. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4472 (18p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Parvaiz Shaukat, Ali Aamir, Javed Farhan, Ali Shah Muhammad (2022). Deformational pattern and seismogenic potential of the eastern Makran subduction zone. Journal Of Asian Earth Sciences, 235, 105298 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Tetard Martin, Ovsepyan Ekaterina, Licari Laetitia (2021). Eubuliminella tenuata as a new proxy for quantifying past bottom water oxygenation. Marine Micropaleontology, 166, 102016 (9p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ao Hong, Rohling Eelco J., Stringer Chris, Roberts Andrew P., Dekkers Mark J., Dupont-Nivet Guillaume, Yu Jimin, Liu Qingsong, Zhang Peng, Liu Zhonghui, Ma Xiaolin, Zhou Weijian, Jin Zhangdong, Xiao Guoqiao, Wang Hong, Sun Qiang, Yang Pingguo, Peng Xianzhe, Shi Zhengguo, Qiang Xiaoke, An Zhisheng (2020). Two-stage mid-Brunhes climate transition and mid-Pleistocene human diversification. Earth-science Reviews, 210, 103354 (19p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Le Mezo Priscilla, Beaufort Luc, Bopp Laurent, Braconnot Pascale, Kageyama Masa (2017). From monsoon to marine productivity in the Arabian Sea: insights from glacial and interglacial climates. Climate Of The Past, 13(7), 759-778. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Wilson David J., Galy Albert, Piotrowski Alexander M., Banakar Virupaxa K. (2015). Quaternary climate modulation of Pb isotopes in the deep Indian Ocean linked to the Himalayan chemical weathering. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 424, 256-268.

Rodriguez Mathieu, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Huchon Philippe, Fournier Marc, Lallemant Siegfried, Delescluse Matthias, Zaragosi Sebastien, Mouchot Nicolas (2014). Tectonics of the Dalrymple Trough and uplift of the Murray Ridge (NW Indian Ocean). Tectonophysics, 636, 1-17.

Bolton Clara T., Chang Liao, Clemens Steven C., Kodama Kazuto, Ikehara Minoru, Medina-Elizalde Martin, Paterson Greig A., Roberts Andrew P., Rohling Eelco J., Yamamoto Yuhji, Zhao Xiang (2013). A 500,000 year record of Indian summer monsoon dynamics recorded by eastern equatorial Indian Ocean upper water-column structure. Quaternary Science Reviews, 77, 167-180.

Bourget J., Zaragosi S., Rodriguez Marine, Fournier M., Garlan Thierry, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas (2013). Late Quaternary megaturbidites of the Indus Fan: Origin and stratigraphic significance. Marine Geology, 336, 10-23.

Caley Thibaut, Zaragosi S., Bourget Julien, Martinez P., Malaize B., Eynaud F., Rossignol L., Garlan Thierry, Ellouz-Zimmermann Nadine (2013). Southern Hemisphere imprint for Indo-Asian summer monsoons during the last glacial period as revealed by Arabian Sea productivity records. Biogeosciences, 10(11), 7347-7359. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Caley Thibaut, Malaize Bruno, Zaragosi Sebastien, Rossignol Linda, Bourget Julien, Eynaud Frederique, Martinez Philippe, Giraudeau Jacques, Charlier Karine, Ellouz-Zimmermann Nadine (2011). New Arabian Sea records help decipher orbital timing of Indo-Asian monsoon. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 308(3-4), 433-444.

Rossignol Linda, Eynaud Frederique, Bourget Julien, Zaragosi Sebastien, Fontanier Christophe, Ellouz-Zimmermann Nadine, Lanfumey Valentine (2011). High occurrence of Orbulina suturalis and "Praeorbulina-like specimens" in sediments of the northern Arabian Sea during the Last Glacial Maximum. Marine Micropaleontology, 79(3-4), 100-113.

Bourget Julien, Zaragosi Sebastien, Ellouz-Zimmermann Nadine, Mouchot Nicolas, Garlan Thierry, Schneider Jean-Luc, Lanfumey Valentine, Lallemant Sigfried (2011). Turbidite system architecture and sedimentary processes along topographically complex slopes: the Makran convergent margin. Sedimentology, 58(2), 376-406.

Ziegler Martin, Lourens Lucas J., Tuenter Erik, Hilgen Frits, Reichart Gert-Jan, Weber Nanne (2010). Precession phasing offset between Indian summer monsoon and Arabian Sea productivity linked to changes in Atlantic overturning circulation. Paleoceanography, 25(3 / PA3213), 1-16. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bourget Julien, Zaragosi S., Ellouz-Zimmermann S., Ducassou E., Prins M. A., Garlan T., Lanfumey Valentine, Schneider J. -L., Rouillard Pierrick, Giraudeau J. (2010). Highstand vs. lowstand turbidite system growth in the Makran active margin: Imprints of high-frequency external controls on sediment delivery mechanisms to deep water systems. Marine Geology, 274(1-4), 187-208.

Bourget Julien, Zaragosi S., Mulder T., Schneider J. -L., Garlan T., Van Toer A., Mas Virginie, Ellouz-Zimmermann N. (2010). Hyperpycnal-fed turbidite lobe architecture and recent sedimentary processes: A case study from the Al Batha turbidite system, Oman margin. Sedimentary Geology, 229(3), 144-159.

Mouchot Nicolas, Loncke Lies, Mahieux Geoffroy, Bourget Julien, Lallemant Siegfried, Ellouz-Zimmermann Nadine, Leturmy Pascale (2010). Recent sedimentary processes along the Makran trench (Makran active margin, off Pakistan). Marine Geology, 271(1-2), 17-31.

Pichevin Laetitia, Ganeshram Raja S., Francavilla Stephen, Arellano-Torres Elsa, Pedersen Tom F., Beaufort Luc (2010). Interhemispheric leakage of isotopically heavy nitrate in the eastern tropical Pacific during the last glacial period. Paleoceanography, 25(1 / PA120), 1-15. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Boening Philipp, Bard Edouard (2009). Millennial/centennial-scale thermocline ventilation changes in the Indian Ocean as reflected by aragonite preservation and geochemical variations in Arabian Sea sediments. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(22), 6771-6788.

Pichevin Laetitia, Bard Edouard, Martinez Philippe, Billy Isabelle (2007). Evidence of ventilation changes in the Arabian Sea during the late Quaternary: Implication for denitrification and nitrous oxide emission. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21(4/GB4008), 1-12. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Boening Philipp, Bard Edouard, Rose Jerome (2007). Toward direct, micron-scale XRF elemental maps and quantitative profiles of wet marine sediments. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 8(5), 1-14. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Bard Edouard, Menot Guillemette, Rostek Frauke, Licari Laetitia, Boening Philipp, Edwards R. Lawrence, Cheng Hai, Wang Yongjin, Heaton Timothy J. (2013). Radiocarbon Calibration/Comparison Records Based on Marine Sediments from the Pakistan and Iberian Margins. Radiocarbon, 55(4), 1999-2019. Publisher's official version : by the Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the University of Arizona , Open Access version :