MD 141 / ALIENOR 1

Type Campagne océanographique
Navire Marion Dufresne
Propriétaire navire TAAF
Dates 07/06/2004 - 17/06/2004
Chef(s) de mission TURON Jean-Louis


UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU - Université de Bordeaux

Bâtiment A12

351 Cours de la Libération


+33 (0)5 40 00 36 15

DOI 10.17600/4200170
Objectif La campagne MD 141/ALIENOR 1 (A LIbon-El Ferrol cruise. A support for North Oriental Atlantic Research) regroupe le programme PRIMAROSA 2 et le transit valorisé VT 72 / SUNART-ORSANE. Cette campagne regorupe également 1 université flottante et 2 contrats (Contrat SEQUOIA (NERC et BGS) et contrat Site Ouest Ecosse (BGS)) Les objectifs sont : 1) Variabilité paléoclimatique Quaternaire, 450 000 dernières années, Relation Océan-Continent (projet PRIMAROSA), 2) Etude très Haute résolution de la dernière déglaciation (projet SUNART/ORSANE (Loch Sunart), 3) Instabilité des calottes glaciaires et variabilité climatique au cours du dernier cycle (projet SEQUOIA). Les projets de rattachement sont : Programme Marge de l'Ifremer, IMAGES, GDR Marge, PNEDC, ECLIPSE Eurocores, Clivar, Programme NERC et British Geological Survey

Données archivées au Sismer

Opérations de Prélèvements



McGuire Amy M., Waajen Irene M., Barlow Natasha L.M. (2024). Advancing chronologies for Last Interglacial sequences. Journal of Quaternary Science, 39(7), 987-1010. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Scourse J. D. (2024). The timing and magnitude of the British–Irish Ice Sheet between Marine Isotope Stages 5d and 2: implications for glacio‐isostatic adjustment, high relative sea levels and ‘giant erratic’ emplacement. Journal Of Quaternary Science, 39(4), 505-514. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Heaton Timothy, Butzin Martin, Bard Edouard, Bronk Ramsey Christopher, Hughen Konrad, Koehler Peter, Reimer Paula (2023). Marine Radiocarbon Calibration in Polar Regions: A Simple Approximate Approach using Marine20. Radiocarbon, 65(4), 848-875. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Fourcade Tiffanie, Sánchez Goñi María Fernanda, Lahaye Christelle, Rossignol Linda, Philippe Anne (2022). Environmental changes in SW France during the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition from the pollen analysis of an eastern North Atlantic deep-sea core. Quaternary Research, 110, 147-164.

Pini Roberta, Furlanetto Giulia, Vallé Francesca, Badino Federica, Wick Lucia, Anselmetti Flavio S., Bertuletti Paolo, Fusi Nicoletta, Morlock Marina A., Delmonte Barbara, Harrison Sandy P., Maggi Valter, Ravazzi Cesare (2022). Linking North Atlantic and Alpine Last Glacial Maximum climates via a high-resolution pollen-based subarctic forest steppe record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 294, 107759 (18p.).

Panovska Sanja, Korte Monika, Liu Jiabo, Nowaczyk Norbert (2021). Global evolution and dynamics of the geomagnetic field in the 15–70 kyr period based on selected paleomagnetic sediment records. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 126(12), e2021JB022681 (18p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Genet Marion, Daniau Anne-Laure, Mouillot Florent, Hanquiez Vincent, Schmidt Sabine, David Valérie, Georget Muriel, Abrantes Fatima, Anschutz Pierre, Bassinot Franck, Bonnin Jérome, Dennielou BernardORCID, Eynaud Frédérique, Hodell David A., Mulder Thierry, Naughton Filipa, Rossignol Linda, Tzedakis Polychronis, Sánchez-Goñi Maria Fernanda (2021). Modern relationships between microscopic charcoal in marine sediments and fire regimes on adjacent landmasses to refine the interpretation of marine paleofire records: An Iberian case study. Quaternary Science Reviews, 270, 107148 (17p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Smeaton Craig, Cui Xingqian, Bianchi Thomas S., Cage Alix G., Howe John A., Austin William E.N. (2021). The evolution of a coastal carbon store over the last millennium. Quaternary Science Reviews, 266, 107081 (12p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Wilton David J., Bigg Grant R., Scourse James D., Ely Jeremy C., Clark Chris D. (2021). Exploring the extent to which fluctuations in ice‐rafted debris reflect mass changes in the source ice sheet: a model–observation comparison using the last British–Irish Ice Sheet. Journal Of Quaternary Science, 36(5), 934-945. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rutledal Sunniva, Haflidason Hafkidi, Berben Sarah Mp, Griem Lisa, Jansen Eystein (2020). A continuous tephrostratigraphic record from the Labrador Sea spanning the last 65 ka. Journal Of Quaternary Science, 35(7), 855-868. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ballantyne Colin K., Small David (2019). The Last Scottish Ice Sheet. Earth And Environmental Science Transactions Of The Royal Society Of Edinburgh, 110(1-2), 93-131. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Becker Lukas W. M., Sejrup Hans Petter, Hjelstuena Berit O., Haflidason Haflidi, Dokken Trond M. (2018). Ocean-ice sheet interaction along the SE Nordic Seas margin from 35 to15 ka Bp. Marine Geology, 402, 99-117. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Abbott Peter M., Griggs Adam J., Bourne Anna J., Davies Siwan M. (2018). Tracing marine cryptotephras in the North Atlantic during the last glacial period: Protocols for identification, characterisation and evaluating depositional controls. Marine Geology, 401, 81-97. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Abbott Peter M., Griggs Adam J., Bourne Anna J., Chapman Mark R., Davies Siwan M. (2018). Tracing marine cryptotephras in the North Atlantic during the last glacial period: Improving the North Atlantic marine tephrostratigraphic framework. Quaternary Science Reviews, 189, 169-186. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Small David, Rinterknecht Vincent, Austin William E. N., Bates Richard, Benn Douglas I., Scourse James D., Bourles Didier L., Hibbert Fiona D. (2016). Implications of 36Cl exposure ages from Skye, northwest Scotland for the timing of ice stream deglaciation and deglacial ice dynamics. Quaternary Science Reviews, 150, 130-145. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Smeaton Craig, Austin William E. N., Davies Althea L., Baltzer Agnes, Abell Richard E., Howe John A. (2016). Substantial stores of sedimentary carbon held in mid-latitude fjords. Biogeosciences, 13(20), 5771-5787. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Channell J. E. T., Harrison R. J., Lascu I., McCave I. N., Hibbert F. D., Austin W. E. N. (2016). Magnetic record of deglaciation using FORC-PCA, sortable-silt grain size, and magnetic excursion at 26 ka, from the Rockall Trough (NE Atlantic). Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 17(5), 1823-1841. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Abbott P. M., Bourne A. J., Purcell C. S., Davies S. M., Scourse J. D., Pearce N. J. G. (2016). Last glacial period cryptotephra deposits in an eastern North Atlantic marine sequence: Exploring linkages to the Greenland ice-cores. Quaternary Geochronology, 31, 62-76. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Voelker Antje H. L., Haflidason Haflidi (2015). Refining the Icelandic tephrachronology of the last glacial period - The deep-sea core P52644 record from the southern Greenland Sea. Global And Planetary Change, 131, 35-62.

Davies Siwan M., Abbott Peter M., Meara Rhian H., Pearce Nicholas J. G., Austin William E. N., Chapman Mark R., Svensson Anders, Bigler Matthias, Rasmussen Tine L., Rasmussen Sune O., Farmer Elizabeth J. (2014). A North Atlantic tephrostratigraphical framework for 130-60 ka b2k: new tephra discoveries, marine-based correlations, and future challenges. Quaternary Science Reviews, 106, 101-121. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Hibbert F. D., Wastegard S., Gwynn R., Austin W. E. N. (2014). Identification of a MIS 6 age (c. 180 ka) Icelandic tephra within NE Atlantic sediments: a new potential chronostratigraphic marker. Marine Tephrochronology, 398, 65-80.

Abbott Peter M., Austin William E. N., Davies Siwan M., Pearce Nicholas J. G., Hibbert Fiona D. (2013). Cryptotephrochronology of the Eemian and the last interglacial-glacial transition in the North East Atlantic. Journal Of Quaternary Science, 28(5), 501-514. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bigg G. R., Clark C. D., Greenwood S. L., Haflidason H., Hughes A. L. C., Levine R. C., Nygard A., Sejrup H. P. (2012). Sensitivity of the North Atlantic circulation to break-up of the marine sectors of the NW European ice sheets during the last Glacial: A synthesis of modelling and palaeoceanography. Global And Planetary Change, 98-99, 153-165.

Austin W. E. N., Hibbert F. D., Rasmussen S. O., Peters C., Abbott P. M., Bryant C. L. (2012). The synchronization of palaeoclimatic events in the North Atlantic region during Greenland Stadial 3 (ca 27.5 to 23.3 kyr b2k). Quaternary Science Reviews, 36, 154-163.

Austin William E. N., Hibbert Fiona D. (2012). Tracing time in the ocean: a brief review of chronological constraints (60-8 kyr) on North Atlantic marine event-based stratigraphies. Quaternary Science Reviews, 36, 28-37.

Zumaque J., Eynaud Frederique, Zaragosi S., Marret F., Matsuzaki K. M., Kissel C., Roche D. M., Malaize B., Michel E., Billy I., Richter T., Palis E. (2012). An ocean-ice coupled response during the last glacial: a view from a marine isotopic stage 3 record south of the Faeroe Shetland Gateway. Climate Of The Past, 8(6), 1997-2017. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cage Alix G., Davies Siwan M., Wastegard Stefan, Austin William E. N. (2011). Identification of the Icelandic Landnam tephra (AD 871 +/- 2) in Scottish fjordic sediment. Quaternary International, 246(1-2), 168-176.

Abbott Peter M., Davies Siwan M., Austin William E. N., Pearce Nicholas J. G., Hibbert Fiona D. (2011). Identification of cryptotephra horizons in a North East Atlantic marine record spanning marine isotope stages 4 and 5a (similar to 60,000-82,000 a b2k). Quaternary International, 246(1-2), 177-189.

Hall I. R., Colmenero-Hidalgo E., Zahn R., Peck V. L., Hemming S. R. (2011). Centennial- to millennial-scale ice-ocean interactions in the subpolar northeast Atlantic 18-41 kyr ago. Paleoceanography, 26(2), PA2224. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Hughes Anna L. C., Greenwood Sarah L., Clark Chris D. (2011). Dating constraints on the last British-Irish Ice Sheet: a map and database. Journal Of Maps, 7(1), 156-184. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mokeddem Zohra, Baltzer Agnes, Goubert Evelyne, Clet-Pellerin Martine (2010). A multiproxy palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Loch Sunart (NW Scotland) since the Last Glacial Maximum. Geological Society, London, Special Publications "Fjord Systems and Archives", 344(1), 341-353.

Baltzer Agnes, Bates Richard, Mokeddem Zohra, Clet-Pellerin Martine, Walter-Simonnet Anne-Véronique, Bonnot-Courtois Chantal, Austin William E. N. (2010). Using seismic facies and pollen analyses to evaluate climatically driven change in a Scottish sea loch (fjord) over the last 20 ka. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 344(1), 355-369.

Cage A. G., Austin W. E. N. (2010). Marine climate variability during the last millennium: The Loch Sunart record, Scotland, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(13-14), 1633-1647.

Hibbert Fiona D., Austin William E. N., Lenc Melanie J., Gatliff Robert W. (2010). British Ice Sheet dynamics inferred from North Atlantic ice-rafted debris records spanning the last 175 000 years. Journal Of Quaternary Science, 25(4), 461-482.

Toucanne SamuelORCID, Zaragosi Sebastien, Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID, Marieu Vincent, Cremer Michel, Kageyama Masa, Van Vliet-Lanoe Brigitte, Eynaud Frederique, Turon Jean-Louis, Gibbard Philip L. (2010). The first estimation of Fleuve Manche palaeoriver discharge during the last deglaciation: Evidence for Fennoscandian ice sheet meltwater flow in the English Channel ca 20-18 ka ago. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 290(3-4), 459-473. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Scourse James D., Haapaniemi Anna I., Colmenero-Hidalgo Elena, Peck Victoria L., Hall Ian R., Austin William E. N., Knutz Paul C., Zahn Rainer (2009). Growth, dynamics and deglaciation of the last British-Irish ice sheet: the deep-sea ice-rafted detritus record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(27-28), 3066-3084.

Toucanne SamuelORCID, Zaragosi S., Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID, Cremer M., Eynaud Frederique, Van Vliet-Lanoe B., Penaud A., Fontanier C., Turon J. L., Cortijo E., Gibbard P. L. (2009). Timing of massive ‘Fleuve Manche’ discharges over the last 350 kyr: insights into the European ice-sheet oscillations and the European drainage network from MIS 10 to 2. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(13-14), 1238-1256. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Daniau Anne-Laure, Goni Maria Fernanda Sanchez, Duprat Josette (2009). Last glacial fire regime variability in western France inferred from microcharcoal preserved in core MD04-2845, Bay of Biscay. Quaternary Research, 71(3), 385-396.

Halloran Paul R., Rust Nigel, Rickaby Rosalind E. M. (2009). Isolating coccoliths from sediment for geochemical analysis. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 10(3), 1-8. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Goni Maria Fernanda Sanchez, Landais Amaelle, Fletcher William J., Naughton Filipa, Desprat Stephanie, Duprat Josette (2008). Contrasting impacts of Dansgaard-Oeschger events over a western European latitudinal transect modulated by orbital parameters. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27(11-12), 1136-1151.

Toucanne SamuelORCID, Zaragosi S, Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID, Naughton F, Cremer M, Eynaud F, Dennielou BernardORCID (2008). Activity of the turbidite levees of the Celtic-Armorican margin (Bay of Biscay) during the last 30,000 years: Imprints of the last European deglaciation and Heinrich events. Marine Geology, 247(1-2), 84-103. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mokeddem Zohra, Baltzer Agnes, Clet-Pellerin Martine, Walter-Simonnet Anne Veronique, Bates Richard, Balut Yvon, Bonnot-Courtois Chantal (2007). Fluctuations climatiques enregistrées depuis 20 000 ans dans le remplissage sédimentaire du loch Sunart (Nord-Ouest de l’Ecosse). Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 339(2), 150-160.

Naughton F., Sanchez Goni M. F., Desprat S., Turon J. -L., Duprat J., Malaize B., Joli C., Cortijo E., Drago T., Freitas M. C. (2007). Present-day and past (last 25 000 years) marine pollen signal off western Iberia. Marine Micropaleontology, 62(2), 91-114.

Gaudin M, Mulder T, Cirac P, Berne Serge, Imbert P (2006). Past and present sedimentary activity in the Capbreton Canyon, southern Bay of Biscay. Geo-Marine Letters, 26(6), 331-345.

Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID, Zaragosi S, Mulder T (2006). The French Atlantic margin and deep-sea submarine systems. Geo-Marine Letters, 26(6), 311-315. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Zaragosi Sébastien, Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID, Eynaud Frédérique, Toucanne SamuelORCID, Denhard Benjamin, Van Toer Aurélie, Lanfumey Valentine (2006). The impact of the last European deglaciation on the deep-sea turbidite systems of the Celtic-Armorican margin (Bay of Biscay). Geo-Marine Letters, 26(6), 317-329. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Desprat S, Goni Mfs, Turon Jl, Duprat J, Malaize B, Peypouquet Jp (2006). Climatic variability of Marine Isotope Stage 7: direct land-sea-ice correlation from a multiproxy analysis of a north-western Iberian margin deep-sea core. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(9-10), 1010-1026.

Baltzer Agnès, Tessier Bernadette, Nouze Herve, Bates R, Moore C, Menier D (2005). Seistec seismic profiles: A tool to differentiate gas signatures. Marine Geophysical Researches, 26(2-4), 235-245. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mulder Thierry, Cirac Pierre, Gaudin Mathieu, Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID, Trainer J., Normand Alain, Weber O., Griboulard R., Jouanneau Jean-Marie, Anschutz Pierre, Jorissen Frans (2004). Understanding continent-ocean sediment transfer. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 85(27), 257. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Références des rapports techniques

Lopez Martinez Constancia (2012). Impacte de la variabilitat climàtica ràpida de l'últim període glacial sobre la vegetació del sud-est de Nord Amèrica. Memòria final de l’activitat de recerca desenvolupada durant els dos anys de l’ajut postdoctoral Beatriu de Pinós.

Turon Jean-Louis, Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID, Delpeint Arnaud, Simplet LaureORCID (2004). MD141 – ALIÉNOR. Rapport scientifique à bord du Marion Dufresne II.

(2004) SEDICAR 2004 (mission Alienor) - du 17 juin au 24 juin 2004.

Thèses ayant utilisé les données de la campagne

Hibbert Fiona Danielle (2011). Dynamics of the British Ice Sheet and prevailing hydrographic conditions for the last 175,000 years : an investigation of marine sediment core MD04-2822 from the Rockall Trough. PhD Thesis, Univesity of St Andrews.

Cooke Frances (2008). Ocean climate interaction in the NE Atlantic: the study of Heinrich events and d/o cycles during the past 120,000 years. PhD Thesis, University of Bangor.