MD 138 / VANIL

Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Marion Dufresne
Ship owner TAAF
Dates 29/04/2004 - 06/05/2004
Chief scientist(s) MASCLE Jean , MIGEON Sébastien


Observatoire Oceanologique

La Darse

BP 48


+33 (0)4

DOI 10.17600/4200060

(1) Obtaining a continuous sedimentary log of the basin's history over the past 500,000 years in order to reproduce an accurate chronostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental framework of how deposits were made. (2) Analyze and date the successive migrations of channel-levee systems, as well as distal terrigenous lobes, of the most recent turbiditic system of the Nile (the Rosetta). It also aims to characterize the hydro-sedimentary conditions (variations in gravity process dynamics and input volumes) as well as the forcing factors creating these migrations. Lastly, we hope to also constrain the time required to form this type of turbiditic environment. (3) Specifying the nature, the origin and the development over time of sedimentary transfers over the entire deep delta, and more precisely along the most recent channel, ie, the Rosetta system. (4) Dating the various periods at which the large (several m3 each) submarine landslides were put into place, as well as appraising the mechanical conditions and forcing factors which cause these massive destabilizations. The related programs are the NIL study site of the GDR Marges program and the ESF EUROMARGINS MEDIFLUX program.

Data managed by SISMER

Sampling operations



Mologni Carlo, Revel Marie, Bastian Luc, Bayon Germain, Bosch Delphine, Khalidi Lamya, Vigier Nathalie (2022). Enhanced continental weathering (Li, Nd) during the rise of East African complex polities: an early large-scale anthropogenic forcing? Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 354(G2), 319-337. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Blanchet Cécile L, Tjallingii Rik, Schleicher Anja M, Schouten Stefan, Frank Martin, Brauer Achim (2021). Deoxygenation dynamics on the western Nile deep-sea fan during sapropel S1 from seasonal to millennial timescales. Climate Of The Past, 17(3), 1025-1050. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bastian Luc, Vigier Nathalie, Reynaud Stephanie, Kerros Marie-Emmanuelle, Revel Marie, Bayon Germain (2018). Lithium Isotope Composition of Marine Biogenic Carbonates and Related Reference Materials. Geostandards And Geoanalytical Research, 42(3), 403-415.

Cornuault Marine, Tachikawa Kazuyo, Vidal Laurence, Guihou Abel, Siani Giuseppe, Deschamps Pierre, Bassinot Franck, Revel Marie (2018). Circulation Changes in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Over the Past 23,000 Years Inferred From Authigenic Nd Isotopic Ratios. Paleoceanography And Paleoclimatology, 33(3), 264-280. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Murat Anne, Beaufort Daniel, Hebert Benoit, Baudin Francois, Bernasconi Stefano Michele, Ducassou Emmanuelle, Lelievre Celine, Poizot Emmanuel, Mathian Maximilien, Grauby Olivier (2017). Post-depositional evolution over a time scale of 1 million years of eastern Mediterranean organic-rich and organic-poor sediments: new insights on the debromination and layer-silicate markers. Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, 188(4), 21 (16p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cornuault Marine, Vidal Laurence, Tachikawa Kazuyo, Licari Laetitia, Rouaud Guillaume, Sonzogni Corinne, Revel Marie (2016). Deep water circulation within the eastern Mediterranean Sea over the last 95kyr: New insights from stable isotopes and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 459, 1-14.

Revel Marie, Ducassou E., Skonieczny Charlotte, Colin Camille, Bastian L., Bosch D., Migeon Sebastien, Mascle J. (2015). 20,000 years of Nile River dynamics and environmental changes in the Nile catchment area as inferred from Nile upper continental slope sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 130, 200-221.

Tachikawa K., Vidal L., Cornuault M., Garcia M., Pothin A., Sonzogni C., Bard E., Menot G., Revel M. (2015). Eastern Mediterranean Sea circulation inferred from the conditions of S1 sapropel deposition. Climate Of The Past, 11(6), 855-867. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ducassou Emmanuelle, Migeon Sebastien, Capotondi Lucilla, Mascle Jean (2013). Run-out distance and erosion of debris-flows in the Nile deep-sea fan system: Evidence from lithofacies and micropalaeontological analyses. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 39(1), 102-123.

Ducassou Emmanuelle, Migeon Sebastien, Mulder Thierry, Murat Anne, Capotondi Lucilla, Bernasconi Stefano M., Mascle Jean (2009). Evolution of the Nile deep-sea turbidite system during the Late Quaternary: influence of climate change on fan sedimentation. Sedimentology, 56(7), 2061-2090.

Bayon Germain, Loncke L., Dupre StephanieORCID, Caprais Jean-Claude, Ducassou E., Duperron Sebastien, Etoubleau Joel, Foucher Jean-Paul, Fouquet Yves, Gontharet S., Henderson G. M., Huguen Caroline, Klaucke I., Mascle J., Migeon S., Olu-Le-Roy KarineORCID, Ondreas Helene, Pierre C., Sibuet Myriam, Stadnitskaia A., Woodside J. (2009). Multi-disciplinary investigation of fluid seepage on an unstable margin: The case of the Central Nile deep sea fan. Marine Geology, 261(1-4), 92-104. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Loncke Lies, Gaullier Virginie, Droz Laurence, Ducassou Emmanuelle, Migeon Sebastien, Mascle Jean (2009). Multi-scale slope instabilities along the Nile deep-sea fan, Egyptian margin: A general overview. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 26(5), 633-646.

Ducassou Ernmanuelle, Mulder Thierry, Migeon Sebastien, Gonthier Eliane, Murat Anne, Revel Marie, Capotondi Lucilla, Bernasconi Stefano M., Mascle Jean, Zaragosi Sebastien (2008). Nile floods recorded in deep Mediterranean sediments. Quaternary Research, 70(3), 382-391.

Garziglia Sebastien, Migeon Sebastien, Ducassou Emmanuelle, Loncke Lies, Mascle Jean (2008). Mass-transport deposits on the Rosetta province (NW Nile deep-sea turbidite system, Egyptian margin): Characteristics, distribution, and potential causal processes. Marine Geology, 250(3-4), 180-198.

Zitter T, Henry P, Aloisi G, Delaygue G, Cagatay M, de Lepinay B, Al Samir M, Fornacciari F, Tesmer M, Pekdeger A, Wallmann K, Lericolais GillesORCID (2008). Cold seeps along the main Marmara Fault in the Sea of Marmara (Turkey). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 55(4), 552-570. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ducassou E., Capotondi L., Murat A., Bernasconi S. M., Mulder T., Gonthier E., Migeon S., Duprat J., Giraudeau J., Mascle J. (2007). Multiproxy late quaternary stratigraphy of the Nile deep-sea turbidite system - Towards a chronology of deep-sea terrigeneous systems. Sedimentary Geology, 200(1-2), 1-13.

Garziglia S., Ioulalen M., Migeon S., Ducassou E., Mascle J., Sardou O., Brosolo L. (2007). Triggering factors and tsunamigenic potential of a large submarine mass failure on the western Nile margin (Rosetta area, Egypt). Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 27, 347-355.

References of Technical Reports

(2004) MD 138/VANIL (Transit VAlorisé NIL) à bord du Marion Dufresne - Limassol (Chypre), le 28 avril 2004 - Cannakkale (Turquie), le 04 mai 2004. OCE/2004/05.

(2004) MARMARAVT ASSEMBLAGE 1 - Chypre : Limassol 29 Avril 2004 - Istanbul : 7 Mai 2004.

References of International Seminar Communications

Ducassou E., Capotondi L., Migeon S., Mascle J., 2007, Approche originale sur l?origine des coulées de débris au sein du système turbiditique profond du Nil. 11e Congrès ASF, Caen, Livre des résumés, p. 104.

Ducassou, E., Migeon S., Mulder T., Murat A., Capotondi L., Bernasconi S., Mascle J., 2007, Contrôles climatique et glacio-eustatique sur la construction des systèmes turbiditiques de la marge nilotique au cours du Quaternaire récent. 11e Congrès ASF, Caen, Livre des résumés, p. 102.

Ducassou, E., Mulder T., Migeon S., Zaragosi S., Revel-Rolland M., Mascle J., 2007, les crues du Nil : enregistrement sédimentaire, processus et implications. 11e Congrès ASF, Caen, Livre des résumés, p. 103.

Ducassou E., Migeon S., Mulder T., Gonthier E., Murat A., Bernasconi S., Duprat J., Capotondi L., Mascle J. (2005) - Le système turbiditique profond du Nil : caractérisation et évolution des processus sédimentaires au cours du Quaternaire récent, ASF, Presqu?île-de-Giens 11-13 octobre 2005, communication orale

Ducassou E., Carbonel P., Bernasconi S., Duprat J., Murat A. , Gonthier E., Mulder T., Mascle J. and Migeon S. (2005)- La stratigraphie des derniers 250 000 ans sur l?éventail profond du Nil, ASF, Presqu?île-de-Giens 11-13 octobre 2005, poster

Ducassou E., Migeon S., Murat A., Gonthier E., Bernasconi S., Capotondi L., Mulder T., Mascle J., Duprat J. (2005)- Palaeoceanographical reconstructions of the Nile deep-sea fan during late Quaternary - Characterization and evolution of sedimentary processes, AAPG, Paris 11-14 septembre 2005, poster

Garziglia S., Migeon S., 2005, Approches géophysique, sédimentologique et géotechnique pour l?étude de glissements sous-marins : le cas du delta profond du Nil : congrès ASF, Presqu?île de Giens, communication orale.

Garziglia S., Migeon S., Ducassou E., Mascle J., Lebourg T., Tric E., 2005, Giant submarine landslides in the Nile deep-sea fan (eastern Mediterranean): an integrated study made from geophysical, sedimentological, geotechnical data, and numerical experiment : 2nd International Symposium "Submarine mass-movements and their consequences", Oslo, September 2005, communication orale.

Migeon S., Garibaldi C., Ducassou E., Mascle J., Gonthier E., Mulder T., 2005, Construction et migration des systèmes chenaux-levées et des lobes distaux du système profond du Nil (Méditerranée orientale) : congrès ASF, Presqu?île de Giens, communication orale.

Ducassou E., Murat A., Migeon S., Gonthier E., Mulder T., Mascle J., Bernasconi S., Carbonel P. (2004) - The Nile deep-sea fan: detailed study of the quaternary sedimentary deposits, 32nd IGC, Florence 20-28 août 2004, communication orale

Ducassou E., Carbonel P., Bernasconi S., Duprat J., Murat A. , Gonthier E., Mulder T., Mascle J. and Migeon S. (2004)- Water mass circulation in the distal part of the eastern Nile deep-sea fan during the last 125 ky: faunal and isotopic records. 8th International Conference on Palaeoceanography, Biarritz 6-10 septembre 2004, poster

Ducassou E., Murat A., Gonthier E., Migeon S., Courp T., Carbonel P., Bernasconi S., Capotondi L., Müller C., Loncke L., Mulder T., Mascle J. (2004)- The Nile deep-sea fan: sedimentary processes during the late Quaternary - preliminary results, CIESM, Barcelone 7-11 juin 2004, communication orale

Loncke, L., Migeon S., Gaullier V., Droz, L., and Mascle J., 2004. Characteristics of slope instabilities of the Nile deep-sea fan, CIESM conference, Barcelona, 7-11 june 2004, communication orale

Mascle J., Loncke L., Camera L., and Migeon S. (2004)- An integrated study of the Nile Deep-Sea Fan. EAGE Congress, Paris juin 2004, communication orale

Migeon S., Mascle J. et al. (2004)- Sediment dispersal and deposition in the Nile Deep-Sea Fan : Impact of gravity flows and mass-wasting events. ATOM Workshop, Monaco 25-29 octobre 2004, communication orale

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Cynthia GARIBALDI, Avril 2005-Juin 2005, « Étude des phénomènes d?avulsion des chenaux sous-marins du delta profond du Nil ». Rapport de Master1, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Sébastien GARZIGLIA, Jan. 2005-Juin 2005, « Étude de glissements sous-marins dans le delta du Nil par des outils géophysiques, géotechniques et de modélisation numérique ». Rapport de Master2, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Thesis using campaign data

Rouillard P. (soutenance janvier 2010), Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, financement CIFRE (GdF-Suez).

Ducassou E. (soutenance novembre 2006), Université Bordeaux 1, cotutelle UMR Géosciences Azur.