Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Marion Dufresne
Ship owner TAAF
Dates 03/01/2004 - 09/02/2004
Chief scientist(s) MORROW-GREINER Rosemary


14 avenue Edouard Belin

31400 Toulouse

+33 (0)5 61 33 47 13


DOI 10.17600/4200050

The FLOSTRAL program took place during the VIGO cruise. from 3 January to 9 February 2004. Floats were released during the KERGUEPLAC 1 cruise from 11 February to 15 March 2004 and during the logistics rotation from 19 March to 14 April 2004. This cruise's objectives are to better understand the mechanisms behind the circulation of modal waters in the Southern Indian Ocean, to identify in-situ where and when they form and their modifications underway and set up a network of PROVOR floats in 2003-2004 in the Southern Indian Ocean in order to monitor and quantify the recirculation of modal and intermediate waters. The related programs are PATOM and GMMC. The map shows the positions where PROVOR floats were deployed in the FLOSTRAL-II project. The bathymetry is shown in grey. The black line shows the route of the Marion-Dufresne II during a "normal" OISO cruise between Reunion Island, Crozet, Kerguelen, Amsterdam, and back to Reunion Island. The red lines show the route from Madagascar to Crozet and Kerguelen to Reunion Island - Kerguelen in January 2004. The yellow dots are the PROVOR floats to be deployed at depths of 1,900 m. The green dots correspond to pairs of PROVOR floats which were to be deployed at 500 m and 1 900 m depths. The empty dots correspond to FLOSTRAL-I deployments in January 2003. The solid line at 32 deg S represents the latitude where 25 ARGO/UK floats were released in early 2002.

Data managed by SISMER



Boutin Jacqueline, Merlivat L., Henocq C., Martin Nicolas, Sallee Jean-Baptiste (2008). Air-sea CO2 flux variability in frontal regions of the Southern Ocean from CARbon Interface OCean Atmosphere drifters. Limnology And Oceanography, 53(5, part 2), 2062-2079. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2062 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00204/31483/

Morrow Rosemary, Valladeau Guillaume, Sallee Jean-Baptiste (2008). Observed subsurface signature of Southern Ocean sea level rise. Progress In Oceanography, 77(4), 351-366. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2007.03.002

Sallee J. B., Morrow R., Speer K. (2008). Eddy heat diffusion and subantarctic mode water formation. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(L05607), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1029/2007GL032827

Sallee Jean-Baptiste, Wienders Nicolas, Speer Kevin, Morrow Rosemary (2006). Formation of subantarctic mode water in the southeastern Indian Ocean. Ocean Dynamics, 56(5-6), 525-542. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-005-0054-x

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Sallee J. B., Speer Kevin, Morrow R., Lumpkin R. (2008). An estimate of Lagrangian eddy statistics and diffusion in the mixed layer of the Southern Ocean. Journal Of Marine Research, 66(4), 441-463.

Sallée J.B. Un Océan aux antipodes qui influence notre climat, OMP newsletter, 2008.

Sallée, J.B.; Speer, K and Morrow, R. Southern Ocean fronts and their variability to climate modes, Journ. of Climate, 2008, Vol. 21(12), pp. 3020-3039.

Sallée, J.B. and Morrow, R. Salinity calibration for the Southern Ocean ARGO data. Coriolis newsletter, 3, july 2006.

Speer, K. ; N. Wienders ; J.B. Sallée ; R. Morrow, 2005. Circulation of Subantarctic Mode Water in the Indian Southern Ocean from ARGO and ALACE floats. Clivar Exchanges, No. 35, 53-55.

Speer, K. ; N. Wienders ; J.B. Sallée ; R. Morrow, 2005. Surface Layer heat Flux Variability in the SouthEastern Indian Ocean. Clivar Exchanges, No. 35, 36-37.

References of Technical Reports

Sallée J.B. and Morrow R. Delayed mode salinity quality control of Southern Ocean ARGO floats. Legos technical report, Toulouse, 2007.

Morrow, R.A., (2005). Final report on the FLOSTRAL-I and - II data - 2003-2005. Contrat IFREMER-LEGOS.

Morrow, R.A., (2004). Preliminary report on the FLOSTRAL- I data - January-May 2003. Contrat IFREMER-LEGOS.

References of International Seminar Communications

Koch-Larrouy, A. and R. Morrow, "Intermediate and mode water formation, transformation and export in the Southern Indian Ocean". 9th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorolgoy and Oceanography, Melbourne Australia.

Barbero-Muñoz, L; Boutin, J; Merlivat, L; Sallée, J B; Takahashi, T; Sutherland, S C; TIME-SERIES STUDY OF THE AIR-SEA CO2 FLUX IN FRONTAL REGIONS OF THE SOUTHERN OCEAN FROM IN SITU DATA. 2008 EGU General Assembly. 13-18 April 2008. Vienna Austria. Sallée, J.B., Morrow, R. and Speer, K. Mode Water Formation in the Southern Ocean. AGU Ocean Science, Orlando, USA. 2-7 March 2008. Invited talk.

Barbero-Muñoz, L; Boutin, J; Merlivat, L; Sallée, J B; Takahashi, T; Sutherland, S C; TIME-SERIES STUDY OF THE AIR-SEA CO2 FLUX IN FRONTAL REGIONS OF THE SOUTHERN OCEAN FROM IN SITU DATA. 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting. 2-7 March 2008, Orlando USA.

Morrow, R. 2008. "Eddies and fronts". Workshop on "Mesoscale and Submesoscale Oceanic Processes: Explorations with Wide-Swath Interferometry Radar Altimetry", Scripps Inst Oceangr, La Jolla, CA, USA.

Morrow, R. 2008. La circulation océanique vue de l?Espace. Invited Paper, Colloque CFNGG, UNESCO, Paris, France.

Morrow, R., F. D?Ovidio, A. Koch-Larrouy, JB Sallee, 2008. "Eddy mixing and diffusion in the Southern Ocean from altimetry". OSTST Jason-2 Meeting, Nice, France.

Sallée J.B. and Speer, K. Eddy diffusion and the upper Cell of the Southern Ocean. AGU Ocean Science, Orlando, USA. 2-7 March 2008.

Sallée, J.B. Southern Ocean Mode Waters. CSIRO seminar, Hobart, July 2008.

Sallée, J.B., Speer, K, Morrow, R. and Lumpkin, R. An estimate of the Lagragian eddy statistics and diffusion in the mixed layer of the Southern Ocean. 2008 EGU General Assembly. 13-18 April 2008. Vienna Austria. Invited talk.

Morrow, R.; Sallée, J.-B.; Speer, K.; Lumpkin, R."Lagrangian estimation of turbulent diffusion in the Southern ocean" Invited Paper, EGU, Vienna.

Barbero-Muñoz, L., Boutin, J., Merlivat, J. and Sallée, J.B. Air-sea CO2 fluxes in frontal regions of the Southern Ocean from in situ data. CARBOOCEAN 3rd annual meeting. 4-7 Dec. 2007, Bremen Germany.

Morrow, R. G. Valladeau, J.B. Sallee, 2007. Observed subsurface signature of Southern Ocean sea level rise, OSTST Jason-1 Meeting, Hobart, Australia.

Sallée J.B. and Speer, K. Morrow,R. Response of the ACC to Atmospheric Variability. SWT-OSTST Meeting in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 12-15 March 2007. Morrow, R. G. Valladeau, J.B. Sallee, 2007. Observed subsurface signature of Southern Ocean sea level rise, IUGG, Perugia, Italy.

Sallee J.B., Speer, K. and Morrow R. Continuity and Variability of Antarctic Circumpolar Fronts. Ocean Science Meeting Hawaii, 20-24 February 2006.

Sallee J.B.,Wienders N., Morrow R., and Speer K. Formation of Subantarctic Mode Water in the Southeastern Indian Ocean. CSIRO seminar, Hobart, February 2006.

Sallée J.B., Wienders N., Morrow R., and Speer K. Formation of Subantarctic Mode Water inthe Southeastern Indian Ocean. Ocean Science Meeting Hawaii, 20-24 February 2006.

Sallée, J.B.; R. Morrow, K. Speer, N. Wienders. Forcing mechanisms for SAMW formation : role of eddies vs Ekman transport. Second ARGO science meeting. Venice, Italy. 13-18 March, 2006.

Morrow, R. , F. Birol, A. Chaigneau, J.-R. Donguy, D. Griffin, J.-B. Sallee, S. Rintoul, K. Speer, J. Sudre, N. Wienders. 2005. Eddy heat and salt transport in the Southern Ocean. Modelling, observing, and forecasting sea level, ocean tides and ocean circulation: reviews and recent progress. Colloquium in honour and in memory of Christian LeProvost. Toulouse, France. March 2005.

Morrow, R., J.B. Sallée, N. Wienders, K. Speer. Heat and freshwater budgets for SAMW formation: role of eddies vs Ekman transport. 2005 IAG/IAPSO/IABO Joint Assembly. Cairns, Australia, August 2005.

Sallée, J.B.; R. Morrow, N. Wienders, K. Speer. Heat budget in the SAMW formation area. EGU Second Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 24-29th 2005.

Wienders, N., K. Speer, J.B. Sallée, R. Morrow. Heat Balance in the Southeastern Indian Ocean From Float Data. American Geophysical Union, 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 13-17th, 2004

References of National Seminar Communications

Sallée J.B. Mode Waters in the Southern Ocean . Ph.D thesis defense, Toulouse, 5 Nov 2007.

J.-B. Sallee and R. Morrow. Delayed-mode calibration of ARGO profile in the Southern Oceans (30Sud/75Sud). 3th ARGO-France meeting - Centre Ifremer de Brest - 11 and 12 may 2006.

R. Morrow et J.-B. Sallee, and K. Speer. FLOSTRAL project review. GMMC meeting, Toulouse, December 2006.

Sallée, J.B.; R. Morrow, K. Speer. Suivi des fronts de l'océan austral avec les données ARGO et satellitaires. 3th ARGO-France meeting - Centre Ifremer de Brest - 11 and 12 may 2006.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Sallee, J.-B. (2004). Circulation des eaux modales dans l?océan Indien sud-ouest. Rapport de DEA « Océan-Atmosphère-Environnement », Université Toulouse III.

Valladeau, G. (2003). Contrôle de qualité des flotteurs ARGO dans l?océan Indien sud. Rapport de stage, ESIM, option Génie Marine.

Thesis using campaign data

Sallee, J.-B. (2004-2007). Circulation et modification des eaux modales dans l'océan austral. Univ Toulouse III.