Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Cote D'Aquitaine
Ship owner CNRS
Dates 10/09/2000 - 13/10/2000
Chief scientist(s) HILY Christian, LE LOC'H François ORCID


Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Rue Dumont d'Urville

29280 Plouzané

+33(0)2 98 49 86 40

DOI 10.17600/410020
Objective The INTRIGAS I cruise specifically aimed to: describe the population structures of benthic invertebrates and demersal fish for the main hydrological and sedimentary units in the Bay of Biscay (in terms of species present, abundance and biomass) and define the network of biotic interactions with and between these two populations. (Which are the structuring species? What are the resource species? What tropic types are predominant? Do prey species condition the type and abundance of their predators?). The INTRIGAS cruises fall under the Bay of Biscay study in the national coastal environment programme (PNEC), Benthic ecosystems project: natural and anthropogenic impacts, Strand 1 Dynamics and anthropogenic forcing on benthic populations of the Bay of Biscay: the case of the Grande Vasière mudflat. The cruise had 2 legs: 10-11 September and 11-13 October.



Chaalali Aurelie, Saint-Beat Blanche, Lassalle Geraldine, Le Loc'h Francois, Tecchio Samuele, Safi Georges, Savenkoff Claude, Lobry Jeremy, Niquil Nathalie (2015). A new modeling approach to define marine ecosystems food-web status with uncertainty assessment. Progress In Oceanography, 135, 37-47.

Le Loc'h Francois, Hily Christian, Grall Jacques (2008). Benthic community and food web structure on the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay (North Eastern Atlantic) revealed by stable isotopes analysis. Journal Of Marine Systems, 72(1-4), 17-34.

Hily Christian, Le Loc'h Francois, Grall J., Glemarec M. (2008). Soft bottom macrobenthic communities of North Biscay revisited: Long-term evolution under fisheries-climate forcing. Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science, 78(2), 413-425.

Le Loc'h Francois, Hily Christian (2005). Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of Nephrops norvegicus Merluccius merluccius fishing grounds in the Bay of Biscay (Northeast Atlantic). Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences, 62(1), 123-132.

Blanchard FabianORCID, Le Loc'h Francois, Hily Christian, Boucher Jean (2004). Fishing effects on diversity, size and community structure of the benthic invertebrate and fish megafauna on the Bay of Biscay coast of France. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 280, 249-260. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Technical Reports

Minerau Amelie (2006). Etude des sédiments superficiels constituants de la Grande Vasière. Contrat n°2 06 82 228.

Herbland Alain (2002). Chantier Golfe de Gascogne. Rôle des forçages naturels et anthropiques sur les écosystemes et les principales ressources halieutiques du golfe de Gascogne. Rapport mi-parcours.