Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set FRONTALIS
Ship Alis
Ship owner IRD
Dates 31/03/2004 - 30/04/2004
Chief scientist(s) GANACHAUD Alexandre


101 promenade Roger Laroque



(+687) 26 10 00

DOI 10.17600/4100040
Objective The main objective of the FRONTALIS cruises was to study the frontal zone through detailed observations, to understand the mechanisms behind its formation in physical (CTD, S-ADCP, L_ADCP, TSG, and drifting buoy measurements) and biogeochemical (NO2, NO3, PO3, pCO2, plankton and Chla measurements) terms, and those which maintain it, as well as its role in ocean-atmosphere exchanges. The secondary objective of the FRONTALIS surveys was to study the long-term variability of hydrological parameters along the 165 deg E transect. This section was regularly sampled (about fifty times) between 1984 and 2002, at depths ranging from 0 to 1,000 m, and for some cruises, deeper than 2,000 m. It is one of the longest series of surveys made along the same track in the open sea. The two aims of this FRONTALIS cruise, ie, studying the zonal front and study of long-term oceanic variability are part of the PNEDC 2002-2004 project called "Pacific ENSO: mechanisms, long term variability and predictability". The FRONTALIS-3 survey and the PNEDC project are within the framework of the international CLIVAR/GOALS (CLImate VARiability and predictability / Global Ocean Atmosphere Land System) program which is itself under the aegis of the World Climate Research Program. This survey also continued the French contribution to the international TAO/TRITON array, through work done on moorings at 2 deg S. Comments on the cruise's progression: - Departure delayed until 2 April, due to replacement of power inverter and crew on strike. Ten stations were cancelled due to bad weather between 8 deg S and 19 deg S.

Data managed by SISMER



Cravatte Sophie, Kestenare Elodie, Eldin Gerard, Ganachaud Alexandre, Lefevre Jerome, Marin Frederic, Menkes Christophe, Aucan Jerome (2015). Regional circulation around New Caledonia from two decades of observations. Journal Of Marine Systems, 148, 249-271.

Ganachaud A., Cravatte S., Melet A., Schiller A., Holbrook N. J., Sloyan B. M., Widlansky M. J., Bowen M., Verron J., Wiles P., Ridgway K., Sutton P., Sprintall J., Steinberg C., Brassington G., Cai W., Davis R., Gasparin F., Gourdeau L., Hasegawa T., Kessler W., Maes C., Takahashi K., Richards K. J., Send U. (2014). The Southwest Pacific Ocean circulation and climate experiment (SPICE). Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 119(11), 7660-7686. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cravatte Sophie, Kessler William S., Marin Frederic (2012). Intermediate Zonal Jets in the Tropical Pacific Ocean Observed by Argo Floats. Journal Of Physical Oceanography, 42(9), 1475-1485.

Radenac Marie-Helene, Leger Fabien, Singh Awnesh, Delcroix Thierry (2012). Sea surface chlorophyll signature in the tropical Pacific during eastern and central Pacific ENSO events. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 117, -.

Terray Laurent, Corre Lola, Cravatte Sophie, Delcroix Thierry, Reverdin Gilles, Ribes Aurelien (2012). Near-Surface Salinity as Nature's Rain Gauge to Detect Human Influence on the Tropical Water Cycle. Journal Of Climate, 25(3), 958-977.

Singh Awnesh, Delcroix Thierry (2011). Estimating the effects of ENSO upon the observed freshening trends of the western tropical Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(L21607), 1-6. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gasparin Florent, Ganachaud Alexandre, Maes Christophe (2011). A western boundary current east of New Caledonia: Observed characteristics. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 58(9), 956-969.

Singh Awnesh, Delcroix Thierry, Cravatte Sophie (2011). Contrasting the flavors of El Nino-Southern Oscillation using sea surface salinity observations. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 116(C06016), 1-16. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Delcroix Thierry, Alory G., Cravatte S., Correge T., McPhaden M. J. (2011). A gridded sea surface salinity data set for the tropical Pacific with sample applications (1950-2008). Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 58(1), 38-48.

Cravatte Sophie, Ganachaud Alexandre, Duong Quoc-Phi, Kessler William S., Eldin Gerard, Dutrieux Pierre (2011). Observed circulation in the Solomon Sea from SADCP data. Progress In Oceanography, 88(1-4), 116-130.

Marin Frederic, Kestenare Elodie, Delcroix Thierry, Durand Fabien, Cravatte Sophie, Eldin Gerard, Bourdalle-Badie Romain (2010). Annual Reversal of the Equatorial Intermediate Current in the Pacific: Observations and Model Diagnostics. Journal Of Physical Oceanography, 40(5), 915-933.

Maes Christophe, Sudre Loupe Joeel, Garcon Veronique (2010). Detection of the Eastern Edge of the Equatorial Pacific Warm Pool Using Satellite-Based Ocean Color Observations. Sola, 6, 129-132. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Cravatte Sophie, Delcroix Thierry, Zhang Dongxiao, McPhaden Michael, Leloup Julie (2009). Observed freshening and warming of the western Pacific Warm Pool. Climate Dynamics, 33(4), 565-589.

Maes Christophe (2008). On the ocean salinity stratification observed at the eastern edge of the equatorial Pacific warm pool. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans, 113(C03027), 1-15. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :