Type Campagne océanographique
Série Cette campagne fait partie de la série de campagnes PELACUS
Navire Thalassa
Propriétaire navire Ifremer
Dates 29/03/2004 - 25/04/2004
Chef(s) de mission PORTEIRO Carmela



Anevida de Brasil No 31

28020 MADRID

+34 915 974443

DOI 10.17600/4003027

Étude de la distribution et l'évaluation par la méthode d'écho-intégration acoustique des populations de sardine du sud de l'Europe (du Golfe de Cadix à la mer Celtique).

Résultats majeurs

Données archivées au Sismer



Santos M. Begoña, Gonzalez-Quiros Rafael, Riveiro Isabel, Cabanas Jose M., Porteiro Carmela, Pierce Graham J. (2012). Cycles, trends, and residual variation in the Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus) recruitment series and their relationship with the environment. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 69(5), 739-750. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bode A, Varela Mm, Teira E, Fernandez E, Gonzalez N, Varela M (2004). Planktonic carbon and nitrogen cycling off northwest Spain: variations in production of particulate and dissolved organic pools. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 37(1), 95-107. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Somarakis S, Palomera I, Garcia A, Quintanilla L, Koutsikopoulos C, Uriarte A, Motos L (2004). Daily Egg Production of anchovy in European waters. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 61(6), 944-958. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Calvo-Diaz A, Moran Xag, Nogueira E, Bode A, Varela M (2004). Picoplankton community structure along the northern Iberian continental margin in late winter-early spring. Journal Of Plankton Research, 26(9), 1069-1081.

Villamor B, Abaunza P, Farina Ac (2004). Growth variability of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) off north and northwest Spain and a comparative review of the growth patterns in the northeast Atlantic. Fisheries Research, 69(1), 107-121.

Moran Xag, Fernandez E, Perez V (2004). Size-fractionated primary production, bacterial production and net community production in subtropical and tropical domains of the oligotrophic NE Atlantic in autumn. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 274, 17-29. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bode A, Alvarez-Ossorio Mt (2004). Taxonomic versus trophic structure of mesozooplankton: a seasonal study of species succession and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in a coastal upwelling ecosystem. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 61(4), 563-571. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Nogueira E, Gonzalez-Nuevo G, Bode A, Varela M, Moran Xag, Valdes L (2004). Comparison of biomass and size spectra derived from optical plankton counter data and net samples: application to the assessment of mesoplankton distribution along the Northwest and North Iberian Shelf. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 61(4), 508-517. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bode Antonio, Alvarez-Ossorio María Teresa, Carrera Pablo, Lorenzo Jorge (2004). Reconstruction of trophic pathways between plankton and the North Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus) using stable isotopes. Scientia Marina, 68(1), 165-178.

Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline

Villamor B, Bernal M, Hernandez C (2004). Models describing mackerel (Scomber scombrus) early life growth in the North and Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula in 2000. Scientia Marina, 68(4), 571-583.

Bode A, Alvarez-Ossorio Mt, Carrera P, Lorenzo J (2004). Reconstruction of trophic pathways between plankton and the North Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus) using stable isotopes. Scientia Marina, 68(1), 165-178.

Références des rapports techniques

Abaunza, P., A. Murta, S. Mattiuci, R. Cimmaruta, G. Nascetti, A. Magoulas, A. Sanjuán, S. Comesaña, K. Mackenzie, J. Molloy, S.A. Iversen, G. Dahle, L. Gordo, C. Stransky, C. Zimmermann, M.T.G. Santamaría, P. Ramos, R. Quintana, A.L. Pereira, A. Ruggi y N. Campbell. 2004. Stock discrimination of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean sea: integrating the resultss from different stock identification approaches. ICES CM 2004/EE:19.

Anon., 2004. Report of the Assessment of Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Sardine and Anchovy. ICES CM 2004/ACFM: 06.

Anon., 2004. Report of the Study Group on Regional Scale Ecology of Small Pelagic Fishes. ICES CM 2004 / G:06

Bernal, M., Stratoudakis, Y., Quintanilla, L.F., Borchers, D.L. y Wood, S. 2004. Spatial estimates of Iberian sardine SSB (Spawning Stock Biomass) using improved Daily Egg Production Method. WD to the GLOBEC-SPACC Meeting on Small pelagic fish Spawning Habitat dynamics and the Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM). Concepción (Chile), 12-16 enero 2004.

Bernal, M., Y. Stratoudakis, M. Lonergan, A. Lago de Lanzós, C. Franco, L. Valdés y D. Borchers. 2004. Applying new statistical tools to improve DEPM-based estimates of spawning biomass of Ibero-Atlantic sardine (Sardina pilchardus, Walb.). GLOBEC-SPACC Working Document.

Bode, A., Carrera, P. y Porteiro, C. 2004. Stable isotopes reveal weak dependence of trophic position of planktivorous fishes from individual size: a consequence of omnivorism and mobility. International Conference on Isotopes in Environmental Studies - Aquatic Forum 2004, Monte-Carlo, Monaco, 25-29 Octubre 2004.

González-Nuevo, G., Nogueira, E., Bernal, M., Amez, M. y Valdés, L. 2004. Extrusion or clogging, what is the principal problem comparing nets with optical plankton counter (OPC)?. Colloque International d'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne, Book of Abstracts, pp: 69.

González-Pola C., A. Lavín, X.A.G. Morán, C. García-Soto, M.A. Qurban, D.J. Hydes y B.A. Kelly-Gerreyn. 2004. Linking FerryBox and research ship survey data in the Bay of Biscay. FerryBox Open Conference, Southampton (Reino Unido), 4-5 Octubre 2004.

González-Pola, C., B. Villamor, A. Lavín, A. Lago de Lanzós, C. Franco y J.M. Cabanas. 2004. A decrease in larval survival of mackerel after an intense strong wind event in spring in the southwest Bay of Biscay. ICES Symposium: The Influence of Climate Change on North Atlantic Fish Stocks. Bergen (Norway) 11-14 May 2004.

Hernández, C., Punzón, A. y Gancedo, R. 2004. Demersal and pelagic effort variation in VIIIc and Ixa ICES Divisions due to "Prestige" oil spill. 9º Coloquio Golfo de Vizcaya. Pau (Francia).

Jiménez, P., M. Bernal y Z. Romero. 2004. Bocadeva 0604 survey preliminary results. Working Document to ICES SGSBSA.

Morán, X.A.G., E. Fernández y V. Pérez. 2004. Planktonic biomass and production in oligotrophic waters of the N Atlantic Subtropìcal Gyre: Size-fractionated measurements and metabolic balance. ASLO/TOS 2004 Ocean Research Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Nogueira, E. 2004. State of the art of, and new findings in, phytoplankton ecology. Annual Report of the ICES WGPE, ICES CM 2004/2CPE (Annex 7, pp: 39-43).

Nogueira, E., Acuña, J. L., García-Soto, C., e Irigoien, X. 2004. Dynamics of spring phytoplankton blooms in the Cantabrian Sea (Project DINAPROFIT). Preliminary results from an intensive mesoscale sampling. Colloque International d'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne, Book of Abstracts, pp: 74.

Nogueira, E., X.A.G. Morán, M. Varela, A. Bode y R. Anadón. 2004. Annual phytoplankton status report (Spanish case). Annual Report of the ICES WGPE, ICES CM 2004/2CPE (Annex 7, pp: 20-33).

Olaso, I., P. Abaunza, B. Villamor, A. Lago de Lanzós, C. Porteiro, C. Franco, J.R. Perez y F. Velasco. 2004. Mackerel egg predation by cannibalism during the spawning season. ICES CM 2004/ DD: 13,.

Pérez, V., Fernández, E., Bode, A., Carrera, P., Castro, B., Ceballos, E., Lorenzo, J., Peña, M., Varela, M., y Varela, M.M. 2004. Close coupling between phytoplankton size structure and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) biomass in frontal systems of the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula. ICES CM 2004/Q:25.

Informe Pelacus 0404. Subdirección IEO.

Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux

Bernal, M., Stratoudakis, Y., Lonergan, M., Lago de Lanzós, M., Franco, C., Valdés, L., Borchers, D. and Wood, S., 2004. Applying new statistical tools to improve DEPM-based estimates of spawning biomass of Ibero Atlantic sardine (Sardina pilchardus, Walb.). GLOBEC-SPACC Meeting: Spawning habitat quality and dynamics and the Daily Egg Production Method. Concepción, Chile, 14-16 January 2004 (presentation + extended abstract). Présentations (oral / affiches).

Bode, A., Carrera, P., Lorenzo, J., Porteiro, C., Santos, M.B. and Cabanas, J.M., 2004. Natural abundance of stable nitrogen isotopes reflect changes in pelagic food webs and mobility of size classes of the north Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus). ICES CM 2004/Q:07. Présentations (oral / affiches).

Bode, A., Lorenzo, J., Amez, M., Valdés, L. and Varela, M., 2004. Low enrichment in stable isotopes of mesozooplankton suggests predominance of microbial food webs in the Mar Cantábrico (S. Bay of Biscay). ICES CM 2004/Q:08. Présentations (oral / affiches).

Estévez-Blanco, P., Fernández, E., Bode, A., Castiñeira, F., Lorenzo, J., and Varela, M., 2004. Primary production rates along the northwestern Iberian coastal transition zone estimated from Fast Repetition Rate (FRR) fluorometry. ICES CM 2004/Q:03. Présentations (oral / affiches)

González-Nuevo, G., Nogueira, E., Morán, X.A.G., Varela, M., Bode, A. 2004. Mesoplankton biomass along the NW and N Iberian shelf during the winter-spring transition of 2002 and 2003: relationship with the hydrographic scenario and phytoplankton distribution. 2004. 9eme Colloque International d?Oceanographie du Golfe de Gascogne. Pau (France), 10-12 June 2004. Présentations (oral / affiches)

Marques, V., Carrera, P., Morais, A., Miquel, J., Porteiro, C. and Stratoudakis, Y., 2004. Consistency of the acoustic spring surveys off the Iberian Peninsula. ICES CM 2004/Q:16. Présentations (oral / affiches)

Nogueira, E., Bode, A., Varela, M., Morán, X.A.G., 2004. Pentadal variability (2000-2004) of thermohaline properties and chlorophyll a distribution in the NW and N Iberian shelf during the winter-spring transition. ICES CM 2004/P:04. Présentations (oral / affiches).

Pérez, V., Fernández, E., Bode, A., Carrera, P., Castro, B., Ceballos, E., Lorenzo, J., Peña, M., Varela, M., and Varela, M.M., 2004. Close coupling between phytoplankton size structure and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) biomass in frontal systems of the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula. ICES CM 2004/Q:25 (poster). Présentations (oral / affiches)

Silva, A., Santos, M.B., Morais, A., Carrera, P., Alvarez, P., Jorge, A., Peleteiro, E., Caneco, B., Porteiro, C., and Uriarte, A., 2004. Geographic variability in sardine maturity and growth within the Atlanto-Iberian stock area. ICES CM 2004/Q:15. Présentations (oral / affiches)

Stratoudakis, Y., Coombs, S., Halliday, N., Conway, D., Smyth, T., Costas, G., Franco, C., Lago de Lanzós, A., Bernal, M., Silva, A., Santos, M.B., Alvarez, P. and Santos, M., 2004. Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) spawning season in the North East Atlantic and relationships with sea surface temperature. ICES CM 2004/Q:19. Présentations (oral / affiches)