Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 15/02/2003 - 25/06/2003
Chief scientist(s) JEANDEL Catherine ORCID, VAN BEEK Pieter


14 avenue Edouard Belin

31400 Toulouse

+33 (0)5 61 33 47 13

DOI 10.17600/3450010
Objective The goals of BARMED are 1) to determine apparent kinetics (a)- for barite formation in the water column, and (b)- for barite dissolution/precipitation in benthic layers; 2) to identify (a)- the species that may accumulate Ba and precipitate barite, (b)- the yield between a trophic association, a biogenic Ba accumulation and the corresponding export of barite, and (c)- the source of Ba regeneration at the water-sediment interface; 3) to confirm (or invalidate) empirical algorithms proposed by Francois et al. (1995), Dehairs et al. (1997), and Paytan et al. (1996) between barite formation and export production. With this aim, we propose a multidisciplinary approach of barite synthesis in the water column and of its preservation during its vertical transport and in surface sediments. We suggest the determination of the seasonal variability of the barium/barite distribution in dissolved and all accessible particulate fractions (including phytoplankton, zooplankton and aggregates) between the January 2003 and the july 2003, at the DYFAMED site. Our approach consists in coupling a non-destructive observation of the samples (MEB, optical obs. And counting) to chemical analysis. Biological determinations will be conducted carefully, crossing several approaches (for ex. for phytoplankton: species determination using optical microscopy, MEB, via pigments and via flux cytometry). We will combine these measurements to those of 234Th (indicator of export production) and of radium isotopes (identification of the depth to which barite is formed). This project involves six national laboratories and is carried out in collaboration with two international laboratories. The dates of the departures and arrivals are: 15/02/2003, 23-24/03/2003, 9-10/04/2003, 15-16/05/2003, 24-25/06/2003.

Data managed by SISMER



Grenier M., Van Beek P., Lerner P., Sanial V., Souhaut M., Marchal O., Reyss J.L. (2023). New insights on the 7Be cycle in the ocean. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 194, 103967 (14p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ramondenc Simon, Goutx Madeleine, Lombard Fabien, Santinelli Chiara, Stemmann Lars, Gorsky Gabriel, Guidi Lionel (2016). An initial carbon export assessment in the Mediterranean Sea based on drifting sediment traps and the Underwater Vision Profiler data sets. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 117, 107-119.

Guidi Lionel, Stemmann Lars, Jackson George A., Ibanez Frederic, Claustre Herve, Legendre Louis, Picheral Marc, Gorsky Gabriel (2009). Effects of phytoplankton community on production, size and export of large aggregates: A world-ocean analysis. Limnology And Oceanography, 54(6), 1951-1963.

Roy-Barman M., Lemaitre C., Ayrault S., Jeandel C., Souhaut M., Miquel J. -C. (2009). The influence of particle composition on Thorium scavenging in the Mediterranean Sea. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 286(3-4), 526-534.

Van Beek P., Sternberg E., Reyss J. -L., Souhaut M., Robin E., Jeandel C. (2009). Ra-228/Ra-226 and Ra-226/Ba ratios in the Western Mediterranean Sea: Barite formation and transport in the water column. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(16), 4720-4737.

Sternberg E., Jeandel C., Robin E., Souhaut M. (2008). Seasonal cycle of suspended barite in the mediterranean sea. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(16), 4020-4034.

Stemmann Lars, Youngbluth Marsh, Robert Kevin, Hosia Aino, Picheral Marc, Paterson Harriet, Ibanez Frederic, Guidi Lionel, Lombard Fabien, Gorsky Gabriel (2008). Global zoogeography of fragile macrozooplankton in the upper 100-1000 m inferred from the underwater video profiler. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 65(3), 433-442.

Sternberg Erika, Jeandel Catherine, Miquel Juan-Carlos, Gasser Beat, Souhaut Marc, Anaesmescoff Roseanna, Francois Roger (2007). Particulate barium fluxes and export production in the northwestern Mediterranean. Marine Chemistry, 105(3-4), 281-295.

Sternberg E, Tang Dg, Ho Ty, Jeandel C, Morel Fmm (2005). Barium uptake and adsorption in diatoms. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 69(11), 2745-2752.

Robin E, Rabouille C, Martinez G, Lefevre I, Reyss Jl, Van Beek P, Jeandel C (2003). Direct barite determination using SEM/EDS-ACC system: implication for constraining barium carriers and barite preservation in marine sediments. Marine Chemistry, 82(3-4), 289-306.