Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set BULA
Ship Alis
Ship owner IRD
Dates 30/08/2003 - 08/09/2003
Chief scientist(s) PRINGAULT Olivier


163 avenue de Luminy

Bâtiment Méditerranée

13288 Marseille Cedex 9

+33(0)4 86 09 05 00


DOI 10.17600/3100110
Objective Mission to characterize the environment in the lagoon surrounding the town of Suva in the cool season. Characterization of physical chemical distribution in the lagoon's waters. Determining the distribution of bacterial production. Determining the distribution of phytoplankton primary production under constant light. Determining the impact of metallic inputs on zooplankton communities. Comments on the cruise's progression: CTD profiles and water samples were taken at a set of 59 stations for: - analysis of physical-chemical characteristics (dissolved and particulate nutrients, chloropigments), - measurements of primary production and bacterial production. Additional sampling was done at 15 out of the 59 stations in all, to collect zooplankton: S05, S06, S09, S10, S13, S25, S27, S28, S29, S30, S36, S39, S48, S53, S54. Stations S46, S47 and S49 could not be sampled because the Fiji island authorities refused us access to them. The Noumea-Suva and Suva-Noumea transits were taken advantage of for water sampling, phytoplankton collection and CTD profiles at 16 stations (8 on the way out and 8 on the return trip). The objective was to study cyanobacteria (particularly Trichodesmium) in relation with environmental parameters like nutrients and iron(Martine RODIER). The return transit from Suva-Noumea was taken advantage of to study the distribution of radionuclides (210Pb/210Po, 234Th/238U) in particulate matter, zooplankton and fecal pellets from zooplankton, in order to specify the respective importance of geochemical and biological pathways of particulate transfer(Ron SZYMCZAK).

Data managed by SISMER



von Schuckmann Karina, Le Traon Pierre-YvesORCID, Smith Neville, Pascual Ananda, Djavidnia Samuel, Brasseur Pierre, Grégoire Marilaure (2022). Copernicus Ocean State Report. Journal Of Operational Oceanography, 15(sup1), 1-220. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1080/1755876X.2022.2095169 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00883/99470/

Koliyavu Timoci, Martias Chloe, Singh Awnesh, Mounier Stéphane, Gérard Philippe, Dupouy Cecile (2021). In-Situ Variability of DOM in Relation with Biogeochemical and Physical Parameters in December 2017 in Laucala Bay (Fiji Islands) after a Strong Rain Event. Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering, 9(3), 241 (22p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse9030241 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00682/79372/

Cravatte Sophie, Kestenare Elodie, Eldin Gerard, Ganachaud Alexandre, Lefevre Jerome, Marin Frederic, Menkes Christophe, Aucan Jerome (2015). Regional circulation around New Caledonia from two decades of observations. Journal Of Marine Systems, 148, 249-271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.03.004