Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set PELACUS
Ship Thalassa
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 18/03/2003 - 14/04/2003
Chief scientist(s) PORTEIRO Carmela



Anevida de Brasil No 31

28020 MADRID

+34 915 974443

DOI 10.17600/3000318

Give an improved estimation of the abundance of pelagic fish present in the North-east Atlantic waters in spring which is the spawning period for these fish species, but focussing in sardine and anchovy. Complementary to this main objective the survey design and strategies will allow the environment be characterised by recording different variables (i. e. temperature, salinity, fluorescence, plankton, winds or air temperature) in vertical and horizontal profiles along the surveyed area with no noticeable extra-effort. As it was pointed out, these variables will help the acoustic estimations be improved whilst an extensive environment characterisation at the spawning time will be done.

Data managed by SISMER



Santos M. Begoña, Gonzalez-Quiros Rafael, Riveiro Isabel, Cabanas Jose M., Porteiro Carmela, Pierce Graham J. (2012). Cycles, trends, and residual variation in the Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus) recruitment series and their relationship with the environment. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 69(5), 739-750.

Muino R, Carrera P, Iglesias M (2003). The characterization of sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum) schools off the Spanish-Atlantic coast. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 60(6), 1361-1372.

Bode A, Carrera P, Lens S (2003). The pelagic foodweb in the upwelling ecosystem of Galicia (NW Spain) during spring: natural abundance of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 60(1), 11-22.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Bode, A., 2003. Pelagic food webs in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula: biodiversity and processes. Thalassas, 19(2a), 29.

Bode, A., Carrera, P. And Porteiro, C., 2003. Pelagic foodwebs an sardine in the north Iberian shelf. GLOBEC International Newsletter, April 2003, 27-29.

Morán, X.A.G., Calvo-Díaz, A., Nogueira, E., Bode, A., and Varela, M., 2003. Picoplankton distribution along the N and NW Iberian coastal transition zone in late winter-early spring. Thalassas, 19(2a), 189-190.

Nogueira, E., González-Nuevo, G., Morán, X.A.G., Varela, M., Bode, A. 2003. Hydrological structures along the N and NW Iberian shelf during the winter-spring transition. Thalassas, 19(2b), 65-67.

References of Technical Reports

Anon., 2003. Informe de sobre el grupo de trabajo de Tecnología y Ciencia en Acústica Pesquera. Subdirección IEO.

Anon., 2003. Informe sobre el estado del stock de sardina en las Divisiones VIIIc y IXa del ICES en 2003. Subdirección IEO.

Anon., 2003. Informe sobre la situación biológica de las principales especies objeto de pesca en el caladero nacional Cantábrico y Noroeste. SGPM.

Anon., 2003. Report of the Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology. ICES CM 2003/B:06.

Informe sobre el estado del plancton en Galicia y Cantábrico en el periodo enero-mayo de 2003. Luis Valdés, M. Varela, A. Mirana, A. Lago, C. García-Soto, C. Franco, M. Cabanas, M. Alvarez-Ossorio, R. Anadón, J. Cabal y M. Llope. Informe nº 19 IEO.

Informe sobre la situación de las aguas de Galicia-Cantábrico en invierno / primavera de 2003. Cabanas, J.M., A. Lago, A. Lavín, E. Nogueira y M. Varela. Informe nº 20 IEO.

Informe Pelacus 0303. Subdirección IEO.

References of International Seminar Communications

Bode, A., Carballo, R., Carrera, P., Castro, B., González, N., Lorenzo, J., Serra., M., Valencia, J., Varela, M., and Varela, M.M., 2003. Spring phytoplankton blooms and hydrographic variability in shelf waters of northern Spain. Ocean Biogeochemistry & Ecosystems Analysis. International Open Science Conference, Paris, 7-10 January 2003. Présentations (oral / affiches).

References of National Seminar Communications

Bode, A. and Alvarez-Ossorio, M.T., 2003. Taxonomic versus trophic structure of mesozooplankton: a seasonal study of species succession and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in a coastal upwelling ecosystem. 3rd Zooplankton Production Symposium ICES-PICES-GLOBEC, Gijón, 20-23 May 2003. Présentations (oral / affiches)

Bode, A., Carrera, P., Castro, B., Lorenzo, J., Valencia, J., Varela, M. and Varela, M. M., 2003. Variations of d13C and d15N in size-fractionated plankton from the northwestern Iberian shelf during spring. 3rd Zooplankton Production Symposium ICES-PICES-GLOBEC, Gijón, 20-23 May 2003. Présentations (oral / affiches)

González-Nuevo, G., Nogueira, E., Bode, A., Revilla, R., Castro, B., Lorenzo, J., Varela, M., Varela, M.M., Morán, X.A.G. and Valdés, L., 2003. Comparison of plankton normalised biomass-size spectra derived from direct measurements of fractinated biomass and OPC data. 3rd Zooplankton Production Symposium ICES-PICES-GLOBEC, Gijón, 20-23 May 2003. Présentations (oral / affiches)

González-Nuevo, G., Nogueira, E., Bode, A., Revilla, R., Castro, B., Lorenzo, J., Varela, M., Varela, M.M., Morán, X.A.G. and Valdés, L., 2003. Spatial patterns of zooplankton size-structure in the northern Iberian shelf (southern Bay of Biscay). 3rd Zooplankton Production Symposium ICES-PICES-GLOBEC, Gijón, 20-23 May 2003. Présentations (oral / affiches)

Morán, X.A.G., Calvo-Díaz, A., Nogueira, E., Bode, A., and Varela, M., 2003. Picoplankton distribution along the N and NW Iberian coastal transition zone in late winter-early spring. 4th Simposio Sobre el margen Continental Ibérico Atlántico, Vigo 7-10 July 2003. Présentations (oral / affiches)

References of Contracts reports (European Union, FAO, Convention, Collectivities...)

Comparison of biomass and size-spectra derived from OPC data and net samples.Enrique Nogueira. Report of activities for the year 2003 within the Project SARDYN: Spanish case study.

Mesoplankton biomass and size-structure in the NW and N Iberian shelf during the winter-spring transitions of 2002 and 2003. Relationships with the hydrographic scenario and phytoplankton distributions.Enrique Nogueira. Report of activities for the year 2003 within the Project SARDYN: Spanish case study

Rapports BIODAS project

Thesis using campaign data

Calvo-Díaz, A., 2003. Estructura de la comunidad picoplanctónica en el margen continental N y NO Ibérico en el periodo de transición invierno-primavera. MSc Theses, Septiembre 2003, Universidad de Oviedo. (Thèse).

González-Nuevo, G., 2003. Biomasa y estructura de la comunidad del mesoplancton en la plataforma continental del NO y N de la Península Ibérica, durante las transiciones invierno-primavera del 2002 y 2003. MSc Theses, Septiembre 2003, Universidad de Oviedo. (Thèse).