Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set CLIOKER : CLIMAT OCÉANIQUE À KERGUELEN
Ship La Curieuse
Ship owner IPEV
Dates 01/01/2002 - 31/12/2002
Chief scientist(s) PARK Young-Hyang


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

43-45 rue Cuvier

75231 PARIS CEDEX 05

+33 (0)1 40.79.31 58

DOI 10.17600/2220030
Objective This project aimed to set up a permanent observatory to monitor climate variability in the Kerguelen area by monthly occupation of two CTD stations. Its goal was to study the remote connection between local variability and ENSO events in order to understand and assess Antarctic variability in the context of global climate change. The programme also aims to study the impact of climate variability on Kerguelen's pelagic ecosystem. People and organizations taking part are: C.-A. Bost, Y. Le Maho (CEPE/CNRS, Strasbourg). Exchanges and joint interpretation of data from "fixed probes" (CLIOKER's CTD) and CEPE "mobile probes" (temperature sensors on king penguins). G. Duhamel (Ichtyolgy, MNHN): Exchanges and joint interpretation of CLIOKER data and hydrological data from ichtyological surveys. N. Metzl (LPCM, Paris): comparing and validating CLIOKER and OISO data. C. Guinet (CEBC/CNRS, Chize), M. Fedak (Univ. St. Andrews, UK), M.Hindel (Univ. Tasmania/Australia): Elephant seals as oceanographic platforms programme. The related international programmes are: CLIVAR, TOPEX/POSEIDON and JASON, European FP6 RD and the national programmes were: CLIVAR/PNEDC, GICC/MEDD, PEVS/CNRS (TAAF as study work zone), TAOB/CNES (Oceanographer elephant seals).

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