Type | Oceanographic cruise |
Ship | Le Nadir |
Ship owner | Ifremer |
Dates | 25/06/2002 - 15/07/2002 |
Chief scientist(s) | MASCLE Jean |
GEOSCIENCES AZUR - SITE DE VILLEFRANCHE Observatoire Oceanologique La Darse BP 48 06235 VILLEFRANCHE-SUR-MER Cedex +33 (0)4 |
DOI | 10.17600/2080040 |
Objective | The aims of Medisis survey are to better investigate and image, along several transects, the deep geologic structures of the eastern Mediterranean sea between its African Mesozoic passive margins, to the south, and its Northern active margins. Two major domains were particularly investigated: the Mediterranean Ridge, a huge tectono-sedimentary feature which results from near collision-convergence processes between Europe and Africa, and the Nile deep sea fan, a recent, and thickly sedimentary construction, covering a segment of the former Mesozoic passive continental Margin of northern Africa. The related project is GDR Marges. |