Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Le Suroît
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 09/08/2002 - 09/09/2002
Chief scientist(s) LERICOLAIS Gilles ORCID


1625 route de Sainte-Anne

CS 10070


+33(0)2 98 22 40 40

DOI 10.17600/2020070

The objectives of the BLASON project are to investigate sedimentary records and processes across the NW margin of the Black Sea during the Late Quaternary, in relation with climatic, glacio-eustasy and sea level changes, as well as neotectonism and see their effect on how sandy bodies are desposited on the platform, slope and deep fan of the Danube. More specifically, the BLASON 2 cruise will provide information to (1) understand the effect of changes in water, sediment and organic matter inputs related to climate changes in Eurasia (ice cap changes), modifications in exchanges with the Mediterranean durin glacial/interglacial cycles (especially due to the sill effect from the Bosphorus strait) and the neotectonic; (2) compare sedimentation and depositing conditions in this confined sea with those prevailing in seas still linked to the world ocean. The recently proposed hypothesis of a catastrophic event occurring around 7500 BC, provoking an abrupt opening of the Bosphorus and a rise in the sea level of approximately 150 metres, provides additional, historical interest to the project. Techniques used include very high resolution geophysics, multibeam bathymetry and acousitc imaging, and sedimentary core sampling for sedimentological, bio-stratigraphic, geochimical, magnetic and geotechnical analyses. The related programmes are BLASON and ASSEMBLAGE. ENGLISH - The objectives of the BLASON project are to investigate sedimentary records and processes across the NW margin of the Black Sea during Late Quaternary, in relation with climatic and sea level changes, as well as neotectonism. This area was of particular interest because it corresponds to the main depocenter related to large rivers, especially the Danube river.

Data managed by SISMER

Sampling operations



Popescu Speranta-Maria, Jimenez-Moreno Gonzalo, Klotz Stefan, Lericolais GillesORCID, Guichard François, Cagatay M. Namik, Giosan Liviu, Calleja Michel, Fauquette Séverine, Suc Jean-Pierre (2021). Late Quaternary vegetation and climate of SE Europe – NW Asia according to pollen records in three offshore cores from the Black and Marmara seas. Palaeobiodiversity And Palaeoenvironments, 101(1), 197-212. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lericolais GillesORCID, Algan Oya, Morigi Caterina, Okay Seda, Kirci-Elmas Elmas, Cifci Gunay (2019). Overview of the Bosphorus Depositional Fan from Data Sets Recovered on the Black Sea Shelf off the Strait of Istanbul. International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources, 17(1), 555959 (19p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Van Baak Christiaan G. C., Krijgsman Wout, Magyar Imre, Sztano Orsolya, Golovina Larisa A., Grothe Arjen, Hoyle Thomas M., Mandic Oleg, Patina Irina S., Popov Sergey V., Radionova Eleonora P., Stoica Marius, Vasiliev Iuliana (2017). Paratethys response to the Messinian salinity crisis. Earth-science Reviews, 172, 193-223.

Riboulot VincentORCID, Cattaneo AntonioORCID, Scalabrin CarlaORCID, Gaillot Arnaud, Jouet Gwenael, Ballas Gregory, Marsset TaniaORCID, Garziglia Sebastien, Ker StephanORCID (2017). La géomorphologie des fonds marins et la présence d’hydrates de gaz contrôlent les émissions de gaz dans la Mer Noire au large de la Roumanie / Control of the geomorphology and gas hydrate extent on widespread gas emissions offshore Romania. Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, 188(4), 26 (1-12). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Constantinescu Adriana, Toucanne SamuelORCID, Dennielou BernardORCID, Jorry StephanORCID, Mulder T., Lericolais GillesORCID (2015). Evolution of the danube deep-sea fan since the last glacial maximum: New insights into Black Sea water-level fluctuations. Marine Geology, 367, 50-68. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Suc Jean-Pierre, Gillet Herve, Cagatay M. Namik, Popescu Speranta-Maria, Lericolais GillesORCID, Armijo Rolando, Melinte-Dobrinescu Mihaela Carmen, Sen Sevket, Clauzon Georges, Sakinc Mehmet, Zabci Cengiz, Ucarkus Gulsen, Meyer Bertrand, Cakir Ziyadin, Karakas Cagil, Jouannic Gwenael, Macalet Rodica (2015). The region of the Strandja Sill (North Turkey) and the Messinian events. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 66, 149-164. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lericolais GillesORCID, Bourget Julien, Popescu Irina, Jermannaud Paul, Mulder T., Jorry StephanORCID, Panin N. (2013). Late Quaternary deep-sea sedimentation in the western Black Sea: New insights from recent coring and seismic data in the deep basin. Global And Planetary Change, 103, 232-247. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lericolais GillesORCID, Guichard F., Morigi C., Minereau Amelie, Popescu Irina, Radan S. (2010). A post Younger Dryas Black Sea regression identified from sequence stratigraphy correlated to core analysis and dating. Quaternary International, 225(2), 199-209. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Soulet Guillaume, Delaygue G., Vallet-Coulomb C., Boettcher M. E., Sonzogni C., Lericolais GillesORCID, Bard E. (2010). Glacial hydrologic conditions in the Black Sea reconstructed using geochemical pore water profiles. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 296(1-2), 57-66. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lericolais GillesORCID, Bulois C., Gillet Herve, Guichard F. (2009). High frequency sea level fluctuations recorded in the Black Sea since the LGM. Global and Planetary Change, 66(1-2), 65-75. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gillet Herve, Lericolais GillesORCID, Rehault Jean Pierre (2007). Messinian event in the black sea: Evidence of a Messinian erosional surface. Marine Geology, 244(1-4), 142-165. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Giunta Simona, Morigi Caterina, Negri Alessandra, Guichard Francois, Lericolais GillesORCID (2007). Holocene biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental changes in the Black Sea based on calcareous nannoplankton. Marine Micropaleontology, 63(1-2), 91-110. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Popescu Irina, de Batist Marc, Lericolais GillesORCID, Nouze Herve, Poort Jeffrey, Panin Nicolae, Versteeg Wim, Gillet Herve (2006). Multiple bottom-simulating reflections in the Black Sea: Potential proxies of past climate conditions. Marine Geology, 227(3-4), 163-176. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Mienert Jurgen, Weaver Philip, Berne Serge, Dullo Wolf, Evans Dan, Freiwald André, Henriet Jean-Pierre, Joergensen B.B., Lericolais GillesORCID, Lykousis Vasilios, Parkes John, Trincardi Fabio, Westbrook Graham (2004). Overview of Recent, Ongoing, and Future Investigations on the Dynamics and Evolution of European Margins. Oceanography, 17(4), 16-33.

Popescu Irina, Lericolais GillesORCID, Panin Nicolae, Normand Alain, Dinu Cornel, Le Drezen Eliane (2004). The Danube submarine canyon (Black Sea): morphology and sedimentary processes. Marine Geology, 206(1-4), 249-265. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gillet Herve, Lericolais GillesORCID, Rehault Jean Pierre, Dinu C (2003). The Oligo-Miocene stratigraphy and the Messinian erosional surface in Black Sea, high-resolution seismic stratigraphy. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 335(12), 907-916.

Major Candace, Ryan William, Lericolais GillesORCID, Hajdas Irka (2002). Constraints on Black Sea outflow to the Sea of Marmara during the last glacial-interglacial transition. Marine Geology, 190(1-2), 19-34. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Strechie C, Andre F, Jelinowska A, Tucholka P, Guichard F, Lericolais GillesORCID, Panin N (2002). Magnetic minerals as indicators of major environmental change in holocene Black Sea sediments: preliminary results. Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth, 27(25-31), 1363-1370.

Popescu Irina, Lericolais GillesORCID, Panin N, Wong H, Droz Laurence (2001). Late Quaternary channel avulsions on the Danube deep-sea fan, Black Sea. Marine Geology, 179(1-2), 25-37. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Okay Seda, Jupinet Benoit, Lericolais GillesORCID, Cifci Gunay, Morigi Catherina (2011). Morphological and Stratigraphic Investigation of a Holocene Subaqueous Shelf Fan, North of the Istanbul Strait in the Black Sea. Turkish Journal Of Earth Sciences, 20(3), 287-305. Open Access version :

Clauzon Georges, Suc Jean-Pierre, Popescu Speranta-Maria, Melinte-Dobrinescu Mihaela Carmen, Quillévéré Frédéric, Warny Sophie A, Fauquette Sévrine, Armijo Rolando, Meyer Bertrand, Rubino Jean-Loup, Lericolais GillesORCID, Gillet Hervé, Cagatay M. Namik, Ucarkus Gülsen, Escarguel Gilles, Jouannic Gwénaël, Dalesme Florent (2008). Chronology of the Messinian events and paleogeography of the Mediterranean region s.l. CIESM workshop monographs, (33), 31-37.

Lericolais GillesORCID, Popescu Irina, Panin Nicolae, Guichard François, Popescu Sperenta, Manolakakis Laurence (2004). Evidence from recent oceanographic surveys of a last rapid sea level rise of the Black Sea. CIESM workshop monographs, (24), 109-117.

Lericolais, G., Le Drezen, E., Nouzé, H., Gillet, H., Ergun, M., Cifci, G., Avci, M., Dondurur, D. et Okay, S., (2002): Recent canyon heads evidenced at the Bosphorus outlet - EOS transactions.

Lericolais, G., (2001): Nouvelles données sur l'évolution de la mer Noire in E. Universalis Eds., Universalia 2001, Sciences de la Terre, Encyclopaedia Universalis, 233-237 p.

References of Technical Reports

Flemming Nicholas, Cagatay M. Namik, Chiocci Francesco Latino, Galanidou Nena, Jons Hauke, Lericolais GillesORCID, Missiaen Tine, Moore Fionnbarr, Rosentau Alar, Sakellariou Dimitris, Skar Brigitte, Stevenson Alan, Weerts Henk (2014). Land Beneath the Waves. Submerged landscapes and sea level change. A joint geoscience-humanities strategy for European Continental Shelf Prehistoric Rese. Chu, N.C. and McDonough, N. (Eds.) Position Paper 21 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 171 pp. ISBN 978-94-920430-3-0.

Lericolais GillesORCID (2002). Compte-rendu de campagne à la mer sur un navire hauturier Ifremer. BLASON 2.

(2002) Blason 2.

References of Articles published in periodicals and magazines for the general public

La Recherche - Hors série n°11 (2003) - La terre

Aventures de l'Histoire 2002 - N°9 - Déluge : la Bible disait vrai !

Cahiers de Science et Vie - n° 72 - December 2002 -Le déluge -

Die Welt - March 8 2002 -Eine Flut wie von 10 000 Niagara-Fällen

L'histoire - N° 251 2002 - La Bible et la science. Le Déluge a-t-il eu lieu ?

Ouest-France - February 23 2002 - "Le Géologue n'attend pas le déluge, il le traque"

Progrès - Courrier - 12 December 2002 - Quand la science confirme les textes bibliques.

Science et Vie - May 2002 n° 1016 - Et si la Bible disait vrai? Les dix plaies d?Égypte expliquée par la science.

L'histoire - N° 251 - March 2001- La Bible et la science. Le Déluge a-t-il eu lieu ?

Le Figaro - October 15 2001 - La mer Noire hantée par le Déluge

Le Point - n°1495 - May 11 2001 - "Déluge: Mythe et réalité"

National Geographic, French version - May 2001

Pour La Science - n° 284 - June 2001 - "La Catastrophe du Bosphore"

UNISCOPE - n° 433 (Suisse)- November 20 2001 - Le déluge a-t-il existé ? -

Lericolais, G., (2001): La catastrophe du Bosphore - Pour la Science, 284, 30-37.

Cosinus, June 2000, n°7, p. 2, "Des traces du Déluge en Mer Noire ? "

La Recherche January 2000, "Gilles Lericolais est géologue au laboratoire de Géosciences marine à L'IFREMER"

Libération September 28 2000, "Et du déluge naquit la mer Noire"

Science et Vie Hors série - n° 213 - December 2000 - "Sur les traces du déluge"

Science et Vie Junior - November 2000 - Inondation "Sur la piste de Noé"

Le Télégramme June 4 1999, "Mission en Mer noire: la carotte remonte au déluge"

Libération March 9 1999 -"Il voit le Déluge dans une carotte"

New York Times - January 5, 1999, "Plumbing Black Sea for Proof of the Deluge"

San Jose Mercury News - January 12, 1999

Libération June 2 1998 -"Dix mille ans sous la mer Noire"

Science et Vie - November 1998

References of International Seminar Communications

Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Guichard, F., Popescu, I. et crew, B. s., (2003): The Black Sea as a record of the younger Dryas climate change. - IGCP464 "Continental shelves during the last glacial cycle", annual conferenc, Wollongong (Au), 42.

Lericolais, G., Popescu, I., Guichard, F. et team, A. s., (2003): Questions on the sea level fluctuations in the Black Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum : ASSEMBLAGE PROJECT. - Ocean Margin Conference, Paris (Fr), 139.

Lericolais, G., Popescu, I., Panin, N., Le Drezen, E., Nouzé, H., Gillet, H. et Garfield, T. R., (2003): The Danube deep-sea fan functioning in a freshwater environment during LGM. - IGCP464 "Continental shelves during the last glacial cycle", annual conferenc, Wollongong (Au), 41.

Popescu, I., De Batist, M., Lericolais, G. et Panin, N., (2003): Characteristics of the gas-charged sediments in the north-western Black Sea. - Ocean Margin Conference, Paris (Fr),

Popescu, I., Lericolais, G. et De Batist, M., (2003): Gas-related instability: a possible control for canyon development in the north-western Black Sea. - Ocean Margin Conference, Paris (Fr), 238.

Lericolais, G., Popescu, I., Panin, N., Le Drezen, E., Normand, A., Nouzé, H. et Garfield, T. R., (2002): Viteaz Canyon, The only sediment pathway of the Black Sea Shelf ? - CIESM Workshop series, 17, 77-80.

Popescu, I., Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Droz, L., Wong, H. K. et Dinu, C., (2002): Architecture and recent sedimentary evolution of the Danube deep-sea fan (Black Sea) - CIESM Workshop series, 17, 81-84.

Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Guichard, F. et Major, C. O., (2001): A high-resolution record of the Late Glacial Maximum event in the Western Black Sea. - IGCP 464 - 1st International Congress, Hong-Kong,

Major, C. O., Goldstein, S. L., Ryan, W. B. F. et Piotrowski, A., (2001): Sr chemistry of mollusk shells shows river/marine water mixing in the Black Sea. 82(47) - AGU, Fall meeting 2001, San Francisco, 608-609.

Strechie, C., André, F., Jelinowska, A., Tucholka, P., Lericolais, G., Guichard, F. et Panin, N., (2001): Magnetic minerals as indicators of major environmental change in Holocene Black Sea sediments. - SEG, Nice (Fr).

Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Ryan, W. B. F., Guichard, F., Berné, S., Popescu, I., Ion, G. et Blason scientific crew, (2000): A major erosional surface recognized on Black Sea seismic data during Blason survey. - International Geophysical Conference & Exposition, Bucharest (Ro).

Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Ryan, W. B. F., Guichard, F., Berné, S., Popescu, I., Ion, G. et Blason scientific crew, (2000): An abrupt transition 7500 years ago in the Black Sea results of the BlaSON survey (Romanian shelf). - IGCP 396 - 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Major, C. O., Ryan, W. B. F., Hajdas, I. et Bonani, G., (2000): Late Pleistocene sequences of the Black Sea shelf: calibration by AMS 14C.- Institute of Particle Physics, HPK, ETH Hönggerberg.

Major, C. O., Ryan, W. B. F., Haxby, W. F., Lericolais, G., Berné, S., Panin, N. et Ion, G., (2000): Unconformities, anomalousiy dense sediments, dunes, and depressions of the Black Sea shelf. 81 - AGU 2000 Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 48.

Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Ryan, W. B. F., Guichard, F., Berné, S., Ion, G. et Blason scientific crew, (1999): Preliminary Results of the BlaSON Survey (N-W Black Sea Shelf) : Quaternary Sea-Level Fluctuations in the Black-Sea. - IGCP 396 - Annual Meeting, Cape-Town (SAR).

Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Ryan, W. B. F., Guichard, F., Berné, S., Ion, G. et Blason scientific crew, (1999): Quaternary sea-level fluctuations in the Black-Sea, new discoveries during Blason survey on the North Western Black Sea Shelf. - Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea : Similarities and differences of two interconnected basins - EU, IO/NCMR, IOC/UNESCO, Athens (Greece).

Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Popescu, I., Berné, S., Ion, G. et Blason scientific crew, (1998): Danube and Dniepr paleovalleys : New discoveries during BlaSON survey on the north western Black Sea shelf. - 3rd International Conference on the Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Black and Caspian Seas Area., Constanza (Romania).

References of National Seminar Communications

Gillet, H., Lericolais, G., Rehault, J.-P. et Dinu, C., (2003): Enregistrement d'une surface de ravinement messinienne en mer Noire. 335 - 9ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Bordeaux, 228-229.

Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Popescu, I., Guichard, F. et Blason, l. é. s., (2003): Les variations du niveau marin en Mer Noire depuis le dernier maximum glaciaire. 38 (Livre des résumés) - 9ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Bordeaux, 305-306.

Lericolais, G., Popescu, I., Panin, N., Le Drezen, E., Nouze, H., Gillet, H. et Garfield, T. R., (2003): La mise en place de l'éventail profond du Danube en milieu lacustre. 38 (Livre des résumés) - 9ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Bordeaux, 307.

Popescu, I., Lericolais, G., Panin, N. et Normand, A., (2003): Architecture et fonctionnement du système canyon du Danube-chenal du Danube (Mer Noire). 38 (Livre des résumés) - 9ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Bordeaux, 412.

Gillet, H., Lericolais, G., Réhault, J.-P., Panin, N. et Dinu, C., (2002): Discontinuités tertiaires sur la plate-forme roumano-ukrainienne (mer Noire), stratigraphie sismique HR issue de la mission BlaSON. - RST 2002, Nantes.

Lericolais, G., Panin, N., Guichard, F., Popescu, I. et Ryan, W. B. F., (2001): Un évènement géologique majeur est-il à l'origine de la reconnexion entre la Méditerranée et la mer Noire, il y a 7 500 ans ? 36 - 8ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Orléans, 219.

Lericolais, G., (1999): Présentation de la mission "BlaSON" et de ses premiers résultats. - Séte (F)

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

André, F., (1999) : Vers une meilleure compréhension de la dernière transgression marine en mer Noire (mission BlaSON 1998).- DEA, Universités de Lille & Paris Sud-Orsay, 80 p.

du Fornel du Roure de Paulin, E., (1999) : Architecture du cône profond du Danube en sismique 2D. DEA, Université Montpellier 2, 46 p.

Thesis using campaign data

Yanchilina Anastasia G (2016). Excess Freshwater Outflow from the Black Sea-Lake during Glacial and Deglacial Periods and Delayed Entry of Marine Water in the Early Holocene Require Evolving Sills. PhD Thesis, University of Columbia.

Major, C. O., (2002): Non-eustatic controls on sea-level change in semi-enclosed basin.- PhD, Columbia University, 223 p.

Popescu, I., (2002) : Analyse des processus sédimentaires récents dans l'éventail profond du Danube (mer Noire). PhD, Université de Bretagne Occidentale-Université de Bucarest, 282 p.

Popescu, I., (2002) : Analyse des processus sédimentaires récents dans l'éventail profond du Danube (mer Noire). Université de Bretagne Occidentale-Université de Bucarest, 282 p.