References of International Seminar Communications
H. Nouzé, J.P. Foucher, G.K. Westbrook, A. Legaz, 2006. Focused fluid flow on the Norwegian margin: what we know and what we don?t know yet. European Geosciences Union 1st general assembly, April 2006, Vienna. Abstract in, Geophysical Research abstracts.
Westbrook, G.K., Buenz, S., Camerlenghi, A., Carcione, J., Chand, S., Dean, S., Foucher, J-P., Flueh, E., Gei, D., Haacke, R., Klingelhoefer, F., Long, C., Madrussani, G., Mienert, J., Minshull, T.A., Nouze, H., Peacock, S., Rossi, G., Roux, E., Reston, T., Vanneste, M. and Zillmer, M. (2005) Measurement of P- and S-wave velocities, and the estimation of hydrate concentration at sites in the continental margin of Svalbard and the Storegga region of Norway. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Trondheim, Norway, 13-15 June 2005. SINTEF. pp. 726-735.
Contrucci I., Nouzé H., Sultan N., Foucher J.P., 2004. Evidence of small scale slope instabilities on the northern flank of the Storegga slide. European Geosciences Union 1st general assembly, 25-30 April 2004, Nice. Abstract in, Geophysical Research abstracts, 6, 03649.
Nouzé H., Long C., Westbrook G., Roux E., Foucher J.P., Klingelhoefer F., 2004. Investigation of gas and gas hydrate related P-wave velocity variations with depth from OBS experiments on the northern flank of the Storegga slides. 32nd International Geological Congress, 20-28 August 2004, Florence, Italy. Abstract, .
Westbrook G.K., Long C., Peacock S., Haacke R., Reston T., Zillmer T., Flueh E., Foucher J.P., Nouzé H., Contrucci I., Marsset B., Klingelhoefer F., Best A., Priest J., Carmerlenghi A., Carcione J., Rossi G., Madrussani G., Gei D., Mienert J., Vanneste M., Buenz S., Hetland S., Habetinova E., Minshull E., Chand S., Dean S., Clayton C., 2004. Techniques for the quantification of methane hydrate in European continental margins (HYDRATECH). EUROCEAN 2004 European Conference Marine Science and Ocean Technology, 10-13 May, Galway. Abstract, 161-162.
Contrucci I., Thomas Y., Marsset B., Nouzé H., Foucher J.P., 2003. BSR occurences on the Storegga slope: results from the Hydratech cruise of N/O Le Suroit (june - july 2002). EGS - AGU - EUG Joint assembly, 6-11 april 2003, Nice. Abstract in, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 10889.
Foucher J.P., Nouzé H., Normand A., Contrucci I., Marsset B., Thomas Y., Thereau E., 2003. Fluid escape structures on the Storegga slope: results from the hydratech cruise of N/O Le Suroit (june - july 2002). EGS - AGU - EUG Joint assembly, 6-11 april 2003, Nice. Abstract in, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 11149.
Nouzé H., Hydratech 3D cruise scientific party, 2003. First results of a high resolution geophysical survey on the northern flank of the Storrega slides. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint assembly, 6-11 april 2003, Nice. Abstract in, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 10783.
Nouzé H., Contrucci I., Thomas Y., Marsset B., Foucher J.P., 2003. High resolution seismic imaging of the Storegga slope: results of the HYDRATECH 3D survey (N/O Le Suroit, June-july 2002). Ocean Margin Research Conference, 15-17 septembre, Paris. Abstract, 188.
Nouzé H., HYDRATECH 3D scientific party, 2003. First results of a high resolution geophysical survey on the northern flank of the Storegga slides. 4th COSTA Workshop, 1-13 February 2003, Bologna. Abstract, 18.
Westbrook G. K. , and HYDRATECH consortium (Foucher J.P., Nouzé H.), 2002. Methane hydrate and gas in the continental margin of west Svalbard ; Preliminary results of the hydratech project. European Geophysical Society,21-26 april 2002, Nice.