References of International Seminar Communications
D?Eu, J-F., C. Brachet, J. Ammann, J.Goslin & J-Y Royer. Autonomous hydrophone arrays for long-term acoustic monitoring in the open ocean. EGU General Assembly. Vienna. 19-23 April 2009.
Perrot, J. , J. Goslin, R.P. Dziak, J. Haxel, M. Maia,C. Tisseau and J.-Y. Royer, 2009. Seismicity And Accretion Process Along The North Mid-Atlantic Ridge From The SIRENA Autonomous Hydrophone Array Data.AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 14-18 Dec. 2009.
Goslin, J., J.-F. D'Eu, C. Brachet, J. Perrot & J.-Y. Royer. Listening to the Sounds of the Ocean: Results and Perspectives. SeaTech Week - Brest, 13 - 17 October 2008
Balanche, A., Guennou, C., Goslin, J. & Dziak, R.P., 2007. Modeling of Conversion of Seismic to Acoustic Waves at the Seafloor Interface. Fall Meeting AGU. San Francisco. 10-14 Dec. 2007.
Géli, L., Royer, J.-Y., Goslin, J., 2006. Intraplate seismicity, oceanic basement topography and marine gravity. ESA/CNES Meeting "15 years of progress in radar altimetry". Venice. Italy. March 2006
Simão, N., Goslin, J. , Perrot, J., Haxel, J. and Dziak, R.P., 2006. Analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of the seismicity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge using the SIRENA and the South Azores autonomous hydrophone arrays. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 11-15 Dec. 2006.
Dziak, R.P., Goslin, J., Haxel, J., Matsumoto, H., Bohnenstiehl, D. & Lourenço, N., 2005. Long-term seismicity of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and MoMAR area obseved using autonomous hydrophone arrays. International MoMAR Implementation workshop. Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 April, 2005.
Goslin, J. and the SIRENA Team: Bazin, S., Dziak, R.P., Fox, C.G., Fowler, M., Haxel, J., Lourenço, N., Luis, J., Martin, C., Perrot, J. & Royer, J.-Y., 2005. Long-term seismicity of Northern 15°N-60°N) Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) recorded by regional autonomous hydrophones arrays: a widespread along-ridge influence of the Azores and Iceland hotspots. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 10-14 Dec. 2004.
Goslin, J., Perrot, J., Royer, J.-Y., Martin, C., Dziak, R.P., Fox , C.G., , M., Haxel, J., Matsumoto, H., Lourenço, N., Luis, J. & Bazin, S., 2005. Seismicity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at a regional scale: results from acoustic monitoring by two arrays of autonomous hydrophones. International MoMAR Implementation workshop. Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 April, 2005.
Maia, M., Goslin, J. & Gente, P., 2005. Recent time evolution of the accretion processes at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Azores: implications for the plume-ridge interaction. EUG 05. Vienna, 24-29 April, 2005.
Perrot, J., Vey, G., Goslin, J., Bohnenstiehl, D. & Dziak, R., 2005. Long-term temporal and spatial distributions of the seismicity along the North Mid-Atlantic Ridge observed with a regional autonomous hydrophone array. EUG 05. Vienna, 24-29 April, 2005.
Dziak, R.P, Goslin, J., Smith, D., Lourenço, N., Matsumoto, H., Fox, C., Luis, J., Tolstoy, M. & Bohnenstiehl, D., 2004. Long-term monitoring of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Earthquake activity using autonomous Hydrophone arrays. International Workshop on "Seismo-acoustic Applications in Marine Geology and Geophysics". Woods Hole OI, 24-26 March, 2004.
Dziak, R.P., Goslin, J., Smith, D., Lourenço, N., Bohnenstiehl, D. Matsumoto, H., Fox, C.G., Tolstoy, M. & Luis, J., 2004. Long-term monitoringof Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge earthquake activity using autonomous hydrophone arrays. Workshop on "Seismo-acoustic Applications in Marine Geology and Geophysics". Woods Hole OI, 24-26 March, 2004.
Dziak, R.P., Haxel, J., Bohnenstiehl, D. & Goslin, J., 2004. Seismicity rates of slow, intermediate and fast spreading ridges: insights from long-term hydroacoustic monitoring. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 10-14 Dec. 2004.
Goslin, J., Lourenço, N., Dziak, R.P., Bohnenstiehl, D. & Haxel, J., 2004. Long term seismicity of the Reykjanes Ridge (North Atlantic) recoreded by a regional hydrophone array. EUG04/AGU Spring Meeting, Nice 25-30 April, 2004.
Perrot, J., Dziak, R.P., Lau, T.-K. A., Matsumoto, H., Goslin, J., 2004. Earthquake source parameters inferred from T-wave observations. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 13-17 dec. 2004.
The SIRENA team: Goslin, J., Perrot, J., Royer, J.-Y., Martin, C., Fox, C., Dziak, R.P, Matsumoto, H., Fowler, M., Haxel, J., Lourenço, N., Luis, J., Bazin, S., 2004. Interactions between the MAR and the Azores hotspot as imaged by seismicity distributions using autonomous hydrophone arrays. International Workshop on "Seismo-acoustic Applications in Marine Geology and Geophysics". Woods Hole OI, 24-26 March, 2004.
Lourenço, N., Miranda, J.M., Luis, J., Silva, I., Goslin, J. & Ligi, M., 2003. High-resolution bathymetric and sonar images of a ridge southesat of Terceira Island (Azores Plateau). EUG/AGU Spring Meeting. Nice. April 2003.