Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Le Suroît
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 17/05/2002 - 04/06/2002
Chief scientist(s) GOSLIN Jean


Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Rue Dumont d'Urville

29280 Plouzané

DOI 10.17600/2020040

Recording of acoustic waves generated by seismic quakes produced on the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Azores plateau. These recordings will make it possible to: - accurately locate the epicenters of these seisms and link the locations to structures observed on the axial part of the ridge; - establish a model of seismic velocity in the upper mantle under a slow ridge which was interacting with a hotspot; - in the longer term, help assess seismic hazards in the Azores archipelago. Additional objective: To record sounds made by cetaceans and locate them.

Data managed by SISMER



Sukhovich Alexey, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Perrot Julie, Nolet Guust (2014). Automatic recognition of T and teleseismic P waves by statistical analysis of their spectra: An application to continuous records of moored hydrophones. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 119(8), 6469-6485.

Goslin J., Perrot J., Royer J. Y., Martin C., Lourenco N., Luis J., Dziak R. P., Matsumoto H., Haxel J., Fowler M. J., Fox C. G., Lau A. T. -K., Bazin S. (2012). Spatiotemporal distribution of the seismicity along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Azores from hydroacoustic data: Insights into seismogenic processes in a ridge-hot spot context. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 13(2), 1-15.

Simao N., Escartin Javier, Goslin Jean, Haxel J., Cannat M., Dziak R. (2010). Regional seismicity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: observations from autonomous hydrophone arrays. Geophysical Journal International, 183(3), 1559-1578.

Balanche A., Guennou C., Goslin Jean, Mazoyer C. (2009). Generation of hydroacoustic signals by oceanic subseafloor earthquakes: a mechanical model. Geophysical Journal International, 177(2), 476-480.

Maia Marcia, Goslin Jean, Gente Pascal (2007). Evolution of the accretion processes along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Azores since 5.5 Ma: An insight into the interactions between the ridge and the plume. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 8(3), 1-19.

Goslin J, Lourenco N, Dziak Rp, Bohnenstiehl Dr, Haxel J, Luis J (2005). Long-term seismicity of the Reykjanes Ridge (North Atlantic) recorded by a regional hydrophone array. Geophysical Journal International, 162(2), 516-524.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

The SIRENA team: Goslin, J., Perrot, J., Royer, J.-Y., Martin, C., Dziak, R.P, Fowler, M., Fox, C., Haxel, J., Matsumoto, H., Bazin, S., Matias, L., Lourenço, N., Luis, J., & Bento San Miguel, R., 2004. Accoustic monitoring of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge North of the Azores : preliminary results of the SIRENA experiment. InterRidge News. InterRidge.

References of Technical Reports

Goslin, J., (PI) et l'équipe scientifique. Cruise report. Campagne SIRENA2/D274. RRS Discovery. 12 septembre (Govan, Ecosse) - 1er octobre 2003 Ponta Delgada). 48 p.

Goslin, J., (PI) et l'équipe scientifique. Cruise report. Campagne SIRENA. N/O Le Suroit. 13 mai (Ponta Delgada) - 17 juin 2002 (Brest). 36 p.

References of International Seminar Communications

D?Eu, J-F., C. Brachet, J. Ammann, J.Goslin & J-Y Royer. Autonomous hydrophone arrays for long-term acoustic monitoring in the open ocean. EGU General Assembly. Vienna. 19-23 April 2009.

Perrot, J. , J. Goslin, R.P. Dziak, J. Haxel, M. Maia,C. Tisseau and J.-Y. Royer, 2009. Seismicity And Accretion Process Along The North Mid-Atlantic Ridge From The SIRENA Autonomous Hydrophone Array Data.AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 14-18 Dec. 2009.

Goslin, J., J.-F. D'Eu, C. Brachet, J. Perrot & J.-Y. Royer. Listening to the Sounds of the Ocean: Results and Perspectives. SeaTech Week - Brest, 13 - 17 October 2008

Balanche, A., Guennou, C., Goslin, J. & Dziak, R.P., 2007. Modeling of Conversion of Seismic to Acoustic Waves at the Seafloor Interface. Fall Meeting AGU. San Francisco. 10-14 Dec. 2007.

Géli, L., Royer, J.-Y., Goslin, J., 2006. Intraplate seismicity, oceanic basement topography and marine gravity. ESA/CNES Meeting "15 years of progress in radar altimetry". Venice. Italy. March 2006

Simão, N., Goslin, J. , Perrot, J., Haxel, J. and Dziak, R.P., 2006. Analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of the seismicity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge using the SIRENA and the South Azores autonomous hydrophone arrays. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 11-15 Dec. 2006.

Dziak, R.P., Goslin, J., Haxel, J., Matsumoto, H., Bohnenstiehl, D. & Lourenço, N., 2005. Long-term seismicity of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and MoMAR area obseved using autonomous hydrophone arrays. International MoMAR Implementation workshop. Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 April, 2005.

Goslin, J. and the SIRENA Team: Bazin, S., Dziak, R.P., Fox, C.G., Fowler, M., Haxel, J., Lourenço, N., Luis, J., Martin, C., Perrot, J. & Royer, J.-Y., 2005. Long-term seismicity of Northern 15°N-60°N) Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) recorded by regional autonomous hydrophones arrays: a widespread along-ridge influence of the Azores and Iceland hotspots. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 10-14 Dec. 2004.

Goslin, J., Perrot, J., Royer, J.-Y., Martin, C., Dziak, R.P., Fox , C.G., , M., Haxel, J., Matsumoto, H., Lourenço, N., Luis, J. & Bazin, S., 2005. Seismicity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at a regional scale: results from acoustic monitoring by two arrays of autonomous hydrophones. International MoMAR Implementation workshop. Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 April, 2005.

Maia, M., Goslin, J. & Gente, P., 2005. Recent time evolution of the accretion processes at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Azores: implications for the plume-ridge interaction. EUG 05. Vienna, 24-29 April, 2005.

Perrot, J., Vey, G., Goslin, J., Bohnenstiehl, D. & Dziak, R., 2005. Long-term temporal and spatial distributions of the seismicity along the North Mid-Atlantic Ridge observed with a regional autonomous hydrophone array. EUG 05. Vienna, 24-29 April, 2005.

Dziak, R.P, Goslin, J., Smith, D., Lourenço, N., Matsumoto, H., Fox, C., Luis, J., Tolstoy, M. & Bohnenstiehl, D., 2004. Long-term monitoring of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Earthquake activity using autonomous Hydrophone arrays. International Workshop on "Seismo-acoustic Applications in Marine Geology and Geophysics". Woods Hole OI, 24-26 March, 2004.

Dziak, R.P., Goslin, J., Smith, D., Lourenço, N., Bohnenstiehl, D. Matsumoto, H., Fox, C.G., Tolstoy, M. & Luis, J., 2004. Long-term monitoringof Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge earthquake activity using autonomous hydrophone arrays. Workshop on "Seismo-acoustic Applications in Marine Geology and Geophysics". Woods Hole OI, 24-26 March, 2004.

Dziak, R.P., Haxel, J., Bohnenstiehl, D. & Goslin, J., 2004. Seismicity rates of slow, intermediate and fast spreading ridges: insights from long-term hydroacoustic monitoring. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 10-14 Dec. 2004.

Goslin, J., Lourenço, N., Dziak, R.P., Bohnenstiehl, D. & Haxel, J., 2004. Long term seismicity of the Reykjanes Ridge (North Atlantic) recoreded by a regional hydrophone array. EUG04/AGU Spring Meeting, Nice 25-30 April, 2004.

Perrot, J., Dziak, R.P., Lau, T.-K. A., Matsumoto, H., Goslin, J., 2004. Earthquake source parameters inferred from T-wave observations. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, 13-17 dec. 2004.

The SIRENA team: Goslin, J., Perrot, J., Royer, J.-Y., Martin, C., Fox, C., Dziak, R.P, Matsumoto, H., Fowler, M., Haxel, J., Lourenço, N., Luis, J., Bazin, S., 2004. Interactions between the MAR and the Azores hotspot as imaged by seismicity distributions using autonomous hydrophone arrays. International Workshop on "Seismo-acoustic Applications in Marine Geology and Geophysics". Woods Hole OI, 24-26 March, 2004.

Lourenço, N., Miranda, J.M., Luis, J., Silva, I., Goslin, J. & Ligi, M., 2003. High-resolution bathymetric and sonar images of a ridge southesat of Terceira Island (Azores Plateau). EUG/AGU Spring Meeting. Nice. April 2003.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Cloarec, Y. et Corre, S., 2009. Détection et caractérisation d'évènements sismiques par analyse des signaux hydroacoustiques. Projet de fin d'études de l?École Navale. Promotion 2007. Stage de 11 semaines.

Rous, A. et Villeneuve, C., 2008. Réseaux d?hydrophones et sismicité des domaines océaniques: Traitement et interprétation des signaux hydro-acoustiques. Projet de fin d'études de l'Ecole Navale. Promotion 2006. Stage de 11 semaines.

Hamon, M., stage de Master 2 "Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Continus" de l'UBO. Février-juin 2006.

Vey, G., Stage de 4ème année d'élève-ingénieur géophysicien EOPGS, 8 semaines. Juin-juillet 2004.

Thesis using campaign data

Giutsi Marion (2019). Apport des données hydroacoustiques pour l'étude de la sismicité de la dorsale médio-Atlantique nord / Hydroacoustic data contribution for the long term seismicity study of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Abel Balanche, laboratoire d'accueil: UMR6538 ''Domaines Océaniques''. Sujet: Conversion ondes sismiques - ondes hydroacoustiques. Co-encadrement : C. Guennou, J. Goslin (UMR6538), L. Guillon (École Navale). Financement : Ministère de l?Éducation Nationale. Soutenance: 28 septembre 2009

Nuno Simaõ, laboratoire d'accueil: UMR6538 ''Domaines Océaniques''. Sujet: Monitoring the Mid-Atlantic Ridge seismicity at a regional scale. Co-encadrement : J. Goslin, J. Perrot (UMR6538), R.P. Dziak (PMEL/NOAA). Financement : Marie Curie Research Training Network ''MoMARNet''. Soutenance: 20 novembre 2009.