Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Le Suroît
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 23/04/2002 - 08/05/2002
Chief scientist(s) BERNE Serge


Université de Perpignan

Via Domitia

52 avenue Paul Alduy


DOI 10.17600/2020030

Sedimentary processes and recordings on continental margins. The objectives were fivefold. (1) Surveying two drilling sites proposed for a new EU-funded research project called "PROMESS1". This project, a first step toward IODP, aimed to recover comprehensive transects across continental margins to reconstruct sedimentary processes and past global changes on two deltaic margins, the Gulf of Lions and the Adriatic. (2) Producing 3D mapping of key areas off the Rhone delta, on sites where sedimentary processes are believed to be particularly active. This investigation was intended to complement studies in the deltaic area by CEREGE (M. Provansal, C. Vella, et al.) and in the coastal zone (CEFREM, M. Tesson et al.). It was part of the French Margin Project, and of the new EU-funded EUROSTRATAFORM project. (3) Vibro-coring of "offshore sands" on the outer shelf; (4) Percussion coring of cemented sands that represent a "dipstick" of past sea-level changes in the area. (5) Detailed mapping of zones selected as potential sites for artificial reefs. This project was supported by the Languedoc Roussillon regional council. The bathymetric survey with the MBES EM 1000 was of poor quality due to bad weather conditions. The other sensors gave satisfying results. This falls under the IFREMERR 'DefiMarges'.

Published data

Augris Claude, Agin Gregory, Berne Serge, Arnaud Mireille, Guizien Katell, Chatelain Mathieu, Labrune Céline, Carbonnel Philippe, Maillet Grégoire, Grenz Christian, Vella Claude, Nittrouer Charles Chuck, Bourrin François, Certain Raphaël, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Garlan Thierry, Dufois Francois, Jouet Gwenael, Dennielou Bernard, Simplet Laure (2013). Seabed substrate database from a compilation of sediment samples taken during oceanographic campaigns carried out in the Gulf of Lion by Ifremer, CEFREM, IRSN, CEREGE, FOB, MIO, LECOB, The Conseil Général de l'Hérault and Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse Water Agency. Results of grain size analysis performed on samples.

Data managed by SISMER

Sampling operations



Mauffrey M. A., Berne Serge, Jouet Gwenael, Giresse P., Gaudin M. (2015). Sea-level control on the connection between shelf-edge deltas and the Bourcart canyon head (western Mediterranean) during the last glacial/interglacial cycle. Marine Geology, 370, 1-19. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jouet Gwenael, Hutton E, Syvitski J, Berne Serge (2008). Response of the Rhone deltaic margin to loading and subsidence during the last climatic cycle. Computers & Geosciences, 34(10), 1338-1357. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Berne Serge, Jouet Gwenael, Bassetti Maria-Angela, Dennielou BernardORCID, Taviani M (2007). Late Glacial to Preboreal sea-level rise recorded by the Rhone deltaic system (NW Mediterranean). Marine Geology, 245(1-4), 65-88. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Beaudouin Célia, Jouet Gwenael, Suc Jean-Pierre, Berne Serge, Escarguela Gilles (2007). Vegetation dynamics in southern France during the last 30 ky BP in the light of marine palynology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(7-8), 1037-1054. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Sultan NabilORCID, Gaudin Mathieu, Berne Serge, Canals Miquel, Urgeles Roger, Lafuerza Sara (2007). Analysis of slope failures in submarine canyon heads: An example from the Gulf of Lions. Journal of Geophysical Research ( JGR ) - Earth surface, 112(112-F1), NIL_1-NIL_29. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Maillet Grégoire M., Vella Claude, Berne Serge, Friend Patrick L., Amos Carl L., Fleury Thomas J., Normand Alain (2006). Morphological changes and sedimentary processes induced by the December 2003 flood event at the present mouth of the Grand Rhone River (southern France). Marine Geology, 234(1-4), 159-177. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gaudin Mathieu, Berne Serge, Jouanneau J.-M., Palanques A, Puig P, Mulder T, Cirac P, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Imbert P (2006). Massive sand beds attributed to deposition by dense water cascades in the Bourcart canyon head, Gulf of Lions (northwestern Mediterranean Sea). Marine Geology, 234(1-4), 111-128. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jouet Gwenael, Berne Serge, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Bassetti Maria-Angela, Bernier P., Dennielou BernardORCID, Sierro F.J., Flores J.A., Taviani M. (2006). Shoreface migrations at the shelf edge and sea-level changes around the Last Glacial Maximum (Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean). Marine Geology, 234(1-4), 21-42. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Garcia Garcia Ana, Orange D, Lorenson T, Radakovitch O, Tesi T., Miserocchi S, Berne Serge, Friend P.L., Nittrouer C, Normand Alain (2006). Shallow gas off the Rhone prodelta, Gulf of Lions. Marine Geology, 234(1-4), 215-231. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Dennielou BernardORCID, Huchon Agnès, Beaudouin Célia, Berne Serge (2006). Vertical grain-size variability within a turbidite levee: Autocyclicity or allocyclicity? A case study from the Rhone neofan, Gulf of Lions, Western Mediterranean. Marine Geology, 234(1-4), 191-213. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bassetti Maria-Angela, Jouet Gwenael, Dufois Francois, Berne Serge, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Taviani M (2006). Sand bodies at the shelf edge in the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean): Deglacial history and modern processes. Marine Geology, 234(1-4), 93-109. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rabineau MarinaORCID, Berne Serge, Olivet Jean-Louis, Aslanian DanielORCID, Guillocheau François, Joseph Philippe (2006). Paleo sea levels reconsidered from direct observation of paleoshoreline position during Glacial Maxima (for the last 500,000 yr). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 252(1-2), 119-137. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Rabineau MarinaORCID, Berne Serge, Aslanian DanielORCID, Olivet Jean-Louis, Joseph Philippe, Guillocheau François, Bourillet Jean-FrancoisORCID, Le Drezen Eliane, Granjeon Didier (2005). Sedimentary sequences in the Gulf of Lion: A record of 100,000 years climatic cycles. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22(6-7), 775-804. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bonnel Cedric, Dennielou BernardORCID, Droz Laurence, Mulder T, Berne Serge (2005). Architecture and depositional pattern of the Rhone Neofan and recent gravity activity in the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22(6-7), 827-843.

Berne Serge, Gorini C (2005). The Gulf of Lions: An overview of recent studies within the French 'Margins' Programme. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22(6-7), 691-693. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Baztan Juan, Berne Serge, Olivet Jean-Louis, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Aslanian DanielORCID, Gaudin Mathieu, Rehault Jean Pierre, Canals M (2005). Axial incision: The key to understand submarine canyon evolution (in the western Gulf of Lion). Marine And Petroleum Geology, 22(6-7), 805-826. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lofi Johanna, Gorini Christian, Berne Serge, Clauzon Georges, Dos Reis A.Tadeu, Ryan William, Steckler Michael (2005). Erosional processes and paleo-environmental changes in the Western Gulf of Lions (SW France) during the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Marine Geology, 217(1-2), 1-30. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Amblàs David, Canals Miquel, Lastras Galderic, Berne Serge, Loubrieu Benoit (2004). Imaging the Seascapes of the Mediterranean. Oceanography, 17(4), 144-155.

Berne Serge, Rabineau MarinaORCID, Flores Jose Abel, Sierro Francisco (2004). The Impact of Quaternary Global Changes on Strata Formation: Exploration of the Shelf Edge in the Northwest Mediterranean Sea. Oceanography, 17(4), 92-103.

Mienert Jurgen, Weaver Philip, Berne Serge, Dullo Wolf, Evans Dan, Freiwald André, Henriet Jean-Pierre, Joergensen B.B., Lericolais GillesORCID, Lykousis Vasilios, Parkes John, Trincardi Fabio, Westbrook Graham (2004). Overview of Recent, Ongoing, and Future Investigations on the Dynamics and Evolution of European Margins. Oceanography, 17(4), 16-33.

Syvitski James, Weaver Philip, Berne Serge, Nittrouer Charles, Trincardi Fabio, Canals Miquel (2004). Introduction to this Special Issue on Strata Formation on European Margins: A Tribute to EU-NA Cooperation in Marine Geology. Oceanography, 17(4), 14-15.

Canals Miquel, Casamor Jose Luis, Lastras Galderic, Monaco André, Acosta Juan, Berne Serge, Loubrieu Benoit, Weaver Philip, Grehan Anthony, Danielou BernardORCID (2004). The Role of Canyons on Strata Formation. Oceanography, 17(4), 80-91.

Beaudouin C, Dennielou BernardORCID, Melki T, Guichard F, Kallel N, Berne Serge, Huchon A (2004). The late-quaternary climatic signal recorded in a deep-sea turbiditic levee (Rhone Neofan, Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean): palynological constraints. Sedimentary Geology, 172(1-2), 85-97.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Urgeles, R., Lastras, G., Willmott, M., Moreno, A., Casas, D., Baraza, J, Berné, S., 2003. The BIG'95 debris flow in the NW Mediterranean Sea and adjacent unfailed sediments: geotechnical-sedimentological properties, and age dating. In Locat, J., 69- Mienert, J. (Eds), Submarine Mass Movements and their consequences. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 479-487.

References of Technical Reports

Weaver, Ph., and Eurostrataform partners : 2005, 2004, 2003 : EUROSTRATAFORM 1st, 2nd and 3rd annual reports.

Berné et al., 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006: Annual and final reports of the PROMESS 1 EC project.

(2002) Campagne STRATAFORM 1.

(2002) STRATAFORM - Départ : Toulon le 24.04.2002.

Trincardi and the Eurodelta partners : Eurodelta 1st, 2nd and 3rd annual reports.

References of International Seminar Communications

Berné S., and the PROMESS 1 shipboard party, 2005. Drilling of two European deltaic margins for global and climates changes, slope stability and sequence stratigraphy during the last ca. 500kyr: the PROMESS 1 expedition. European Geosciences Union, 24-29 april 2005, Vienna. Abstracts in, Geophysical Research, 7, 02629.

Berné S., 2004. PROMESS1: past global changes investigated by drilling Mediterranean continental margins. AGU 2004 fall Meeting, 13-17 december, San Francisco. Abstract, EOS, transactions American Geophysical Union, 85, 47, F384.

Berné S., 2004. Transgressive deposits and the retreat path of large river systems: a comparison between the Changjiang (east China Sea) and the Rhône (NW Mediterranean). 5th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, 13-18 january 2004, Bangkok,. Abstract, 18.

Berné S., Canals M., Skinner A., Trincardi F., and the PROMESS 1 group, 2004. Profile across Mediterranean sedimentary systems (PROMESS 1). EUROCEAN 2004 European Conference Marine Science and Ocean Technology, 10-13 May, Galway. Abstract, 169-170.

Berné S., Trincardi F., and the PROMESS 1 group, 2003. PROMESS 1 : investigating global changes, climate variability and sedimentary events during the last 500 kyr in the Mediterranean Sea. Ocean Margin Research Conference, 15-17 September 2003, Paris. Abstract, 116.

References of National Seminar Communications

Berné S., Jouet G., Bassetti M.A., Gaudin M., Dennielou B., Frumholtz N., Taviani M., Flores J.A., Sultan N., Sierro F., Canals M., Frigola J., Thouveny N., Gelfort R., Thereau E., Thomas Y., Marsset B., 2006. PROMESS 1: premiers résultats et futurs travaux. Colloque Bilans et Perspectives du GDR Marges, 28-30 mars 2006, Paris. Abstract dans livre programme et résumés, 97.

References of Contracts reports (European Union, FAO, Convention, Collectivities...)

Berné S. & Bassetti, M.A., Editors, 2006: Promess 1 Final Report. 180 pages + CD. European Commission contract EVR1- CT- 40024

Berné S., Editor: 2005. PROMESS 1 : PROfile across Mediterranean Sedimentary Systems. Third annual report, period 1/12/04 - 30/11/05. Rapport European Commission contract EVR1- CT- 40024, 120 p., annexes.

Berné S., Editor: 2004. PROMESS 1 : PROfile across Mediterranean Sedimentary Systems. Second annual report, period 1/12/03 - 30/11/04. Rapport European Commission contract EVR1- CT- 40024, 80 p., annexes.

References of Atlases

Berné, S., Carré, B., Loubrieu, B., Mazé, J.P., Morvan, L. and Normand, A., 2004b. Le Golfe du Lion. Carte morpho-bathymétrique au 1/250000. Ifremer, Brest.

Berné, S., Satra, C., Aloïsi, J.C., Baztan, J., Dennielou, B., Droz, L., Dos Reis, A.T., Lofi, J., Méar, Y. and Rabineau, M., 2002a. Carte morpho-bathymétrique du Golfe du Lion, notice explicative, Ifremer, Brest.

Berné, S., Satra, C., Aloïsi, J.C., Baztan, J., Dennielou, B., Droz, L., Dos Reis, A.T., Lofi, J., Méar, Y. and Rabineau, M., 2002a. Carte morpho-bathymétrique du Golfe du Lion, notice explicative, Ifremer, Brest.


Berné, S. et Lesbats, S. 2007 : "PROMESS 1 : une promesse de 500000 ans. Film de 17", document Ifremer.

Thesis using campaign data

G. Jouet, IUEM, UMR6538, Modélisation stratigraphique 3D du delta du Rhône (2007).

Gaudin, M, 2006. Processus et enregistrements sédimentaires dans les canyons sous-marins Bourcart et de capbreton durant le dernier cycle climatique, Université de Bordeaux 1, 338p.

Maillet, G. 2005. Relations sédimentaires récentes et actuelles entre un fleuve et son delta en milieu microtidal : exemple du Rhône. Université d?Aix Marseille 1, 250p.

Baztan, J., 2004. Evolution des canyons sous-marins de la partie occidentale du Golfe du Lion (Méditerranée occidentale), Université de Bretagne occidentale, Brest, 253 pp.