Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Atalante
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 20/08/2002 - 04/09/2002
Chief scientist(s) TRENKEL Verena ORCID


Centre Ifremer de Nantes

Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu

BP 2105

44311 Nantes Cedex 3

+33 (0)2 40 37 41 67

DOI 10.17600/2010130
Objective The potential of underwater vehicle observations for quantitaive developments was assess, comparing them with those obtained using a still-camera, comparing density estimates obtained by underwater vehicle with those from trawling, measuring fish's reactions to the underwater vehicle. The impact of fishing on the continental slope community was assessed by comparing population density estimates for fished and unfished zones. Next, the vulnerability of different deep sea species including benthic species to fishing was assessed by studying their biology. Environmental factors other than fishing which could explain differences in population densities were sought. Relationships between species, particularly of fish and benthic organisms such as corals, was also to be studied. The cruise took place in the Bay of Biscay: Terrasse de Meriadzec (T1), Terrasse between the canyon of Saint-Nazaire Canyon of Belle-Ile (T2), Canyon of belle-Ile (T3). T1 : W 8 deg 10' - 8 deg 11', N47 deg 38' - 47 deg 43' : 1092 - 1466 m. T2 : W 4 deg 40' - 4 deg 43', N46 deg 14' - 46 deg 18' : 1122 - 1518 m. T3 : W 4 deg 39.5' - 4 deg 42', N46 deg 19' - 46 deg 21.5'.

Published data

Trenkel Verena, Lorance Pascal, Berthele Olivier, Ferrant Anthony, Le Piver David, Rochet Marie-Joelle (2015). Observations for Synaphobranchus kaupii from bait experiments carried out in the Bay of Biscay in 2002 using ROV Victor 6000.

Data managed by SISMER




de Bettignies Thibaut, Van Den Beld Inge, Janson Anne-Laure, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Menot LenaickORCID, Lartaud Franck, Le Bris Nadine, Paquignon Guillaume, Robert Alexandre, Boyé AurélienORCID (2024). Bilan des connaissances sur les récifs du bathyal et évaluation de l’état de conservation de l’habitat d’intérêt communautaire Récifs dans les eaux françaises hexagonales. Naturae, 2024(8), 143-177. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Nonclercq Marie, Dupichaud Christophe, Bartschi Blandine, Kaufmann Bernard (2024). The Caudan Expedition: History and legacy of the echinoderm collections of the Université de Lyon. CBM - Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 65(4), 255-268.

Kaim-Malka R. A. (2014). New Lysianassoid Amphipods from the North Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa, 3821(5), 551-566.

Massin Claude (2013). Redescription of Psolus tessellatus Koehler, 1896 (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) with neotype designation. European Journal Of Taxonomy, 38, 1-5. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Trenkel VerenaORCID, Lorance PascalORCID (2011). Estimating Synaphobranchus kaupii densities: Contribution of fish behaviour to differences between bait experiments and visual strip transects. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers, 58(1), 63-71. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Lorance PascalORCID, Trenkel VerenaORCID (2006). Variability in natural behaviour, and observed reactions to an ROV, by mid-slope fish species. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 332(1), 106-119. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Trenkel VerenaORCID, Francis Ricc, Lorance PascalORCID, Mahevas StephanieORCID, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Tracey Dm (2004). Availability of deep-water fish to trawling and visual observation from a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 284, 293-303. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Trenkel VerenaORCID, Lorance PascalORCID, Mahevas StephanieORCID (2004). Do visual transects provide true population density estimates for deepwater fish? Ices Journal Of Marine Science, 61(7), 1050-1056. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Kaim-Malka R. A. (2010). Haploops longiseta, a new species from the Atlantic Ocean (Crustacea, Gammaridea, Ampeliscidae) [Contribution to the knowledge of the Haploops genus. 6.]. Zootaxa, (2356), 57-68.

Fiege Dieter, Zibrowius Helmut, Arnaud Patrick M. (2007). New deep-water records of cocoons of undescribed species of Fecampiidae from Antarctica to the Bay of Biscay (Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela). Senckenbergiana Biologica, 87(1), 1-6.

Rochet Marie-Joelle, Cadiou Jean-Francois, Trenkel VerenaORCID (2006). Precision and accuracy of fish length measurements obtained with two visual underwater methods. Fishery Bulletin, 104(1), 1-9. Open Access version :

Stohr Sabine, Segonzac Michel (2005). Deep-sea ophiuroids (Echinodermata) from reducing and non-reducing environments in the North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85(2), 383-402. Open Access version :

References of Technical Reports

Boyé AurélienORCID, Robert Alexandre, Janson Anne-Laure, Beauvais Sophie, Dedieu Karine (2023). Évaluation de l’état écologique des habitats benthiques en France métropolitaine au titre de la DCSMM. Rapport scientifique pour l’évaluation 2024 (cycle 3) du Bon État Écologique au titre du descripteur 1 – « Habitats Benthiques » de la DCSMM. Ifremer-PatriNat-OFB, 640 pages.