MD 119 / TIP 2000

Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Marion Dufresne
Ship owner TAAF
Dates 09/09/2000 - 03/10/2000
Chief scientist(s) FIEUX Michèle


Institut Pierre Simon Laplace

Boîte 100

4 place Jussieu

75005 Paris

+33 (1) 44 27 32 48

DOI 10.17600/200040
Objective Study on the through-flow between the Pacific and Indian Oceans including a hydrological section performed between Indonesia and Australia, and studying the deep structure of sea level anomalies created at the outflow of the Lombok Strait. A new estimation of the through-flow's transport was made. Sea level anomalies generated in the Leeuwin current west of Australia were studied. Westward heat transport mechanisms. The cruise took place in the zone going from Surabaya, between Eastern Java and Northwestern Australia and to the west of Australia to Fremantle.

Data managed by SISMER



Pei Zhaowen, Williams Wyn, Nagy Lesleis, Paterson Greig, Moreno Roberto, Muxworthy Adrian R, Chang Liao (2025). FORCINN: First-order reversal curve inversion of magnetite using neural networks. Geophysical Research Letters ( GRL ), 52(3), e2024GL112769 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Jiang Shiwei, Zhou Xin, Kok Jasper F., Lin Qifan, Liu Yonggang, Zhan Tao, Shen Yanan, Li Zhibo, Liu Xuanqiao, Chen Anze, Wang Luo, Chen Wen, Smol John P., Guo Zhengtang (2024). Enhanced global dust counteracted greenhouse warming during the mid- to late-Holocene. Earth-science Reviews, 258, 104937 (10p.).

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Chang Liao, Hoogakker Babette A. A., Heslop David, Zhao Xiang, Roberts Andrew P., de Deckker Patrick, Xue Pengfei, Pei Zhaowen, Zeng Fan, Huang Rong, Huang Baoqi, Wang Shishun, Berndt Thomas A., Leng Melanie, Stuut Jan-Berend W., Harrison Richard J. (2023). Indian Ocean glacial deoxygenation and respired carbon accumulation during mid-late Quaternary ice ages. Nature Communications, 14(1), 4841 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

de Sousa Gurjão Carlos Diego, Justino Flávio, Pires Gabrielle, Senna Mônica, Lindemann Douglas, Rodrigues Jackson (2023). Southern Hemisphere Monsoonal System during Superinterglacial Stages: MIS5e, MIS11c and MIS31. Climate Dynamics, 61(3-4), 1867-1885. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Peral Marion, Bassinot Franck, Daëron Mathieu, Blamart Dominique, Bonnin Jérôme, Jorissen Frans, Kissel Catherine, Michel Elisabeth, Waelbroeck Claire, Rebaubier Helene, Gray William R (2022). On the combination of the planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca, clumped (Δ47) and conventional (δ18O) stable isotope paleothermometers in palaeoceanographic studies. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 339, 22-34. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Marx S.K., May J-H, Cohen T., Kamber B.S., McGowan H.A., Petherick L. (2022). Dust emissions from Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre: a review. Transactions Of The Royal Society Of South Australia, 146(1), 168-206.

Auer Gerald, Petrick Benjamin, Yoshimura Toshihiro, Mamo Briony L., Reuning Lars, Takayanagi Hideko, de Vleeschouwer David, Martinez-Garcia Alfredo (2021). Intensified organic carbon burial on the Australian shelf after the Middle Pleistocene transition. Quaternary Science Reviews, 262, 106965 (19p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Pei Renjie, Kuhnt Wolfgang, Holbourn Ann, Hingst Johanna, Koppe Matthias, Schultz Jan, Kopetz Peer, Zhang Peng, Andersen Nils (2021). Monitoring Australian Monsoon variability over the past four glacial cycles. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 568, 110280 (14p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Nilsson-Kerr Katrina, Anand Pallavi, Holden Philip B., Clemens Steven C., Leng Melanie J. (2021). Dipole patterns in tropical precipitation were pervasive across landmasses throughout Marine Isotope Stage 5. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 64 (9p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

de Deckker P., Moros M., Perner K., Blanz T., Wacker L., Schneider R., Barrows T.T., O’loingsigh T., Jansen E. (2020). Climatic evolution in the Australian region over the last 94 ka - spanning human occupancy -, and unveiling the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 249, 106593 (27p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

de Deckker Patrick (2020). Airborne dust traffic from Australia in modern and Late Quaternary times. Global And Planetary Change, 184, 103056 (19p.).

Dang Haowen, Wang Tingting, Qiao Peijun, Bassinot Franck, Jian Zhimin (2019). The B/Ca and Cd/Ca of a subsurface-dwelling foraminifera Pulleniatina obliquiloculata in the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean: implications for the subsurface carbonate chemistry estimation. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(3), 138-150.

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de Deckker Patrick, Barrows Timothy T., Rogers John (2014). Land-sea correlations in the Australian region: post-glacial onset of the monsoon in northwestern Western Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 105, 181-194.

Chang Liao, Roberts Andrew P., Winklhofer Michael, Heslop David, Dekkers Mark J., Krijgsman Wout, Gerald John D. Fitz, Smith Paul (2014). Magnetic detection and characterization of biogenic magnetic minerals: A comparison of ferromagnetic resonance and first-order reversal curve diagrams. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 119(8), 6136-6158. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Heslop David, Roberts Andrew P., Chang Liao (2014). Characterizing magnetofossils from first-order reversal curve (FORC) central ridge signatures. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 15(6), 2170-2179. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Stuut Jan-Berend W., Temmesfeld Felix, de Deckker Patrick (2014). A 550 ka record of aeolian activity near North West Cape, Australia: inferences from grain-size distributions and bulk chemistry of SE Indian Ocean deep-sea sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 83, 83-94.

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Rogers John, de Deckker Patrick (2011). Environmental reconstructions of the upper 500 m of the southern Indian Ocean over the last 40 ka using Radiolarian (Protista) proxies. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(7-8), 876-886.

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Rogers John, de Deckker Patrick (2007). Radiolaria as a reflection of environmental conditions in the eastern and southern sectors of the Indian Ocean: A new statistical approach. Marine Micropaleontology, 65(3-4), 137-162.

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Fieux M, Molcard R, Morrow R, Kartavtseff A, Ilahude Ag (2005). Variability of the throughflow at its exit in the Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 32(14/L14616), 1-4. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Morrow R, Fang Fx, Fieux M, Molcard R (2003). Anatomy of three warm-core Leeuwin Current eddies. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 50(12-13), 2229-2243.

Fang Fx, Morrow R (2003). Evolution, movement and decay of warm-core Leeuwin Current eddies. Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography, 50(12-13), 2245-2261.

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Thesis using campaign data

Gurjào Carlos Diego De Sousa (2022). Sistema de monçôes tropicais e mudanças de vegetaçào em periodos interglaciais passados. PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa.

Temmesfeld Felix (2014). One million year multi-proxy record of environmental changes in NW Australia: Inferences from sedimentological archives. PhD Thesis, Universität Bremen.