Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Marion Dufresne
Ship owner TAAF
Dates 12/06/2000 - 17/07/2000
Chief scientist(s) LEROY Sylvie ORCID, GENTE Pascal , FOURNIER Marc


4 place Jussieu

75005 Paris

+33 (0)1 44 27 52 73

DOI 10.17600/200020
Objective An integrated Land-Sea study of conjugate margins of the Gulf of Aden. Structure and segmentation, inherited structural features and reactivation, oblique secular aspect, timetable of Gulf opening, tectonic control of sedimentation, the Continent-Ocean transition, relations and processes of segmentation of the margin and the ocean lithosphere. Sheba ridge: segmentation, magmatism, obliqueness of the ridge. The related project is Salalah (Sultanate of Oman) - Reunion Island.



Nonn Chloe, Leroy Sylvie, Khanbari Khaled, Ahmed Abdulhakim (2017). Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the eastern Gulf of Aden conjugate passive margins: Narrowness and asymmetry in oblique rifting context. Tectonophysics, 721, 322-348.

Ahmed Abdulhakim, Leroy Sylvie, Keir Derek, Korostelev Felice, Khanbari Khaled, Rolandone Frederique, Stuart Graham, Obrebski Mathias (2014). Crustal structure of the Gulf of Aden southern margin: Evidence from receiver functions on Socotra Island (Yemen). Tectonophysics, 637, 251-267.

Doscher R., Vihma Timo, Maksimovich Elena (2014). Recent advances in understanding the Arctic climate system state and change from a sea ice perspective: a review. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 14(24), 13571-13600. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bellahsen N., Leroy Sylvie, Autin J., Razin P., D'Acremont E., Sloan H., Pik R., Ahmed A., Khanbari K. (2013). Pre-existing oblique transfer zones and transfer/transform relationships in continental margins: New insights from the southeastern Gulf of Aden, Socotra Island, Yemen. Tectonophysics, 607, 32-50.

Leroy Sylvie, Razin Philippe, Autin Julia, Bache Francois, D'Acremont Elia, Watremez Louise, Robinet Jeremy, Baurion Celine, Denele Yoann, Bellahsen Nicolas, Lucazeau Francis, Rolandone Frederique, Rouzo Stephane, Serra Kiel Josep, Robin Cecile, Guillocheau Francois, Tiberi Christel, Basuyau Clemence, Beslier Marie-Odile, Ebinger Cynthia, Stuart Graham, Ahmed Abdulhakim, Khanbari Khaled, Al Ganad Ismael, de Clarens Philippe, Unternehr Patrick, Al Toubi Khalfan, Al Lazki Ali (2012). From rifting to oceanic spreading in the Gulf of Aden: a synthesis. Arabian Journal Of Geosciences, 5(5), 859-901.

Bache Francois, Leroy Sylvie, Baurion Celine, Robinet Jeremy, Gorini Christian, Lucazeau Francis, Razin Philippe, D'Acremont Elia, Al-Toubi Khalfan (2011). Post-rift uplift of the Dhofar margin (Gulf of Aden). Terra Nova, 23(1), 11-18.

Autin Julia, Bellahsen Nicolas, Husson Laurent, Beslier Marie-Odile, Leroy Sylvie, D'Acremont Elia (2010). Analog models of oblique rifting in a cold lithosphere. Tectonics, 29(TC6016), 1-23.

Fournier Marc, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas, Petit Carole, Huchon Philippe, Al-Kathiri Ali, Audin Laurence, Beslier Marie-Odile, D'Acremont Elia, Fabbri Olivier, Fleury Jean-Marc, Khanbari Khaled, Lepvrier Claude, Leroy Sylvie, Maillot Bertrand, Merkouriev Serge (2010). Arabia-Somalia plate kinematics, evolution of the Aden-Owen-Carlsberg triple junction, and opening of the Gulf of Aden. Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 115(B04102), 1-24.

Leroy Sylvie, D'Acremont Elia, Tiberi Christel, Basuyau Clemence, Autin Julia, Lucazeau Francis, Sloan Heather (2010). Recent off-axis volcanism in the eastern Gulf of Aden: Implications for plume-ridge interaction. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 293(1-2), 140-153.

D'Acremont Elia, Leroy Sylvie, Maia Marcia, Gente Pascal, Autin Julia (2010). Volcanism, jump and propagation on the Sheba ridge, eastern Gulf of Aden: segmentation evolution and implications for oceanic accretion processes. Geophysical Journal International, 180(2), 535-551.

Autin Julia, Leroy Sylvie, Beslier Marie-Odile, D'Acremont Elia, Razin Philippe, Ribodetti Alessandra, Bellahsen Nicolas, Robin Cecile, Al Toubi Khalfan (2010). Continental break-up history of a deep magma-poor margin based on seismic reflection data (northeastern Gulf of Aden margin, offshore Oman). Geophysical Journal International, 180(2), 501-519.

Basuyau C., Tiberi C., Leroy S., Stuart G., Al-Lazki A., Al-Toubi K., Ebinger C. (2010). Evidence of partial melting beneath a continental margin: case of Dhofar, in the Northeast Gulf of Aden (Sultanate of Oman). Geophysical Journal International, 180(2), 520-534.

Patriat Philippe, Sloan Heather, Sauter Daniel (2008). From slow to ultraslow: A previously undetected event at the Southwest Indian Ridge at ca. 24 Ma. Geology, 36(3), 207-210.

Gunnell Yanni, Carter Andy, Petit Carole, Fournier Marc (2007). Post-rift seaward downwarping at passive margins: New insights from southern Oman using stratigraphy to constrain apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He dating. Geology, 35(7), 647-650.

Fournier Marc, Huchon Philippe, Khanbari Khaled, Leroy Sylvie (2007). Segmentation and along-strike asymmetry of the passive margin in Socotra, eastern Gulf of Aden: Are they controlled by detachment faults? Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 8(3), 1-17.

Petit C., Fournier M., Gunnell Y. (2007). Tectonic and climatic controls on rift escarpments: Erosion and flexural rebound of the Dhofar passive margin (Gulf of Aden, Oman). Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 112(B3/B03406), 1-15.

Tiberi C., Leroy S., D'Acremont E., Bellahsen N., Ebinger C., Al-Lazki A., Pointu A. (2007). Crustal geometry of the northeastern Gulf of Aden passive margin: localization of the deformation inferred from receiver function analysis. Geophysical Journal International, 168(3), 1247-1260. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

D'Acremont Elia, Leroy Sylvie, Maia Marcia, Patriat Philippe, Beslier Marie-Odile, Bellahsen Nicolas, Fournier Marc, Gente Pascal (2006). Structure and evolution of the eastern Gulf of Aden: insights from magnetic and gravity data (Encens-Sheba MD117 cruise). Geophysical Journal International, 165(3), 786-803. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bellahsen N, Fournier M, D'Acremont E, Leroy S, Daniel Jm (2006). Fault reactivation and rift localization: Northeastern Gulf of Aden margin. Tectonics, 25(1 / TC1007), 1-14. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

D'Acremont E, Leroy S, Beslier Mo, Bellahsen N, Fournier M, Robin C, Maia M, Gente P (2005). Structure and evolution of the eastern Gulf of Aden conjugate margins from seismic reflection data. Geophysical Journal International, 160(3), 869-890. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Fournier M, Bellahsen N, Fabbri O, Gunnell Y (2004). Oblique rifting and segmentation of the NE Gulf of Aden passive margin. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 5(11), 1-24. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Leroy S, Gente P, Fournier M, D'Acremont E, Patriat P, Beslier Mo, Bellahsen N, Maia M, Blais A, Perrot J, Al-Kathiri A, Merkouriev S, Fleury Jm, Ruellan Py, Lepvrier C, Huchon P (2004). From rifting to spreading in the eastern Gulf of Aden: a geophysical survey of a young oceanic basin from margin to margin. Terra Nova, 16(4), 185-192.

Lepvrier C, Fournier M, Berard T, Roger J (2002). Cenozoic extension in coastal Dhofar (southern Oman): implications on the oblique rifting of the Gulf of Aden. Tectonophysics, 357(1-4), 279-293.

Fournier M, Patriat P, Leroy S (2001). Reappraisal of the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction kinematics. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 189(3-4), 103-114.

References of Articles published in other Periodicals or Scientific Works acclaimed in the Field

Fournier Marc, Chamot-Rooke Nicolas (2010). Naissance d'un océan. La dorsale de Sheba. Pour la Science, 390, 44-49.