
Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 28/03/2023 - 18/04/2023
Chief scientist(s) GARREAU Pierre ORCID


Centre Ifremer Bretagne

ZI Pointe du Diable

CS 10070

29280 Plouzané

+33 (0)2 98 22 42 76



DOI 10.17600/18002077

The field experiments C-SWOT-2023 and his twin cruise WEMSWOT* were carried out in March-April 2023 and aimed to support the new-generation SWOT altimeter (NASA/CNES) calibration and validation. This satellite provides a measurement of sea surface elevation and rugosity with unequalled space-time coverage, particularly during its intensive observation phase from March to June 2023. The Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRin) reproduces the topography of the free surface on two 50-kilometre-wide swaths, enabling us to reconstruct ocean surface currents under certain assumptions. The fine scale processes in the range of one kilometre to few tens of kilometres - as cyclones, anticyclones, fronts  or filament - potentially recorded by the satellite were observed  in situ during the cruises.

The daily overflight of the satellite between Marseille and Menorca was the opportunity to revisit the main known aspects of the ocean circulation in the North-Western Mediterranean sub-basin such as the North Current, the Balearic Front and the ¿eddy soup¿ in the winter convection  area.  The originality of the field experiment is the mobilisation of two research vessels (the R/V Thetys II for C-SWOT-2023 and the R/V Atalante for WEMSWOT)  that sailed along together to explore statistics of the surface ocean dynamics (vorticity, strain, divergence) that are seldomly accessible in fine scale observations. Common transects recording at least velocities, temperature and salinity in the four hundred metres under the surface were performed in order to disentangle the geostrophic and the ageostrophic part of the circulation. To complete this approach, an intensive lagrangian experiment was also performed using Carthe or WOCE drifters and direct measurements of sea surface height using GNSS have been tried out. At the end of the cruise the potential of an unmanned surface vehicle for oceanography (the DRIX) was tested during 5 days to catch the North Current variability and related small scale variability.


Figure 1: Path of the Thetys II during the C-SWOT-2023 cruise (in red). The two SWOT swaths are shown.
The path of the Atalante during the twin WEMSWOT cruise is plotted in blue.

The C-SWOT-2023 field experiment is part of the BIOSWOT-AdAC project (PI F.d'Ovidio, A.Doglioli, G.Grégori, S.Speich and P.Garreau), funded by the NASA-CNES joint call for the SWOT Science Team.

*The WEMSWOT cruise took place from 2023/03/21 to 2023/04/18, was managed by the SHOM  (PI : Franck Dumas ; Franck.Dumas@shom.fr)

Published data

Demol Margot, Berta Maristella, Gomez Navarro Laura, Izard Lloyd, Ardhuin Fabrice, Bellacicco Marco, Centurioni Luca, D'Ovidio Francesco, Diaz-Barroso Lara, Doglioli Andrea, Dumas Franck, Garreau Pierre, Joël Aude, Lizaran Irene, Menna Milena, Mironov Alexey, Mourre Baptiste, Pacciaroni Massimo, Pascual Ananda, Ponte Aurelien, Reyes Emma, Rousselet Louise, Tarry Daniel R., Verger-Miralles Elisabet (2023). A Drifter Dataset for the Western Mediterranean Sea collected during the SWOT mission calibration and validation phase. https://doi.org/10.17882/100828

Data managed by SISMER


References of Technical Reports

Ponchart Marie (2022). C-SWOT 2023. R/V Tethys II. Acoustic risk assessment. ASTI-2022-275.

References of International Seminar Communications

Demol Margot, Ponte Aurelien, Dumas Franck, Garreau Pierre, Pairaud Ivane, Garnier Valerie, Ndiaye Khodia S. (2024). C-SWOT2023 field experiment. Mesoscale dynamics under SWOT swaths in the Mediterranean Sea. 2024 SWOT Science Team Meeting. 17-21 June 2024, Chapel Hill North Carolina, USA. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00896/100830/

Demol, M., Garreau, P., and Ponte, A. (2024): Reconstructing ocean surface momentum conservation from altimetry, drifters and wind reanalysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3501, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3501, 2024.

Garreau, P., Dumas, F., Ponte, A., Garnier, V., Pairaud, I., Ndiaye, K. S., and Demol, M. . (2024): C-SWOT2023: a Mediterranean intensive field experiment in the framework of the SWOT fast sampling phase, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10813, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10813, 2024.

References of National Seminar Communications

Demol Margot, Ponte Aurelien, Dumas Franck, Garreau Pierre, Pairaud Ivane, Garnier Valerie, Giscard D'Estaing Guillaume, Fercoq Solenn, Michel Marceau, Hamon Michel (2023). C-SWOT2023 / WEMSWOT. Two combined campaigns dedicated to the mesoscale dynamics under SWOT swaths in the Mediterranean Sea. Journées Scientifiques LEFE/GMMC 2023. 31 mai-2 juin 2023, Plouzané, France. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00847/95923/

Demol Margot, Ponte Aurelien, Garreau Pierre (2023). Estimating surface ocean dynamic from SWOT- drifters synergy. SWOT Science Team Meeting. 19-22 septembre 2023, Toulouse. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00860/97217/

Ponte Aurelien Garreau Pierre, Veit Emeline, Le Bouffant Naig, Poncelet Cyrille, Dumas Franck,Chupin Clémence, Bosser Pierre, Ducarme Anne, Coulombier Thibault (2023). CSWOT2023 - testing the potential of a (fancy) unmanned surface vehicle for oceanography / measuring sea level in situ ... or at least trying to !. Journées Scientifiques LEFE/GMMC 2023. 31 mai-2 juin 2023, Plouzané, France. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00847/95927/

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

NDIAYE Khodia Sadji (2023) ANALYSE DES DONNEES IN-SITU DE LA CAMPAGNE C-SWOT : Exploitation de la stratégie d'observation haute résolution a deux bateaux, Dynamique méso-échelle et sous-méso-échelle » (Stage de Master 2)

Thomas Roué (2023) « Analyse des données C-SWOT : interactions vagues - courant en Méditerranée » (Stage de Master 2)

Clara Lecompte (2022) « Étude des fines structures dans la Méditerranée à partir des données in-situ des campagnes PROTEVS-MED » (stage de M1 revisite des données Haute-Résolution des campganes PROTUEVS-MED dans le cadre de la future campagne C-SWOT2023)

Thesis using campaign data

Brun Lenaig (2024). Rôle des canyons sur la circulation de pente : deux cas d’étude contrastés en mer Méditerranée et golfe de Gascogne. PhD Thesis, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.