Sea/Ocean |
Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin |
Ports |
Port of departure : La Seyne-sur-Mer (France)
Port of return : La Seyne-sur-Mer (France)
Limits |
North |
South |
West |
East |
43.3 |
42.3 |
5.9 |
7.8 |
Scientific Authority |
GENAVIR CENTRE IFREMER LA SEYNE SUR MER Zone Portuaire de Brégaillon CS 20330 83507 LA SEYNE SUR MER CEDEX +33(0)4 |
Discipline(s) |
Code |
Label |
Quantity |
PI |
B64 |
Gear research |
- |
ROSAZZA Franck |
D71 |
Current profiler (eg ADCP) |
- |
ROSAZZA Franck |
D90 |
Other physical oceanographic meas. |
- |
ROSAZZA Franck |
G73 |
Single-beam echosounding |
- |
ROSAZZA Franck |
H71 |
Surface measurements underway (T,S) |
- |
ROSAZZA Franck |
M06 |
Routine standard measurements |
- |
ROSAZZA Franck |
Positionning system |
Geodetic system : WORLD GEODETIC SYSTEM 1984 = WGS84
Positioning system : GPS différentiel