SUCHI Med 2021

Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set DCE
Ship L'Europe, Téthys II
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 15/03/2021 - 07/07/2021
Chief scientist(s) BOUCHOUCHA Marc ORCID


Centre Ifremer Méditerranée

Zone portuaire de Brégaillon

CS 20330

83507 La Seyne-sur-Mer Cedex

+33 (0)4 94 30 48 00

DOI 10.17600/18001619

To tackle the objectives of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56/EC (MSFD), Ifremer operates on a recurring basis chemical contamination monitoring campaigns in the Mediterranean.

In 2021, the recurrent cruises of public interest ROCCHSED and RINBIO/DCE are brought together in a single monitoring campaign of chemical contamination in the Mediterranean (SUCHI Med):

  • to inform the chemical status of the coastal water bodies under the WFD and under the monitoring of the achievement of the Ecological Good State for the descriptor 8 contaminants of the WFSMD,
  • to study the trends of chemical contamination at the historic stations RINBIO and ROCCHSED to report on this evolution
  • to perform specific monitoring of chemical contamination of major rivers and sewage plant discharges to better characterize contaminant inputs to the sea;
  • to monitor the achievement of the Good Ecological State of the D10C2 (microplastics).

This cruise will also allow a diagnosis of the ecological status of coastal water bodies against the benthic macrofauna descriptor of the WFD.

In addition to its regulatory objectives and always with a view to enhancing and optimising resources, the SUCHI Med 2021 campaign will also be the support for research actions, in particular a project on the study of marine biofilms as bioindicators of chemical quality in the Mediterranean coastal marine environment.

Published data

Herlory Olivier, Briand Marine, Brach-Papa Christophe, Brochen Michelle, Chavanon Fabienne, Chouteau Leelou, Connes Coralie, Coudray Sylvain, de Vogüé Benoist, Gerigny Olivia, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Ravel Christophe, Tomasino Corinne, Brun Mélanie, Briant Nicolas, Le Monier Pauline, Drouet Flora, Banaru Daniela, Carlotti François, Jamet Dominique, Jamet Jean-Louis, Benito Denis, Briaudreau Tifanie, Izaguirre-Aramayona Urtzi, Giraud Anaïs, Boissery Pierre, Derolez Valerie, Munaron Dominique, Bouchoucha Marc (2021). SUCHIMED 2021 Campaign - Chemical contamination survey in Mediterranean coastal waters.

Data managed by SISMER




Barre Abel, Briand Jean-François, Vaccher Vincent, Briant NicolasORCID, Briand J. Marine, Dormoy Bruno, Boissery Pierre, Bouchoucha Marc (2024). A Comparative Biomonitoring Study of Trace Metals and Organic Compounds Bioaccumulation in Marine Biofilms and Caged Mussels Along the French Mediterranean Coast. Environmental Pollution, 363(Part.2), 125239 (10p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Benito Denis, Briand Marine, Herlory OlivierORCID, Izagirre Urtzi, Bouchoucha Marc, Briaudeau Tifanie (2024). Active mussel biomonitoring for the health status assessment of the Western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 207, 116898 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Herlory OlivierORCID, Briand Marine, Munaron DominiqueORCID, Boissery Pierre, Giraud Anaïs, Marchand Philippe, Bouchoucha Marc (2024). Perfluoroalkyl Substances (Pfas) Occurrence, Concentrations and Spatial Distribution Along the French Mediterranean Coast and Lagoons, Based on Active Biomonitoring. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 202, 116419 (10p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Barreira João, Ferreira Araujo Daniel, Knoery JoëlORCID, Briant NicolasORCID, Machado Wilson, Grouhel AnneORCID (2024). The French Mussel Watch Program reveals the attenuation of coastal lead contamination over four decades. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 199, 115975 (11p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Briand Marine, Herlory OlivierORCID, Briant NicolasORCID, Brach-Papa ChristopheORCID, Boissery Pierre, Bouchoucha Marc (2023). The French Mussel Watch: More than two decades of chemical contamination survey in Mediterranean coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 191, 114901 (9p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Technical Reports

Serais OphelieORCID, Cimiterra Nicolas, Munaron DominiqueORCID, Dufois Francois, Rocq Sophie, Lemonnier Hugues (2025). Etude sanitaire Zone n°34.21 « Lotissement conchylicole des Aresquiers » - groupe 3 (coquillages bivalves filtreurs non fouisseurs). Phase 1 – Etude de dossier. ODE/COAST/LEROC/25-04. Convention ministère de l’Agriculture/Ifremer - domaine de la qualité sanitaire des coquillages - année 2023. Version 1.0 du 07/02/2025. Rapport intermédiaire.

Briand Marine, Herlory OlivierORCID, Brach-Papa ChristopheORCID, Brochen Michelle, Chavanon Fabienne, Chouteau Leelou, Connes Coralie, Coudray Sylvain, de Vogüé Benoist, Gerigny Olivia, Gonzalez Jean-LouisORCID, Marco-Miralles FrancoiseORCID, Ravel Christophe, Tomasino Corinne, Brun MélanieORCID, Briant NicolasORCID, Le Monier Pauline, Drouet Flora, Banaru Daniela, Carlotti François, Jamet Dominique, Jamet Jean-Louis, Benito Denis, Briaudeau Tifanie, Izaguirre Aramayona Urtzi, Boissery Pierre, Bouchoucha Marc (2022). Campagne SUCHIMED 2021. Surveillance de la contamination chimique en Méditerranée. RST.ODE/ UL / LERPAC / 22-10. Contrat de coopération public-public spécifique d’application de la convention-cadre Agence de l’Eau RMC / Ifremer n° 1000837, 150pp.

Herlory OlivierORCID, Briand Marine, Bouchoucha Marc, Derolez ValerieORCID, Munaron DominiqueORCID, Cimiterra Nicolas, Tomasino Corinne, Gonzalez Jean-LouisORCID, Giraud Anaïs, Boissery Pierre (2022). Directive Cadre sur l’Eau. Bassin Rhône Méditerranée Corse - Année 2021. RST.ODE/UL/LERPAC/22-11. 89pp.