Type Test
Set This cruise is part of the set ESSHROV
Ship L'Europe
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 30/09/2021 - 07/10/2021
Chief scientist(s) ARTZNER Laurent


Centre Ifremer Méditerranée

Zone Portuaire de Brégaillon

CS 20330

83507 La Seyne-sur-Mer Cedex

+33 (0)4 94 30 48 00

DOI 10.17600/18001490

The primary objective of this cruise is to allow operational validation of the upgrades and bug fixes of the Ariane HROV, identified during the first scientific campaigns or in anticipation of emerging scientific needs.

The second part focused on a new mode of remote working: TELEPRESENCE. While a ship's border, a small team of scientists and pilots operate the robot, ashore, a larger team can directly follow the dive in progress. This type of work, new to Ifremer, is doomed to strongly develop in the years to come. This requires adapting certain ways of working on board in order to be able to collaborate effectively with the shore teams in direct contact. An organization is also to be developed ashore, to organize the work of the teams in the "TELE-PRESENCE" room and facilitate exchanges with the ship.

This mission achieved the following objectives:

  1. Validation of the "shallow" mode with winch and deep-sea ballast.
  2. Feedback on the use of telescience tools.

Data managed by SISMER
