Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Pourquoi pas ?
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 14/10/2021 - 15/11/2021
Chief scientist(s) D'ACREMONT Elia , LAFUERZA Sara


4 place Jussieu

75005 Paris

+33 (0)1 44 27 52 73

DOI 10.17600/18001351

The overall goal of the ALBACORE Oceanographic Cruise is to collect unique sedimentary sequences in the Alboran Sea, one of the most tectonically active areas surrounding Iberia, with the following scientific objectives (O1 to O5):

  • O1: To understand the present-day morpho-structural pattern of the South Alboran Sea and date the tectonic pulse and associated sedimentary systems
  • O2: To determine the Late Pleistocene-Holocene stratigraphic pattern of contourites in the Alboran Sea and of the Moroccan continental shelf and their paleoceanographic implications: models and processes.
  • O3: To explore the chronological evolution of DWC Mounds and their paleoceanographic and palaeoclimatic signature since the Late Pleistocene.
  • O4: To investigate the causal factors of slope instability processes and evaluate the geological hazard associated with tectonic pulses acting in the South Alboran Sea.
  • O5: to determine the recent high-resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Al-Hoceima shelf in order to decode the late Pleistocene and Holocene sea-level changes

The scientific work include coring activities, in situ geotechnical measurements with a seabed cone penetration test device, swath bathymetry and sub-bottom profiling.

Data managed by SISMER


References of Technical Reports

D'Acremont Elia, Lafuerza Sara, The Albacore Team (2021). ALBACORE CRUISE. Report and preliminary results. Toulon October 14th 2021 - Toulon November 15th 2021, Onboard R/V Pourquoi Pas?

References of Articles published in periodicals and magazines for the general public

d'Acremont E., Lafuerza S. (2021). Albacore (Sorbonne Université) : dater les grands événements climatiques, océanographiques, tectoniques et gravitaires en mer d'Alboran. Flotte Océanographique française: rapport annuel 2021. Explorer l'océan pour faire progresser la science. p. 34-35.

References of International Seminar Communications

Vidil, L., d'Acremont, E., Leroy, S., Lafuerza, S., Emmanuel, L., and Rabaute, A. and the ALBACORE and ALBANEO teams (2023). Geological, geophysical and geotechnical highlights of the southern part of the Al Idrissi strike-slip fault system from the Alboran sea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6872,, 2023.

Owari S., Ketzer M., Suzuki N., d'Acremont E., Lafuerza S., Leroy S., Praeg D., Oliveira de Sa A. (2023). Halogens dissolved in interstitial water reveal the origin of migrating fluids in sediments of the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean). EGU General Assembly 2023. EGU23-182.

Rolandone F. , Leroy S., Poort J., Vidil L., Oliveira de Sa A., d'Acremont E., Lafuerza S. (2023) New Heat Flow Measurements in the Alboran Sea, westernmost Mediterranean Sea. IUGG 2023, Jul 2023, Berlin, Germany. ?hal-04190641?

Lafuerza, S., d'Acremont, E., Rabaute, A., Gorini, C., Leroy, S., Alonso, B., Roy, P.L., Frigola, J., Ketzer, M., Praeg, D., Lopez-Gonzalez, N., 2022. The ALBACORE oceanographic cruise: tectonic and sedimentary processes at distinct temporal and spatial scales in the Alboran Sea (No. EGU22-6547). Presented at the EGU22, Copernicus Meetings.

References of National Seminar Communications

Lafuerza S., Frigola J., Emmanuel L., Torcq L., d'Acremont E., Vidil L., Alonso B., de La Fuente M., Campderros S., Oliveira de Sa A., Leroy S., Rabaute A., Ketzer M., Gorini C., Praeg D. & Albaneo-Albacore Scientific Party. (2023). Age dating and triggering mechanisms of recent submarine landslides in the Alboran Sea. 28e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Rennes (FR), Oct., 2023.

Leroy S., Rolandone F., Poort J., d'Acremont E., Lafuerza S., Vidil L., and the ALBACORE team. (2023) Exploring Heat Flow Distribution in the Westernmost Mediterranean Sea Insights from the Albacore Cruise. 28ième Réunion des Sciences de la Terre RST 2023.

Vidil L., d'Acremont E., Leroy S., Lafuerza S., Emannuel L., Rabaute A., ALBACORE and ALBANEO teams. (2023). Geological, geophysical and geotechnical highlights of the southern part of the Al Idrissi strike-slip fault system from the Alboran sea. RST Rennes 2023.

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Degoul François (2022). Les sediment waves du prodelta de la baie d'Al Hoceima (Maroc). Stage M2. Sorbonne Université.

Thesis using campaign data

Panetier Aurélie (2023). Shipborne Global Navigation Satellite Systems for Offshore Atmospheric Water Vapor Monitoring. PhD Thesis, ENSTA Bretagne.

Tendero Salmeron Victor (2022). Recent and active deformation structures in the central-eastern sector of the Betic Cordillera and the Alboran Sea: indentation processes and roll-back. PhD Thesis, Universidad de Granada.