M1-P6 2019

Type Training - University
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 25/03/2019 - 28/03/2019
Chief scientist(s) MIGEON Sébastien


250 rue Albert Einstein

CS 10269

Campus Azur

06905 Sophia-Antipolis

+33 (0)4 92 94 26 02




This marine geophysics training is organized as part of the Master STePE (Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment), GEO-P course (Geosciences-Planetology), of Sorbonne University. It concerns more particularly the level of Master1 and the module 4UG11 (second semester of the academic year). It takes place at the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV).

The goal is to give students a first applied training on geophysical acquisition methods through the implementation of a multitrace seismic-reflection tool aboard the RV Tethys II.

The training consists of marine acquisitions (two days per student) and classroom work (courses / practicals on the principles of acquisition, processing and interpretation of seismic profiles). Because of its proximity to the Villefranche observatory where the training is held, the geological object studied is the North Ligurian continental margin, offshore Nice / Monaco. This margin is a good example of a passive margin that has recorded various tectonic and sedimentary processes.

During the training, the days at sea make it possible to understand the acquisition parameters of seismic profiles and their influence on the seismic image. These images allow students to apply the principles of seismic stratigraphy by identifying seismic facies, reflector geometries, reflector termination patterns. Once interpreted, these images make it possible to map in 2D and then 3D seismic units on the first kilometers of the basement and give them a geological significance. The whole sequence of "acquisition - processing - interpretation of data" is therefore practiced very concretely during the training.

Scientific context

Main results

Data acquired and analyses carried out at sea and on shore



Migeon Sebastien, Mulder Thierry, Savoye Bruno, Sage Francoise (2012). Hydrodynamic processes, velocity structure and stratification in natural turbidity currents: Results inferred from field data in the Var Turbidite System. Sedimentary Geology, 245, 48-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2011.12.007

Sage F., Beslier M. -O., Thinon I., Larroque C., Dessa J-X, Migeon S., Angelier J., Guennoc P., Schreiber D., Michaud F., Stephan J. -F., Sonnette L. (2011). Structure and evolution of a passive margin in a compressive environment: Example of the south-western Alps-Ligurian basin junction during the Cenozoic. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 28(7), 1263-1282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.03.012

Migeon Sébastien, Mulder Thierry, Savoye Bruno, Sage Françoise (2006). The Var turbidite system (Ligurian Sea, northwestern Mediterranean) - morphology, sediment supply, construction of turbidite levee and sediment waves: implications for hydrocarbon reservoirs. Geo-Marine Letters, 26(6), 361-371. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00367-006-0047-x , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/2258/

References of International Seminar Communications

Sage, F., Beslier, M.-O., Dessa, J.X., Schenini, L., Watremez, L., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Gaullier, V., Larroque, C., Béthoux, N. ,Corradi, N., Bigot, A., Migeon, S., Ruiz Constán, A. (2014). Inversionof back-arc basins : example of the Ligurian Basin, Western Mediterranean. Geophysical Research Abstracts, n°EGU2014-15668, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2014, 27 April - 2 May, 2014 Vienna (Austria).

Sage F., M.O. Beslier, B. Mercier de Lepinay, N. Béthoux, V. Gaullier, C. Larroque, N. Corradi, L. Schenini, J.X. Dessa, A. Bigot, S. Migeon, A. Ruiz Constán (2013). Localized deformation along an inverted rifted margin: Example of the Northern Ligurian margin, Western Mediterranean. AGU Fall meeting, Poster T21B?2550.

Sage F., Beslier, M.O., Gaullier, V., Larroque, C., Dessa, J.X., Mercier de Lepinay, B., Corradi, N., Migeon, S., Katz, H., Ruiz Constan, A. (2013). Partitioning of deformation along a reactivated rifted margin: example of the northern Ligurian margin. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013?12902?3.

Hassoun V., Migeon S., Larroque C., Cattaneo A., Mercier de Lépinay B. (2011). Will the French Riviera disappear? Ancient and present day submarine landslides along the north-western Ligurian Margin (NW Mediterranean) under the microscope, American Geophysical Union (AGU), n°OS13B-1521, AGU Fall Meeting, 5-9 december, San Francisco (USA).

References of National Seminar Communications

Beslier, M.-O., F. Sage, J.-X. Dessa, V. Gaullier, L. Schenini, B. Mercier de Lépinay, C. Larroque, L. Watremez, N. Bethoux, N. Corradi, A. Bigot, S. Migeon, A. Ruiz-Constán, A. Leprêtre (2014). Inversion of back-arc basins : example of the Ligurian Basin, Western Mediterranean. 24ème réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014.

Thesis using campaign data

K. SAMALENS (2018). Mouvements de terrain sous-marins sur la Marge Ligure : enregistrement sédimentaire de l'activité sismique ?. Thèse de l'Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis.

V. HASSOUN (2016). Interaction aléa gravitaire et déformation sur la marge nord-Ligure. Thèse de l'Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis.