Type Training - University
Set This cruise is part of the set GEOBREST
Ship Côtes De La Manche
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 13/09/2018 - 23/09/2018
Chief scientist(s) GRAINDORGE David


Univ. Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, Univ. Bretagne Sud

Place Nicolas Copernic

29280 Plouzané


Geobrest 2018 is a teaching campaign directed by UMR 6538 Géosciences Océan from IUEM / UBO. It corresponds to a 10 days scientific cruise on board the R/V Côtes de la Manche. This program is dedicated to teach to master level student: 1) different methods of marine geology and geophysic on shelf and coastal area, 2) principles and bases of organisation and autonomy for data acquisition at sea. Different methods include sparker and boomer seismics, sea floor rock sampling, shallow depth coring, multibeam and sonar data acquisition. The 2018 program is in the continuity of teaching campaigns realised on board R/V Côtes de la Manche from more than 10 years. It offers a large autonomy to access to the peri-armorican continental shelf. The scientific topic addressed by this training period at sea is the geological evolution of continental shelf: structural and morphological description, sedimentary record. The continental platform of Atlantic and Channel domain is now very studied in order to understand for example quaternary sedimentary record in response to climatic and tectonic signals. The wide armorican shelf along the Armorican Massif, as well as the Brest natural harbour allow this type of study within few days at sea. In 2018, we focus our interest on the Glenan area and Concarneau bay.



Gregoire Gwendoline, Le Roy Pascal, Ehrhold AxelORCID, Jouet Gwenael, Garlan Thierry (2017). Control factors of Holocene sedimentary infilling in a semi-closed tidal estuarine-like system: the bay of Brest (France). Marine Geology, 385, 84-100. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Gregoire Gwendoline, Ehrhold AxelORCID, Le Roy Pascal, Jouet Gwenael, Garlan Thierry (2016). Modern morpho-sedimentological patterns in a tide-dominated estuary system: the Bay of Brest (west Britanny, France). Journal Of Maps, 12(5), 1152-1159. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Franzetti Marcaurelio, Le Roy Pascal, Garlan Thierry, Graindorge David, Sukhovich Alexey, Delacourt Christophe, Le Dantec Nicolas (2015). Long term evolution and internal architecture of a high-energy banner ridge from seismic survey of Banc du Four (Western Brittany, France). Marine Geology, 369, 196-211.

Franzetti Marcaurelio, Le Roy Pascal, Delacourt Christophe, Garlan Thierry, Cancouet RomainORCID, Sukhovich Alexey, Deschamps Anne (2013). Giant dune morphologies and dynamics in a deep continental shelf environment: Example of the banc du four (Western Brittany, France). Marine Geology, 346, 17-30.

References of International Seminar Communications

Le Roy P., Le Dantec N., Franzetti M., Delacourt D., Ehrhold A., 2016, Long term evolution and internal architecture of high-energy banner ridges of Mer d'Iroise (Western Brittany, France): interplay of sea-level, basement morphology, biogenic ... American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016, abstract #EP11A-0975

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Mémoires de M2 ? Grégoire G., 2013, Dynamique sédimentaire récente et actuelle en Rade de Brest, Mém. de stage M2 SML Géosciences Brest, Univ. Brest ? Franzetti M.. 2010. Caractérisation de la dynamique du banc du Four. UBO-SHOM. Encadrement : P Le Roy, T Garlan. Rapport stage pr M2, Géosciences Océan, UBO, 50 p. ? Kervévan P. 2008. Apports de la sismique haute résolution à l'hypothèse d'une origine cénozoïque des fosses de la Manche, co-encadrement :P Le Roy, B. Van Vliet Lanoë, Rapport stage, Géosciences Océan, UBO, 50 p. ? Gracia-Garay C. 2004. Caractérisation de l'inversion cénozoïque en manche Occidentale et implications sédimentaires., Rapport de DEA. 60 p. École Doctorale des Sciences de la Mer. Tuteurs : P Le Roy, P Guennoc, JF Bourillet, JY Reynaud UBO Brest. 50p.

Thesis using campaign data

Grégoire Gwendoline. UBO, financement Labex-FedeR. Soutenue en décembre 2016. Titre : Modèle sédimentaire du sous-sol et du sol de la rade de Brest et son évolution depuis le Quaternaire à l'actuel. Co-encadrement : P. Le Roy (UBO), A Ehrhold (IFREMER), G Jouet (IFREMER). Direction : T. Garlan (SHOM).