Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set MEDITS
Ship L'Europe
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 21/05/2021 - 24/06/2021
Chief scientist(s) JADAUD Angélique ORCID, CERTAIN Grégoire


Bd Jean Monnet

BP 171


+33(0)4 99 57 32 00

DOI 10.17600/18001236

As part of the European Commission's "Data Collection Framework", the MEDITS campaign is the Mediterranean component of the Sea surveys project. The geographical coverage of the program includes all trawl facades from 12 countries contributing to this campaign in the Mediterranean (Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Albania) and since 2009 in the Black Sea (Romania and Bulgaria). For the French part, the trawl areas are East Corsica and the Gulf of Lion. The sampling strategy is common to all countries and immutable since the beginning of the program (1994). The standardization of the observation methods allows the reproduction of bottom trawling under similar conditions and thus the comparison of abundance indices of different species between different areas from year to year. These protocols focus mainly on the campaign period, the location of the sampling stations, the characteristics and methods of use of the capture gear, the biological observations (weighing, counting, measurements, maturity analysis, sampling of otoliths ...), computer file formats. They have been defined in common and are applied by all teams participating in the program. States must therefore ensure the collection of data and the management of these direct assessment campaigns. The data from each cruise is used to provide several indicators required by fisheries managers for international expertise (GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean) and STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries)) and national stock assessments (responses to MFAD (Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Directorate) referrals, communications to the profession, ...) but also for the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, MSFD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) (hydrology, gelatinous, marine litters, trophic chain, ...) and for research purposes (GALION projects currently underway). The data are processed in particular from the Halieutic System of Information of IFREMER allowing the annual edition of indices of population and stands that can be used by national and community administrations, but also within the international scientific community MEDITS.

Data managed by SISMER



de Bettignies Thibaut, Van Den Beld Inge, Janson Anne-Laure, Fabri Marie-ClaireORCID, Menot LenaickORCID, Lartaud Franck, Le Bris Nadine, Paquignon Guillaume, Robert Alexandre, Boyé AurélienORCID (2024). Bilan des connaissances sur les récifs du bathyal et évaluation de l’état de conservation de l’habitat d’intérêt communautaire Récifs dans les eaux françaises hexagonales. Naturae, 2024(8), 143-177. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Technical Reports

Gaillard Laurène, Lapègue SylvieORCID, Reisser CelineORCID, Cornette Florence, Villeger Sébastien, Ernande BrunoORCID, Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre (2023). Déterminants écologiques de la diversité génétique chez les poissons marins des écosystèmes d'Atlantique et de Méditerranée. FORESEA 2050 - Livrable 1.1.3.

Régimbart AmélieORCID (2022). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2021. Rapport scientifique, Ifremer ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM, 40p.

Certain Gregoire, Grando Roland, Dutto GilbertORCID, Rault Yann, Utard Julien, Pasquet Jérôme (2021). ALCOVE – Rapport Final 2021.