Type | Oceanographic cruise |
Ship | Pourquoi pas ? |
Ship owner | Ifremer |
Dates | 13/07/2019 - 23/08/2019 |
Chief scientist(s) | MAIA Marcia , BRUNELLI Daniele , LIGI Marco |
GEO-OCEAN - UMR 6538 Univ. Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, Univ. Bretagne Sud Place Nicolas Copernic 29280 Plouzané |
DOI | 10.17600/18001107 |
Objective | Large-offset transforms, or mega-transforms, induce extreme cooling at the edge of axial ridge segments due to the associated enhanced age contrast and peculiar tectonics. The Equatorial Atlantic hosts several mega transforms, where the interactions between low mantle potential temperatures and large lithospheric age contrast with melt production are poorly understood. This proposal focuses on one of the largest transform faults in the oceans: the Romanche transform in the Equatorial Atlantic. The 950 km left stepping offset of the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR) axis results in an age contrast of about 55 My. As a consequence, a rather old, thick and cold lithosphere faces the warm axial segment tips on both sides of the transform. In particular, the eastern Ridge- Transform Intersection (RTI) shows the dramatic effects of the lateral cooling of the ridge segment. The style of spreading changes from normal to oblique when approaching the transform fault. Magmatism is reduced, or even absent, which is accompanied by a change of the accretionary style along the axial domain with the appearance of smoothseafloor (SSF)-like structures at the RTI. In this proposal we intend first to complete the mapping of the region in order to recognize the boundaries of the SSF domain and its persistence through time. We will then explore in detail the change in deformation patterns on selected targets already identified from available bathymetric data. The detailed study will consist on the acquisition of a surface bathymetry with the largest possible resolution (about 30 m with low velocity - 5 knots - and high overlap) over the main targets and dives with the Nautile to acquire high-resolution images (video/photographs) of the structures as well as magnetic profiles and samples. The images will allow a detailed mapping of the fault and of the deformation patterns of different parts of the RTI, where we observed different, or contrasting, tetonic styles. Sampling is the second goal and a most important part of this proposal, as we intend to study rock compositions and rheological properties, with particular attention to the serpentinization process. The integrated study of rock characteristics and of geophysical surveys allows tackling the interactions between magmatism and tectonics. Direct observations and sampling will also help to understand the nature of the peculiar alkaline, water-rich, magmatism observed in the region. One of the outcomes of this proposal is the understanding of the thermal regime at complex transform domains. Of particular interest is the existence of hydrothermal activity associated to the large mantle serpentinite exposures and its impact on the chemical and heat transfers from the seafloor to the hydrosphere in a poorly-known region.