Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set ROCCHSED - RNOSED
Ship Côtes De La Manche
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 23/09/2020 - 30/09/2020
Chief scientist(s) GROUHEL-PELLOUIN Anne ORCID


Centre Ifremer de Nantes

Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu

BP 21105

44311 Nantes Cedex 3

+33 (0)2 40 37 41 93

DOI 10.17600/18001070

According to his international commitments for the Oslo and Paris convention (OSPAR) and for the European framework directives (waterframework directive WFD- and marine strategy framework directive MSFD), France implements a water quality monitoring and sends the results to the international databases. The ROCCH network (French chemical monitoring network) as a part of the French water quality monitoring network, collects the chemical contamination data in the coastal mollusks flesh and in the marine sediment. Sediment monitoring is carried out during annual campaigns in different façade each year, over the duration of a 6 years WFD or MSFD cycle.

ROCCH monitoring in sediments enables the assessment of the chemical quality of the near-continental shelf, and its temporal evolution with comparison with the results obtained in previous campaigns. The results of the 2020 campaign will be compared with those of the RNOSED 99, ROCCHSED 08 and ROCCHSED14 campaigns in the Bay of Biscay. Part of the samples collected will be kept in the ROCCH bank for eventual further scientific work (Ifremer or other research teams).

Concerning operational details, the 1st superficial centimeter of the sediment core will be sampled for chemical analyses. The list of studied chemical contaminants in a sample depends on the monitoring program (OSPAR or WFD , MSFD) and includes normalizing parameters like grain size or total organic carbon concentration. The complete list includes up to 45 substances or families of substances, with metals, organic components like hydrocarbons, chlorinated, brominated and fluorinated components, pesticides and biocides (TBT).

Data will be stored in the marine environmental database Quadrige and available via SURVAL tool (Ifremer website). Use of stored samples can be asked to the ROCCH coordination.

Published data

Grouhel-Pellouin Anne, Crochet Sylvette, Sireau Teddy, Godfrin Yoann, Bizzozero Lucie, Menet-Nedelec Florence, Trut Gilles, Bruneau Audrey, Bruzac Sandrine, Cheve Julien, Dagault Francoise, Duquesne Vincent, Gabellec Raoul, Gouriou Laure, Lebrun Luc, Lefebvre Alain, Le Fur Ines, Maheux Frank, Retho Michael, Schmitt Anne, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Grizon James (2024). ROCCH sediment dataset : chemical contaminant in surface sediment for environmental assessment.

Data managed by SISMER


References of Technical Reports

Bizzozero Lucie (2022). Directive Cadre sur l'Eau. Bassin Loire-Bretagne. Contrôle de surveillance dans les masses d'eau côtière et de transition. Actions menées par Ifremer en 2020. ODE/UL/RST/LER/MPL/22.15. Convention Ifremer/AELB n° 20/1000935 (ou 21/1001542).

Gerigny Olivia, Souza Marco, Chouteau Leelou, Grouhel-Pellouin AnneORCID, Galgani FrancoisORCID (2021). Campagne de prélèvements ROCCHSED 2020 et 2021. Analyse des micro-déchets dans les sédiments. Développement de l'indicateur D10 C2 micro-déchets dans les sédiments.