Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set PHRESQUES
Ship Côtes De La Manche
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 13/02/2020 - 19/10/2020
Chief scientist(s) VERNEY Romaric ORCID, LE BERRE David ORCID


IFREMER Centre de Bretagne

ZI Pointe du diable

CS 10070


33 (0)2 98 22 47 60

DOI 10.17600/18001066

PHRESQUES field surveys support the CPIER PHRESQUES research project (2019-2021) related to the development of a monitoring network along the Seine continuum, from the catchements to the Seine bay.  They are dedicated to the maintenance of the COASTHF scientific stations and the calibration of the sensors and validation of the collected dataset. The objectives of these field campaigns are the decribed below: 

  1. surface sensor maintenance for the two COASTHF stations SMILE and SCENES.
  2. Sensor calibration, quality check of the collected data and uncertainy estimation.
  3. Extending our understanding of SPM dynamics in coastal waters, and in particular investigating the influence of the variability in SPM nature (inral/organic signature). Repetition of these campaigns since 2015 provide an overview of the different environemental conditions in the area, and contribute to assess conceptual patterns of SPM dynamics (see Chapalain, 2019).
  4. Evaluating the potential of coupling acoustic and optical sensors to bettere apprehend SPM concentration (task conducted by a postdoc during the surveys).
  5. Investigate the biological compartment, and especially the link between phytoplankton biodiversity and primary production in the Seine Bay : task supported by a PhD from BOREA.
