Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Côtes De La Manche
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 09/06/2019 - 23/06/2019
Chief scientist(s) LE ROY Pascal , LE DANTEC Nicolas


Univ. Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, Univ. Bretagne Sud

Place Nicolas Copernic

29280 Plouzané

DOI 10.17600/18001043

The objectives of the Bankable cruise is to better understand the present-day dynamics and long term evoution of deep marine sand dunes and banks of the Iroise Sea located offshoree Brittany. The area corresponds to the junction area between the English Channel and the North Atlantic Ocean, well known for having strong tidal  currents and large swells. Indeed, the singular morpho-bathymetry of this segment of Brittany's continental shelf consists of a series of coastal reefs and islands catalysing and amplifying marine and hydrodynamics. Four main areas are examined : The Banc du Four, The Haut-Fond d'Ouessant, The Banc des Pierres Noires, The Banc d'Ar Men.

The approach is a comined survey including : multibeam bathymetry, High Resolution seismic sparker, side scan sonar, grab sedimentary sampling.

The objectives are to characterize:

  • The sediment budget of the areas and the possible sand transfer betwwen the sand storage areas across the continental shelf.
  • The horizontal migration velocities by comparison of previous bathymetry survey. The results will allow to  discuss the relative influence of forcings and the validity of the equations predicting bedform geometry in shallow waters.
  • The Architecture of sand banks and the age of sand bodies to better understand the long term evolution of sand bodies in relation with the last transgression. It will allow to better examine  the relative influences of intrinsic sedimentary parameters and hydro-sedimentary processes, as well as post-glacial transgression and shelf paleomorphology in regards to tidal sand ridge growth.



Published data

Daguinos Paul, Le Roy Pascal, Jouet Gwenael, Menier David, Le Dantec Nicolas, Ehrhold Axel, Prunier Christophe, Dupont Pauline, Franzetti Marcaurelio (2024). Long term evolution of deep banner banks offshore Western Brittany (Iroise Sea, France): indications of a paleo-coast line and of the interaction between hydrodynamics and seafloor morphology.


References of Technical Reports

Dupont Pauline (2022). Manuel d’installation et de mise en oeuvre du système d’acquisition sismique multi-trace plateau 24 traces @ 1 m + 24 traces @ 2 m de GEO-OCEAN sur le N/O Côte. GEO-OCEAN/ANTIPOD-20220411-01.

Dupont Pauline (2019). Sismique Très Haute Résolution. Compte-rendu d'acquisition sismique multitrace - Banc du Four, Banc d'Armen, Fosse d'Ouessant et Haut-Fond d'Ouessant. Mission Bankable Leg 3 - N/O Côtes de la Manche - 18 au 19 Juin 2019. PDG/REM/GM/LAD- 20072018-MF02.

References of Articles published in periodicals and magazines for the general public

Pierre Stéphan (Dir.). Atlas de la réserve de biosphère des îles et de la mer d'Iroise. CNRS. Locus Solus, pp.304, 2022, 978-2-36833-393-8. ?hal-03509715?

References of International Seminar Communications

Daguinos Paul, Le Dantec Nicolas, Le Roy Pascal, Menier David, Jouet Gwenael, Ehrhold Axel, Franzetti Marcaurelio, Trotot Alexandre (2023). Dunes morphodynamics superimposed on sand banks in a shallow macro-tidal environment: the example of the Haut Fond de Ouessant . Valance, A., Garlan, T., Crave A., and Gangloff, A. (Eds), 2023. MARID VII. Seventh International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics. Rennes, France, 3-5 April 2023. University of Rennes 1 and Shom. pp.63-67 .

Daguinos Paul, Le Roy Pascal, Menier David, Le Dantec Nicolas, Ehrhold Axel, Jouet Gwenael, Franzetti Marcaurelio (2023). Morphological and architectural variability of marine sand banks on a macro tidal shelf . MARID VII - MARINE AND RIVER DUNES VII. 3-5 avril 2023, Rennes .

References of National Seminar Communications

Daguinos, P., Le Dantec, N., Le Roy, P., Menier, D., Jouet, G., Ehrhold, A. 2022. Architecture et Dynamique des grandes structures sableuses à l'échelle d'une plate-forme dispersive en régime macrotidale : l'exemple de la plate-forme bretonne. 18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Brest - Livre des résumés, 2022, Publ. ASF n°82, Paris, 297 p.

References of Atlases

2022 Pierre Stéphan (Dir.). Atlas de la réserve de biosphère des îles et de la mer d'Iroise. CNRS. Locus Solus, pp.304, 2022, 978-2-36833-393-8. ?hal-03509715?

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

Louboutin, Marianne. 2023. Dynamique des dunes et bancs sableux en mer d'Iroise. Stage ingénieur 5ème année ENSTA.

Trotot, Alexandre 2020. Structure et dynamique des grands bancs sableux de plate- forme continentale à forte dispersion sédimentaire: l'exemple de la Mer d'Iroise. Rapport M2 Géosciences Océan, UBO 50 p.

Trotot, Alexandre . 2019. Caractérisation de l'évolution et de la structure interne des bancs sableux : l'exemple duHaut-Fond d'Ouessant et du banc d'Ar Men. Rapport Master1. Géosciences Océan, UBO. 30p.

Alexandre Trotot. Caractérisation de la morphologie et de la dybamiques des grandes structures sableuses de la Mer d'Iroise.

Stage Master2 SML Géosciences Océan en cours :

Thesis using campaign data

Daguinos Paul. 2020- 2024 (attendu). Origine et la dynamique des grandes structures sableuses d'une plateforme à faibles apports sédimentaires : lexemple de la Mer d'Iroise. EDSML, UBO.