Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship Thalia
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 16/05/2019 - 31/05/2019
Chief scientist(s) EHRHOLD Axel ORCID


Univ. Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, Univ. Bretagne Sud

Place Nicolas Copernic

29280 Plouzané

DOI 10.17600/18000944

The PEPITE-THA campaign is the campaign to collect long sedimentary archives for the study of fossil melobesian algae that colonized the Finisterian coast about 2000 cal. years ago. Recent work in Brest harbour (Grégoire et al., 2017; Reixach 2017) shows that terrigenous coastal sedimentation is interspersed with major episodes of multi-centimetre biogenic constructions (maerl banks). These very recently acquired results show that they are an ecological and temporal marker, particularly sensitive to the rapid fluctuations in paleo-climatic, sedimentary and anthropogenic conditions that have impacted the coastal domain in Western Brittany. The objective of this second mission is to core the bottoms of the two previously explored coastal sites (PEPITE-HAL), in the south near the tip of Trevignon and in the north near Carantec. Both are known to host Maerl deposits now and in the past (Wehrmann 1998, Pinot, 1970). Due to their shallow depth (< 5 m CM), technical constraints require that cores can be drilled around the open sea at sites defined by the LEG Haliotis. Also due to the heterogeneity of the subsoil, it is important to have the Zenkovicth vibro-core to ensure additional opportunities to cross all fossil colonies. The objectives of the PEPITE project are:

  • to establish the chrono-stratigraphic framework for the establishment and disappearance of maerl colonies (dates by 14C AMS, estimation of sedimentation rates by 210Pb, sedimentary analyses and geochemical tracers (qualitative XRF measurements, analyses of trace elements such as barium) of the last deposition sequence to trace the origin of sources and the importance of continental and marine flows).
  • to identify the species that make up the primitive maerl and the more recent sequences of colonization of the seabed (macroscopic morphological identification, by electron microscopy and DNA barcoding). A challenge will be to extract DNA from fossil maerl to determine genetic information (collaboration with the University of Corunna and the PALMIRA project) and compare it between sites or more broadly with maerl deposits in Europe. A core recently acquired as part of PALMIRA in the commercial port of Brest (April 2017), with interlayered levels of maerl, was sub-sampled using the palaeogenetic approach of Klouch et al (2016) and will complete the study design.
  • to understand the dynamics of the evolution of the environment, by reading the possible paleo-climatic, paleo-ecological and anthropogenic correlations between the Concarneau, Brest and Morlaix sites, as well as the paleo-environmental data available on the Rade (C. Lambert) and data from other biological communities such as marine micro-eukaryotes (PALMIRA project).

Scientific context

Main results

Data acquired and analyses carried out at sea and on shore

Data managed by SISMER

Sampling operations



Ehrhold AxelORCID, Jouet Gwenael, Le Roy Pascal, Jorry StephanORCID, Grall Jacques, Reixach Théo, Lambert Clément, Gregoire Gwendoline, Goslin JeromeORCID, Roubi AngeliqueORCID, Penaud Aurélie, Vidal Muriel, Siano Raffaele (2021). Fossil maerl beds as coastal indicators of late Holocene palaeo-environmental evolution in the Bay of Brest (Western France). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 577, 110525 (25p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of Technical Reports

Roubi A., 2022. Analyses sédimentologiques des terrasses à maërl sud-bretonnes (Projet PEPITE). Rapport Ifremer/ANTIPOD/PAS, 25 p.

Guerin Charline (2019). Campagne PEPITE (Paléo-Ecologie et Paléo-envIronnement du maërl en BreTagne à l’holocènE) N/O Haliotis. Zone Roscoff du 31 Mars au 3 Avril, Zone Belle-Ile du 5 au 9 Avril, Zone Concarneau du 12 au 16 Avril 2019. DIT.REM/GM/CTDI-20191022-CG01.

References of National Seminar Communications

Ehrhold A., Jouet G., Roubi A., Grall J., Le Roy P., Bayon G., Gouriou J., 2023. Bioconstructions fossiles de maerl : Marqueurs holocènes des évolutions climatiques et anthropiques sur les côtes Bretonnes. 28ème édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 30/10 au 3/11 2023, Rennes.

Ehrhold A., Jouet G., Roubi A., Grall J., Schittulli M., Reixach T., Bijon C., Le Roy P., Bayon G., Gouriou J., 2022. Bioconstructions fossiles de maerl : Un regard nouveau sur l'analyse stratigraphique et environnemental des dépôts holocènes côtiers en Bretagne. XVIIIème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, 28-30 Septembre 2022, Brest.

Ehrhold A., Jouet G., Grall J., Le Roy P., Jorry S., Lambert C., Penaud A., Vidal M., Gregoire G., Roubi A., 2021. Le maërl comme marqueur bio-sédimentaire de l'évolution des environnements littoraux à l'Holocène terminal. RST 2021 - 27ème édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre. 01-05 Novembre 2021, Lyon.

Ehrhold A., Jouet G., Grall J., Siano R., Penaud A., Vidal M., Jorry S., Le Roy P., Vazquez-Riveiros N., Gouriou J., Roubi A, 2019. Maërl fossile, bio-marqueur des fluctuations sédimentaires et paléo-environnementales depuis les derniers millénaires en Rade de Brest. 17ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, 22-24 octobre, Beauvais.


Clip vidéo réalisé par Marie Wild en 2019 pour sa chaine scientifique YouTube sur le projet PEPITE

DEA or MASTER 2 using campaign data

2022 - Mona Schittulli. Évolution Holocène des terrasses submergées de la baie de Morlaix : Analyse sismo-stratigraphique. Mémoire de stage SML (IUEM), 75p.

2020 - Alexia Livramento. Evolution sédimentaire de la terrasse a maerl au nord de Belle-Île (Morbihan). Mémoire de stage ENSEGID, 60p.

2020 - Cécile Bijon. Sédimentation Holocène des terrasses littorales armoricaines. Analyses stratigraphiques sismiques et enjeux paléo-environnementaux : Exemple de la terrasse à maerl en baie de Concarneau. Mémoire de stage SML (IUEM), 72p.