Type Oceanographic cruise
Ship L'Europe
Ship owner Ifremer
Dates 19/08/2019 - 10/11/2019
Chief scientist(s) DANO Alexandre , GARZIGLIA Sébastien


250 rue Albert Einstein

CS 10269

Campus Azur

06905 Sophia-Antipolis

+33 (0)4 92 94 26 02



DOI 10.17600/18000924

In the frame of the ANR MODAL project, the first part of the FLUID3D-2 cruise onboard the R/V l'Europe was primarily planned to carry out various operations on instruments related to the EMSO-LIGURE-NICE cabled observatory, off the Nice Airport (Figure 1). These instruments aim at measuring various parameters to assess the contribution of fluid circulation and seismicity to the development of slope instabilities in the immediate surrounding of the area affected by a catastrophic landslide in October 1979.

The first objective of the cruise was to deploy a seabed station hosting a seawater radioactivity sensor (KATERINA) together with a seismo-piezometer probe. As part of the Trans National Access programme of the EMSO-LINK project, both of these instruments from the MARUM marine geotechnics team had to be connected to the EMSO-LIGURE-NICE observatory.

The second objective was to fully recover three piezometers which have been left measuring pore fluid pressures in sediments since 2014-2015. The pressure housings containing the data logger of two other piezometers had also to be replaced with new ones. Eventually, a new piezometer was planned to be deployed in the failure scar before being connected to the EMSO-LIGURE-NICE observatory.

The third objective was to acquire acoustic water column data as a means of assessing the activity and distribution of fluid seeps.

Main results

Data acquired and analyses carried out at sea and on shore

Published data

Gaillot Arnaud (2021). Bathymétrie - Mer Ligure, aéroport de Nice (campagne FLUID3D-2, 2019) résolution 5 m. https://doi.org/10.12770/03d6458c-8128-4400-982a-ba4652ef9d5b

Garziglia Sebastien, Apprioual Ronan, Roudaut Mickael, Bompais Xavier, Barbot Stephane (2018). Pore pressure and temperature data from piezometer ST4-PZ2L-03 since January 2014. https://doi.org/10.17882/51529

Data managed by SISMER

Sampling operations




Garziglia Sebastien, Sultan NabilORCID, Thomas Yannick, Ker StephanORCID, Marsset Bruno, Bompais XavierORCID, Woerther Patrice, Witt C., Kopf A., Apprioual Ronan (2021). Assessing spatio‐temporal variability of free gas in surficial cohesive sediments using tidal pressure fluctuations. Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface, 126(10), e2021JF006131 (26p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JF006131 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00728/83967/

Sultan NabilORCID, Garziglia Sebastien, Bompais XavierORCID, Woerther Patrice, Witt C, Kopf A, Migeon Sebastien (2020). Transient Groundwater Flow Through a Coastal Confined Aquifer and its Impact on Near‐Shore Submarine Slope Instability. Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface, 125(9), e2020JF005654 (18p.). Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JF005654 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00643/75461/

References of Technical Reports

Garziglia Sebastien (2019). Cruise report. FLUID3D-2 part 1. Offshore Nice Airport, 19-24 August 2019.