Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set CARIOCA
Ship Alis
Ship owner IRD
Dates 31/08/2019 - 14/09/2019
Chief scientist(s) RODOLFO METALPA Riccardo


IRD Centre de Nouméa


98848 NOUMEA Cedex

DOI 10.17600/18000898

In the framework of the project CARiOCA, financed by ANR (2016-2019), the team from IRD have performed three expeditions in Papua New Guinea onboard the R/V Alis, to study the effect of ocean acidification on coral reefs living at the CO2 vents of Ambitle Island. Here, corals live at pH values expected for the future because of the submarine, shallow water CO2 emissions. This unique system emits hot fluids and pure CO2, offering the timely opportunity to study coral reef responses to climate change in a natural setting.

During the previous missions, the team assessed the area, emission rates and quality, studied the composition and distribution of coral at the study site, their capacity to photosynthesize and respire, as well as tested the opportunity to study the combined effect of acidification and warming by using pipeline driving the hot flux to transplanted corals. During CARIOCA 3 the team transplanted some fragments of corals to measure their calcification rates, which is one of the most affected metabolic response of corals in a changing climate.

From 1st to 14th September the R/V Alis had performed the last mission (CARIOCA 4) planned for this project, always at Ambitle Island. The main goal of this cruise was to recover the transplanted corals and measure their calcification (i), sample seawater and biofilm near hot emission to see for any hydrothermal bacteria (ii), measure the metabolic rates of sponges near the CO2 emissions (iii), and (iv) repeat some onboard measurements of the coral photosynthesis and calcification which gave ambiguous results during the last cruise (v). During the cruise, we also deployed some loggers to better monitor the pH and other physical and chemical parameters at CO2 emission as made routinely.

Data managed by SISMER



Reimer James Davis, Agostini Sylvain, Golbuu Yimnang, Harvey Ben P., Izumiyama Michael, Jamodiong Emmeline A., Kawai Erina, Kayanne Hajime, Kurihara Haruko, Ravasi Timothy, Wada Shigeki, Rodolfo-Metalpa Riccardo (2023). High abundances of zooxanthellate zoantharians (Palythoa and Zoanthus) at multiple natural analogues: potential model anthozoans? Coral Reefs, 42(3), 707-715.

Bell James J., Shaffer Megan, Luter Heidi M., Mana Ralph, Rodolfo‐metalpa Riccardo (2022). Phototrophic sponge productivity may not be enhanced in a high CO2 world. Global Change Biology, 28(16), 4900-4911.

Kang Jingliang, Nagelkerken Ivan, Rummer Jodie L., Rodolfo‐metalpa Riccardo, Munday Philip L., Ravasi Timothy, Schunter Celia (2022). Rapid evolution fuels transcriptional plasticity to ocean acidification. Global Change Biology, 28(9), 3007-3022. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Comeau Steeve, Cornwall Christopher E., Shlesinger Tom, Hoogenboom Mia, Mana Ralph, McCulloch Malcolm T., Rodolfo‐metalpa Riccardo (2022). pH variability at volcanic CO2 seeps regulates coral calcifying fluid chemistry. Global Change Biology, 28(8), 2751-2763. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Meunier Valentine, Geissler Laura, Bonnet Sophie, Rädecker Nils, Perna Gabriela, Grosso Olivier, Lambert Christophe, Rodolfo‐metalpa Riccardo, Voolstra Christian R, Houlbrèque Fanny (2021). Microbes support enhanced nitrogen requirements of coral holobionts in a high CO 2 environment. Molecular Ecology, 30(22), 5888-5899. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Geissler Laura, Meunier Valentine, Rädecker Nils, Perna Gabriela, Rodolfo-Metalpa Riccardo, Houlbrèque Fanny, Voolstra Christian R. (2021). Highly Variable and Non-complex Diazotroph Communities in Corals From Ambient and High CO2 Environments. Frontiers In Marine Science, 8, 754682 (14p.). Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Agostini Sylvain, Houlbrèque Fanny, Biscéré Tom, Harvey Ben P., Heitzman Joshua M., Takimoto Risa, Yamazaki Wataru, Milazzo Marco, Rodolfo-Metalpa Riccardo (2021). Greater Mitochondrial Energy Production Provides Resistance to Ocean Acidification in “Winning” Hermatypic Corals. Frontiers In Marine Science, 7(600836), 11p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

References of International Seminar Communications

Agostini S, Harvey B, Takimoto R, Heitzman J, Houlbreque F, Rodolfo-Metalpa R. Is mitochondrial activity a factor for resistance to ocean acidification on corals? 1st Japanese Coral Reef Symposium, Nishihara-machi (Okinawa), 24 November 2018.

Ripoll J, Berteaux-Lecellier V, Biscéré T, Lecellier G, Rodolfo-Metalpa R. Acclimation of three coral species to ocean acidification around natural CO2 seeps: transplantation & gene expression. APCRS, 4th Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium, 4-8/06/2018.

Pichler T, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, & the CARIOCA team (Biscéré T, Bourgeois B, Houlbreque F, Lorrain A, Kinch J, Peignon C). Understanding coral reef acclimatization to ocean acidification at submarine CO2 seeps, Tutum Bay, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea. 3rd European Conference on Scientific Diving - March, 22/23 - 2017. Funchal - Madeira - Portugal.

Thesis using campaign data

Valentine Meunier. Interactions entre coraux scléractiniaires, les diazotrophes planctoniques et le picoplancton dans le contexte du changement climatique,

Tom Biscéré. Effets des métaux et des changements climatiques sur les coraux.