Civel-Mazens Matthieu, Crosta Xavier, Cortese Giuseppe, Lowe Vikki, Itaki Takuya, Ikehara Minoru, Kohfeld Karen (2024).
Subantarctic jet migrations regulate vertical mixing in the Southern Indian.
Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 642, 118877 (10p.).
Lawler Kelly-Anne, Cortese Giuseppe, Civel-Mazens Matthieu, Bostock Helen, Crosta Xavier, Leventer Amy, Lowe Vikki, Rogers John, Armand Leanne K. (2021).
The Southern Ocean Radiolarian (SO-RAD) dataset: a new compilation of modern radiolarian census data.
Earth System Science Data, 13(11), 5441-5453. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline
Patil Shramik, Mohan Rahul, Jafar Syed A, Gazi Sahina, Choudhari Pallavi, Crosta Xavier (2019). The coccolithophore family Calciosoleniaceae with report of a new species: Calciosolenia subtropicus from the southern Indian Ocean. Micropaleontology, 65(5), 459-471.
Références des rapports techniques
Références des articles parus dans des revues ou des journaux à grand public
Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Blaser, P., Crosta, X., Martínez-García, A., Jaccard, S.L., Frontal movements, iron fertilisation, and circulation changes at Crozet plateau (Southern Ocean) through the last glacial cycle. Goldschmidt International Conference on Geochemistry, Lyon, France, 9-14 July 2023.
Hirayama, M., Sawada, K., Matsui, H., Crosta, X., Ikehara, M., Reconstruction of the Polar Front over the past 700 kyrs in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. 2nd Asian Palaeontological Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 3-7 August 2023.
Matsui, H., Billy, I., Ther, O., Crosta, X., Horikawa, K., Ikehara, M. (2023), Southern Ocean fronts and temperatures during MIS 11 interglacial. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Chiba, Japan, 21-26 May 2023.
Choi, H., Crosta, X., Yang, J., Billy, I., Ha, S., Park, K., Khim, B.K. (2022), Orbital-scale change of surface water productivity in the Del Caño Rise (Southwest Indian Ocean) over the last 250 ka. AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA, 12-16 Dec 2022.
Références des communications dans des colloques nationaux
Choi, H., Yang, J., Crosta, X., Billy, I., Park, K., Ha, S., Khim, B.K. (2023), Variation of CaCO3 content in the Del Caño Rise (Indian sector of the Southern Ocean) since the Mid-Pleistocene transition. Annual Meeting of KAOSTS, Busan, Korea, 3-4 May 2023.
Choi, H., Crosta, X., Billy, I., Ha, S., Park, K., Khim, B.K. (2022), Change of surface water productivity in the Del Caño Rise (Southwest Indian Ocean) during the late Quaternary. Fall Meeting of Korean Society of Oceanography, Gangneung, Korea, 2-4 Nov 2022.
Choi, H., Crosta, X., Park, K., Khim, B.K. (2022), Glacial-interglacial variation of biogenic opal content in the Del Caño Rise (Indian sector of the Southern Ocean). Annual Meeting of KAOSTS, Jeju, Korea, 2-4 June 2022.
Matsui, H., Billy, I., Ther, O., Crosta, X., Ikehara, M. (2020), Investigation of past natural iron fertilization in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. The 6th Annual Meeting of Paleosciences Society (PALEO10), Virtual meeting, Japan, 27 November 2020.
Références des nouvelles espèces (animales, végétales, microorganismes) décrites, lieux où sont déposés les holotypes
Shramik Patil, Rahul Mohan, Syed A. Jafar, Sahina Gazi, Pallavi Choudhari, Xavier Crosta (2019). The coccolithophore family Calciosoleniaceae with report of a new species: Calciosolenia subtropicus from the Southern Indian Ocean. Micropaleontology, 65(5), 459-471.
(Holotype repository: NCPOR/FESEM lab)
DEA ou MASTER 2 ayant utilisé les données de la campagne
Choi, H. (2024 in prep), Variation of biogenic opal content of core MD19-3575CQ in Del Cano rise of southwest Indian Ocean. MSc thesis, Pusan National University, Korea.
Hirayama, M. (2024 in prep), Polar front migrations over the last 1.5 Myr in the southeastern Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. MSc thesis, Akita University, Japan.
Ono, H. (2024 in prep), Surface water conditions during MIS11 in the southeastern Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, BsC thesis, Akita University, Japan.
Priyolkar, J. (2024 in prep), Past climate reconstruction from the Southern Ocean using fossil diatoms. MSc thesis, Goa University, India.
Curchod, M. (2023 in prep), Évolution de la productivité primaire en lien avec le fer dans l'océan Indien subantarctique depuis le dernier maximum glaciaire. BSc thesis, Université de Lausanne, Suisse.
Yang, J.Y. (2023), Relationship between sediment colors and carbonate content in Del Cano Rise of southwest Indian Ocean. MSc thesis, Pusan National University, Korea.
Albaredes, H. (2022), Etude de niveaux volcano-clastiques sous-marins autour des Crozet (océan Indien). Master 1 OCEANOGRAPHIE, Université de Bordeaux, France, pp. 30.
Kilcoyne, E.L. (2022), Late Pleistocene dinocyst assemblage changes in the southwest Indian Ocean. MSc thesis, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, pp. 56.
Sawada, K. (2021), Reconstruction of the Polar Front over the past 500 kyrs based on planktic foraminiferal assemblages in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. MSc thesis, Akita University, Japan, pp. 40.
Turel, C. (2021), Etude de dépôts volcanoclastiques dans les carottes de sédiments de l'archipel de Crozet (océan Indien). Master 1 OCEANOGRAPHIE, Université de Bordeaux, France, pp. 30.
Thèses ayant utilisé les données de la campagne
Choudhari Pallavi (2024). Present and Past Coccoliths in the Southern Indian Ocean and their Paleoenvironmental Applicability. PhD Thesis, Goa University.
Civel, M. (2021), ACC fronts migrations in the Southern Indian Ocean over the last 360,000 years assessed from radiolarian assemblages. PhD thesis, Kochi University, Japan, pp. 307.