Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline
Komai T, Segonzac Michel (2005). Two new species of Nematocarcinus A. Milne-Edwards, 1881 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea, Nematocarcinidae) from hydrothermal vents on the North and South East Pacific Rise. Zoosystema, 27(2), 343-364.
Denis Françoise, Vachoux Christelle, Gauvry Laurent, Salin Christophe, Hardivillier Yann, Cosson Richard, Laulier Marc (2003). Characterization and expression of a Bathymodiolus sp. metallothionein gene. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 44(1), 109-109.
Le Bris N. Insights from modeling of physico-chemical conditions in vent habitats. InterRidge News, 12, 17-18. 2003
Biscoito M., Segonzac M., Almeida A., Desbruyères D., Geistdoerfer P., Turnipseed M., Van Dover C.L. Fishes from the Hydrothermal Vents and Cold Seeps - An Update. Cahiers de Biologie Marine: 43, 359-362. 2002
Casse Nathalie, Pradier Elisabeth, Demattei Mv, Bigot Y, Laulier M (2002). Mariner transposons are widespread genetic parasites in the genome of hydrothermal invertebrates. Cahiers de biologie Marine, 43(3-4), 325-328.
Chevaldonné P., Jollivet D., Desbruyères D., Lutz R.A., Vrijenhoek R.C. Sister-species of eastern Pacific hydrothermal vent worms (Ampharetidae, Alvinellidae, Vestimentifera) provide new mitochondrial COI clock calibration. Cahiers de Biologie Marine: 43, 367-370. 2002
Dixon D.R., Dixon L.R.J., Shillito B., Gwynn J.P. Background and induced levels of DNA damage in Pacific deep-sea vent polychaetes: the case for avoidance. Cahiers De Biologie Marine: 43, 333-336. 2002
Gonzalez A., Guerra A., Rocha F., Briand P. Morphological variation in males of Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis. Bulletin of Marine Science: 71, 289-298. 2002
Jouin-Toulmond C., Mozzo M., Hourdez S. Ultrastructure of spermatozoa in four species of Alvinellidae (Annelida: Polychaeta). Cahiers de Biologie Marine: 43, 391-394. 2002
Pavillon J.-F., Douez C., Menasria R., Forget J., Amiard J.-C., Cosson R.P. Impact of dissolved and particulate organic carbon on the bioavailability of the trace metals silver and mercury for the harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus brevicornis. J. Rech. Océanographique, 27, 43-52. 2002
Sadosky F., Thiébaut E., Jollivet D., Shillito B. Recruitment and population structure of the Vetigastropod Lepetodrilus elevatus at 13°N hydrothermal vent sites on East Pacific Rise. Cahiers de Biologie Marine: 43, 399-402. 2002
Andersen A.C., Hamraoui L., Zaoui D. The obturaculum of Riftia pachyptila (Annelida, Vestimentifera): ultrastructure and function of the obturacular muscles and extracellular matrix. Cahiers de Biologie Marine: 42, 219-237. 2001
Arndt C., Gaill F., Felbeck H. Anaerobic sulfur metabolism in thiotrophic symbioses. Journal of Experimental Biology: 204, 741- 750. 2001
Chevaldonné P., Fisher C.R., Childress J.J., Desbruyères D., Jollivet D., Zal F., Toulmond A. Thermotolerance and the "Pompeii worms". Marine Ecology Progress Series: 208, 293-295. 2000
De Cian M.-C., Regnault M., Lallier F.H. Nitrogen metabolites and related enzymatic activities in the body fluids and tissues of the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila. J. Exp. Biol.: 203, 2907-2920. 2000
Desbruyères D., Hourdez S. A new species of scale-worm (Polychaeta: Polynoidae), Lepidonotopodium atalantae sp. nov., from the East Pacific Rise at 13°N and 9°50'N. Cah. Biol. Mar.: 41, 47-54. 2000
Hourdez S., Debruyères D. A new species of scale-worm (Polychaeta: Polynoidae), Levensteiniella plicata sp. nov., from the East Pacific Rise. Cah. Biol. Mar.: 41, 97-102. 2000
Lallier F.H., Gaill F., Desbruyères D., Andersen A.C., Birrien J.-L., Biscoito M., Bonhomme F., Boorman B., Briand P., Caprais J.C., Chausson F., Chevaldonné P., Cheynel D., Cosson R., De Cian M.-C., Dixon D.R., Edge D., Fabri M.-C., Fiala-Medioni A., Herring P.J., Hervé G., Hourdez S., Jollivet D., Khripounoff A., Laulier M., Le Bris N., Lecornu F., Ondréas H., Pradillon F., Pond D., Rodier P., Sarradin P.-M., Ségonzac M., Shillito B., Thiébaut E., Toullec J.Y. The HOPE 99 cruise: back to 13°N EPR. InterRidge News, Fall 1999: 8, 19-22.
Lallier F.H., Gaill F., Desbruyères D., campagne l.e.d.p.à.l. Campagne HOPE 99 (N.O. L'Atalante et Nautile; avril-mai 99): retour sur la zone atelier 13°N EPR. La Lettre Dorsales, Sep 1999: 6, 16-20.
Shillito B. Instrumentation sous pression : Mise en oeuvre de l'aquarium pressurisé IPOCAMP lors de la mission HOPE 99. La lettre Dorsales, 6, 8-9. 1999
Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Le Bris N., Thouron D., Pennec S., Comtat M., Garçon V. Xth transfrontier conference on Sensor and Biosensor, Tarragona. Spain, Sep 15-17, 2004. Oral. Sensors for in situ monitoring of bioactive compounds in oceanic environments.
Bailly X., Zal F., Toulmond A., Jollivet D. 13th International Conference on Invertebrate Dioxygen Binding Proteins, Mainz, DE, Sep 7-12, 2003. Oral. Detection of positive Darwinian selection events from globin molecular evolution suggests the loss of hemoglobin sulfide binding function in annelids from sulfide-free environments.
Cosson R.P., Bustamante P. IIIème Congrés International des Sociétés Européennes de Malacologie, La Rochelle, France, Jun. Poster. The bioaccumulation of trace metals in the hydrothermal vent clam Calyptogena magnifica from the East Pacific Rise (9°N). 2003.
De Cian M.C., Andersen A.C., Lallier F.H. 10th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Coos Bay, Oregon, USA, Aug 25-29, 2003. Poster. Carbonic anhydrase localization in the gills of two hydrothermal vents crustaceans, Bythograea thermydron and Rimicaris exoculata.
Hourdez S., Jollivet D., Lallier F.H., Schaeffer S.W., Toulmond A., Fisher C.R. 13th International Conference on Invertebrate Dioxygen Binding Proteins, Mainz, DE, Sep 7-12, 2003. Oral. Evolution of hemoglobins in deep-sea hydrothermal vent polynoids.
Lallier F.H., De Cian M.C., Andersen A.C. 4th International Symbiosis Symposium, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Aug 17-22, 2003. Oral, Invited. Specific adaptations of the hydrothermal vent tubeworm, Riftia pachyptila, to fuel its symbionts with inorganic carbon.
Bailly X., Jollivet D., Toulmond A. Molecular Evolution: Evolution, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Sorrento, IT, Jun 13-16, 2002. Poster. Molecular evolution of the sulphide-binding function in the multigenic haemoglobin family of the tube-worm Riftia pachyptila: implications for annelid haemoglobin evolution.
De Cian M.C., Bailly X., Morales J., Van Dorsselaer A., Lallier F.H. The power of comparative physiology: evolution, integration and application, San Diego, USA, Aug 24-28, 2002. Oral. Carbonic anhydrase in an autotrophic animal, the symbiotic tubeworm Riftia pachyptila.
Sanglier S., Van Dorsselaer A., Zal F., Leize E. 50th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Orlando, USA, 2-6 Juin 2002. Poster. Comparative ESMS study of native hemocyanins from deep-sea and shore crabs with molecular weights up to 2 341 kDa.
Sanglier S., Van Dorsselaer A., Zal F., Leize E. EuroConference on Fundamental Studies and Applications, Wilbad Kreuth, Allemagne, 21-26 Juillet 2002. Poster. Comparative ESMS study of native hemocyanins from deep-sea and shore crabs with molecular weights up to 2 341 kDa.
Andersen A.C., De Cian M.C., Bailly X., Lallier F.H. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. Hemoglobin synthesis in the symbiotic vestimentiferan tubeworm Riftia pachyptila.
Andersen A.C., Jolivet S., Claudinot S., Lallier F.H. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Biometry of the branchial plume of Riftia pachyptila.
Bailly X., Jollivet D., Zal F. Society for Experimental Biology, Canterbury, UK, Oral, invited. Molecular evolution of the sulphide binding mechanisms in the multigenic hemoglobin of the tube-worm Riftia pachyptila. 2001.
Biscoito M., Segonzac M., Almeida A., Desbruyères D., Geistdoerfer P., Turnipseed M., Van Dover C.L. Second International Symposium on Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Fishes from the Hydrothermal Vents and Cold Seeps - An Update.
Casse N., Pradier E., Demattei M.-V., Bigot Y., Laulier M. Second international symposium on deep sea hydrothermal vent biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. Mariner transposons are a genetic parasites occuring in the genome of hydrothermal invertebrates.
Chausson F., Bridges C.R., Sarradin P.M., Lallier F.H. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. Ecophysiological approach of the respiratory adaptation of two hydrothermal vent crabs, Bythograea thermydron and Cyanagraea praedator.
Chausson F., Lallier F.H., Sarradin P.M. Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Adaptation to hypercapnia in hydrothermal vent crustaceans.
Chevaldonné P., Jollivet D., Desbruyères D., Lutz R.A., Vrijenhoek R.C. Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. Sibling species of eastern Pacific hydrothermal-vent worms (Ampharetidae, Alvinellidae, Vestimentifera) provide new mitochondrial COI clock calibration.
Cossa D., Caprais J.C., Sarradin P.M., Briand P. Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Concentrations in mercury in the hydrothermal fluids of East Pacific rise (13°N): First results.
Cosson R.P., Bustamante P. Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Fluctuations of metals and metallothioneins with time (Nov97 - May99 - Dec99) in Bathymodiolus thermophilus at the same spot on the EPR (9°50'N).
Cosson R.P., Bustamante P., Sarradin P.M., Le Bris N., Fiala-Médioni A. Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Metals and metallothioneins in Bathymodiolus thermophilus from 9°50'N sites (BioVent - Mussel Bed - East Wall).
Cosson R.P., Chausson F., Bustamante P., Laulier M., Fiala-Médioni A. 2nd International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. First experimental induction of metallothioneins in Bathymodiolus azoricus and B. thermophilus at the atmospheric pressure.
Cosson R.P., Shillito B., Laulier M., Bustamante P., Boulègue J. Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. First experimental induction of metallothioneins by cadmium in Bathymodiolus thermophilus under controlled pressure using the IPOCAMP vessel.
De Cian M.C., Andersen A.C., Lallier F.H. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. Carbonic anhydrase localization and expression in Riftia pachyptila.
De Cian M.C., Andersen A.C., Toullec J.Y., Lallier F.H. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. CO2 transport and intracellular pH in Riftia pachyptila isolated bacteriocytes
De Cian M.C., Andersen A.C., Toullec J.Y., Lallier F.H. Second International Conference of Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry in Africa : How Animals Work, Chobe National Park, Botswana, Aug 18-24, 2001. Poster. Carbonic anhydrase and carbon dioxide cellular transport in a symbiotic invertebrate, the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila
Denis F., Vachoux C., Gauvry L., Leignel V., Salin C., Hardivillier Y., Cosson R., Laulier M. Second international symposium on deep sea hydrothermal vent biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. Metallothionein in Bathymodiolus sp. : Complementary DNA characterization and quantification of expression
Hourdez S., Jollivet D., Lallier F.H. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. A new morphotype of Riftia pachyptila at 13°N EPR
Jouin-Toulmond C. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Anatomy of spermatozoids in the family Alvinellidae (Polychaeta)
Khripounoff A., Vangriesheim A., Crassous P., Segonzac M. Second international symposium on deep-sea hydrothermal vent biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Particulate material production from Atlantic and Pacific hydrothermal vents
Lallier F.H. Second International Conference of Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry in Africa : How Animals Work, Chobe National Park, Botswana, Aug 18-24, 2001. Oral, Invited. Oxygen, carbon dioxide and sulfide transport in the symbiotic tubeworm Riftia pachyptila
Le Bris N., Sarradin P.M., Caprais J.C. Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. Characteristic features of the chemical environment of Alvinella pompejana at Genesis/EPR 13°N
Martinez A.-S., Toullec J.Y., Shillito B., Charmantier-Daures M., Charmantier G. Annual main meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology (SEB), Canterbury (UK), Apr. Poster. Morpho-functional adaptations of the crab Bythograea thermydron to the salinity of the hydrothermal environment. 2001.
Martinez A.-S., Toullec J.Y., Shillito B., Charmantier-Daures M., Charmantier G. Annual main meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB), Chicago (USA). Jan. Poster. Osmotic and ionic regulations in the hydrothermal vent crab Bythograea thermydron. 2001
Piccino P., Jollivet D., Viard F. Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Thermal adaptation of Alvinella pompejana (Polychaeta: Alvinellidae) in a highly fluctuating environment: a case study of phosphoglucomutase PGM-1
Rocha F., Gonzalez A., Segonzac M., Guerra A. Second international symposium on deep-sea hydrothermal vent biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Observations about behaviours of Vulcanctopus hydrothermalis.
Sadosky F., Thiébaut E., Jollivet D., Shillito B., Bonhomme F., Labbe P. Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Population structure and recruitment of the hydrothermal vent limpet Lepetodrilus elevatus from the East Pacific Rise (13°N and 9°50N).
Sarradin P.M. Second International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. New approach to the study of biogeochemical interactions in hydrothermal vents.
Shillito B. Second international symposium on deep-sea hydrothermal vent biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. Use of a video- equipped pressurized incubator for the study of hydrothermal vent organisms.
Vagne A., Desbruyères D., Sarradin P.M., Bris N.L., Lecornu F. Second international symposium on deep-sea hydrothermal vent biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Mosaicking tool for hydrothermal vent community study.
Zal F., Bailly X., Lallier F.H., Toulmond A., Childress J.J. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Oral. Hemoglobin and sulfide : how does it work ?
Zal F., Bailly X., Lallier F.H., Toulmond A., Childress J.J. SEB Annual meeting, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, 2-6 Avril, 2001. Oral, Invité. The life in sulfidic environment.
Zal F., Chausson F., Leize E., Van Dorsselaer A., Lallier F.H., Green B.N. American Society of Mass Spectrometry Symposium, Chicago, IL, USA, 27-31 Mai 2001. Poster. Quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry of the native hemocyanin of the deep-sea crab Bythograea thermydron.
Zal F., Leize E., Chausson F., Van Dorsselaer A., Lallier F.H., Green B.N. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrothermal Vent Biology, Brest, France, Oct 8-12, 2001. Poster. Quaternary structure of hemocyanin from the crab Bythograea thermydron refined by mass spectrometry.
Bailly X., Jollivet D., Zal F. XIIth International Conference on Invertebrate Dioxygen Binding Proteins, Roscoff, France, Jul 23-28, 2000. Oral. Did duplication events generate a new function of H2S binding in the multigenic globin family of Riftia pachyptila ? 2000 Chausson F., Bridges C.R., Sarradin P.-M., Lallier F.H. XIIth International Conference on Invertebrate Dioxygen Binding Proteins, Roscoff, France, Jul 23-28. Oral. Micro-environments and functional properties of haemocyanin: correlation or divergence? The case of two hydrothermal vent crabs.
Chausson F., Camus L., Lallier F.H., Sarradin P.M., Truchot J.P., Bridges C.R. Society for Experimental Biology, Exeter, UK, Mar 27-31, 2000. Poster. Haemocyanin function in deep-sea hydrothermal decapod crustaceans.
Chausson F., Lallier F.H., Sarradin P.-M., Green B.N., Boisset N., Van Dorsselaer A. XIIth International Conference on Invertebrate Dioxygen Binding Proteins, Roscoff, France, Jul 23-28, 2000. Poster. Quaternary structure of the hydrothermal vent crab, Cyanagraea praedator, haemocyanin.
De Cian M.C., Bailly X., Andersen A.C., Shillito B., Lallier F.H. Experimental Biology 2000, Cambridge UK, Jul 30 - Aug 3, 2000. Poster. Carbon dioxide cellular transport in a symbiotic invertebrate, the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila.
Desbruyères D., Le Bris N., Sarradin P.-M., Caprais J.-C., Gaill F., Chevaldonné P. 18th International Congress of Zoology, Athenes, Greece, 28 Aug - 02 Sep, 2000. Oral. Is the "Pompei worm" a true extremophile?
Gonzalez A., Guerra A., Rocha F., Briand P. Cephalopod International Advisory Council, Aberdeen, UK, Jul. 2000. Poster. Variabilité biométrique des mâles de Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis.
de Buron I., Morand S., Segonzac M. RIDGE 2000 Exploratory Studies Planning Workshop, Nashville, USA, 5-7 October 2000. Poster. Acanthocephalans parasites of hydrothermal fish: a model for exploratory collaborations amongst biologists and chemists?
Hourdez S., Jollivet D. XIIth International Conference on Invertebrate Dioxygen Binding Proteins, Roscoff, France, Jul 23-28, 2000. Poster. Structure of Branchipolynoe symmytilida (Polychaeta; Polynoidae) hemoglobin.
Hourdez S., Weber R.E., Lallier F.H., Toulmond A. XIIth International Conference on Invertebrate Dioxygen Binding Proteins, Roscoff, France, Jul 23-28, 2000. Oral. Gas transfer system in the hydrothermal vent polychaete Alvinella pompejana.
Jollivet D., Comtet T., Hourdez S., Chevaldonné P. Aquatic Habitats as Ecologicval Islands, Plymouth, United Kingdom, Sep 5-7, 2000. Poster. Phylogeography of the hydrothermal vent association Bathymodiolus-Branchipolynoe using ITS2 sequences: occurence of an ancient pathway via the Panama seaway.
Lallier F.H. Invited Seminar, University of Miami, Feb 28, 2000. Oral. How to be the perfect host ? Sulfide and carbon dioxide transport in the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila.
Lallier F.H., Zal F. XIIth International Conference on Invertebrate Dioxygen Binding Proteins, Roscoff, France, Jul 23-28, 2000. Poster. Multi-angular laser light scattering : an alternative to measure the mass of giant O2 binding proteins.
Le Bris N., Sarradin P.M. RIDGE In situ sensors workshop, Aptos, USA, 2000, Poster. In situ analysis to characterize the chemical environment of hydrothermal vent fauna.
Sarradin P.M., Riso R., Le Bris N., Caprais J.C., Fouquet Y., Radford-Knoery J., Zuddas P., Crassous P. 7th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Metal Speciation in the Aquatic Environment, Oporto (Portugal), 27/08 au 30/08/2000. Oral. Metal content in the environment surrounding hydrothermal vent comunities: preliminary approach and outlook.
Shillito B., Sarradin P.-M., Zal F., Jollivet D., Lallier F., Desbruyères D., Gaill F. 9th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Galway Ireland, 26-30th June 2000. Oral. Investigations on temperature tolerance of hydrothermal vent organisms, using a video-equipped pressurizes incubator.
Zal F. Séminaire invité, Université de Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgique, Mar 1, 2000. Oral. La vie en présence d'hydrogène sulfuré: l'exemple du ver géant des abysses Riftia pachyptila.
Zal F., Bailly X., Gotoh T., Lallier F.H., Toulmond A., Childress J.J. XIIth International Conference on Invertebrate Dioxygen Binding Proteins, Roscoff, France, Jul 23-28, 2000. Oral. Free Cystein residues: active sites for ?new? functions in worm hemoglobins, sulfide carrying and/or trapping.
Chausson F., Sarradin P.-M., Green B.N., Truchot J.-P., Lallier F.H. 20th European Society for Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Conference, Aahrus (DK), 27-30 Jun 1999. Respiratory adaptations to the hydrothermal vent environment: structure and functional properties of Cyanagraea praedator (Crustacea: Decapoda) haemocyanin.
Le Bris N., Sarradin P.-M., Colaço A. 34th European Marine Biology Symposium, Punta Delgada, Açores, Portugal, 1999. Oral. In situ chemical analysis to characterize the environment of hydrothermal vent fauna at the microhabitat scale.
Sarradin P.M., Le Bris N., Birot D., Caprais J.C., Briand D. 4ème Congrès International Limnologie-Océanographie : Variabilités temporelles au sein des hydrosystèmes, Bordeaux, France, Sep 7-10, 1999. Poster. Caractérisation chimique de l'écosystème hydrothermal et analyse in situ.
Références des communications dans des colloques nationaux
Casse N., Bui Q.T., Uguen G., Demattei M.-V., Pradier E., Leignel V., Bigot Y., Laulier M. 12ème colloque ? Éléments Transposables ?, Tours, France, Jul 5-7, 2004. Oral. Occurrence of Mariner transposons in invertebrates living in deep-sea hydrothermal and coastal environments
Faure B., Piccino P., Jollivet D. XXVI Petit Pois Déridé, Paris, France, Aug 25-28, 2004. Poster. Étude de l'efficacité reproductrice du polychète hydrothermal Alvinella pompejana en fonction du génotype
Lallier F.H. Récents progrès en écophysiologie: respiration et osmorégulation, Institut Océanographique, Paris, Dec 7, 2004. Oral, Invited. Oxygène et sulfure d'hydrogène: deux frères ennemis ?
Casse N., Demattei M.-V., Pradier E., Leignel V., Bigot Y., Laulier M. 11ème colloque ? Éléments Transposables ?, Montpellier, Jul 7-9, 2003. Poster. Étude phylogénétique des éléments Mariner : cas du milieu marin
Toumi N., Casse N., Renault S. 11ème colloque ? Éléments Transposables ?, Montpellier, France, Caractérisation de l?élément Mariner chez les organismes des sources hydrothermales océaniques. 2003
Bailly X., Jollivet D. Petit Pois Déridé, XXIVème réunion annuelle du Groupe de Génétique et Biologie des Populations, Aug 27-30, 2002. Oral. Évolution moléculaire de la fonction de fixation de l'hydrogène sulfuré au sein de la famille multigénique des hémoglobines de Riftia pachyptila, ver des sources hydrothermales profondes: implications sur l'origine des annélides
Piccino P., Jollivet D., Viard F. XXIV Petit Pois Déridé, Montpellier, France, Aug 27-30, 2002. Poster. Adaptation moléculaire du polychète Alvinella pompejana aux importantes fluctuations thermiques de l'environnement hydrothermal profond: étude des variants alléliques de la phosphoglucomutase PGM-1
Zal F. Rencontres Biologie-Physique du Grand Ouest, Rennes, France, 4-5 Juillet 2002. Analyse de l'hémocyanine du crabe hydrothermal Bythograea thermydron par electrospray de type Q-Tof
Casse N., Pradier E., Demattei M.-V., Bigot Y., Laulier M. 10ème colloque "éléments transposables". Lyon, Jul 4-6, 2001. Poster. Mise en évidence et caractérisation d?un transposon de la famille Mariner chez les invertébrés marins des dorsales océaniques
Le Bris N., Sarradin P.M., Vuillemin R. Vème Rencontre transfrontalière capteurs/biocapteurs, Toulouse, France, Sep 20-21, 2001. Oral. In situ chemical analysis to characterise the environment of deep-sea hydrothermal vent fauna
Zal F., Chausson F., Leize E., Van Dorsselaer A., Lallier F.H., Green B.N. Société Française de Spectrométrie de Masse, La Rochelle, 11-31 Septembre 2001. Oral, Invité. Electrospray Quadropule Time of Flight mass spectrometry of a native hemocyanin from the deep-sea crab Bythograea thermydron with a molecular weight of 1.3 MDa
Andersen A.C., Jolivet S., Claudinot S., Bailly X. Journées Dorsales 2000, Roscoff, FR, Sep 20-22. Poster. L'approvisionnement des symbiontes de Riftia: rôle de l'organe branchial
Bailly X., Jollivet D., Zal F. Journées DORSALES 2000, Roscoff, France, Sep 20-22, 2000. Poster. Evolution moléculaire de la famille multigénique des hémoglobines de Riftia pachyptila
Cossa D., Caprais J.C., Sarradin P.M., Briand P. Journées DORSALES 2000, Roscoff, Concentrations en mercure dans les fluides hydrothermaux de la Ride Est Pacifique (13°N) : Premiers résultats. 2000
De Cian M.C., Bailly X., Andersen A.C., Shillito B., Lallier F.H. Journées Dorsales 2000, Roscoff F, Sep 20-22, 2000. Oral. Transport et conversion du dioxyde de carbone chez un invertébré symbiotique autotrophe, le vestimentifère Riftia pachyptila
Gonzalez A., Guerra A., Rocha F., Briand P. Journées Dorsales 2000, Roscoff, France, Sep 20-22, 2000. Poster. Variabilité biométrique des mâles de Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis
Hourdez S., Jollivet D. Journées DORSALES 2000, Roscoff, France, Sep 20-22, 2000. Poster. Structure des hémoglobines de Branchipolynoe symmytilida (Polychète; Polynoidé)
Hourdez S., Weber R.E., Lallier F.H., Toulmond A. Journées DORSALES 2000, Roscoff, France, Sep 20-22. Poster. Système de transfert gazeux chez le Polychète des sources hydrothermales Alvinella pompejana
Khripounoff A., Crassous P., Vangriesheim A., Segonzac M. Journées DORSALES 2000, Roscoff, 20-22 septembre 2000. Flux particulaire hydrothermal sur les rides océaniques de l'Atlantique et du Pacifique
Le Bris N., Sarradin P.M., Caprais J.C. Journées DORSALES 2000, Roscoff, France, Oral. Teneurs et disponibilité des sulfures, de l'oxygène et du carbone inorganique dans les habitats des organismes hydrothermaux (HOPE99, Genesis/13°N/EPR)
Martinez A.-S., Toullec J.Y., Shillito B., Charmantier-Daures M., Charmantier G. Journées Dorsales, Roscoff, France, Sep 2000. Oral. Osmotic and ionic regulations in the hydrothermal vent crab Bythograea thermydron
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