References of International Seminar Communications
Goslin, J., Perrot, J., Royer, J.-Y., Guennou, C., D'Eu, J.-F. & Brachet, C., 2010. Hydroacoustic signals from autonomous hydrophone arrays: a powerful tool for long-term monitoring of active processes along spreading ridges and deforming areas at regional scales. in NERIES- ESONET OBS-Marine Seismology workshop, Paris.
Samaran F, 2010. Passive acoustic Monitoring of Blue Whale populations in Indian Ocean Séminaire Scientifique de l?Université de l?état d?Oregon, NOAA, Newport, OR USA.
Samaran F., 2010 Passive acoustic Monitoring of Blue Whale populations in Indian Ocean. Séminaire Scientifique de l?Applied Acoustics Laboratory, Université de Washington, USA.
Samaran F., 2010. Passive acoustic Monitoring of Blue Whale populations in Indian Ocean Séminaire Scientifique du National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA ; Washington, OR USA.
Chateau, R., Royer, J.-Y., Dziak, R.P., Bohnenstielh, D.W., Brandon, V., and Haxel, J.H., 2009, Hydroacoustic records of seafloor earthquakes, cryogenic sounds, and cetacean vocalizations in the Indian Ocean, EOS Trans. Am Geophys. Un.: San-Francisco, CA, American Geophysical Union.
Royer, J.-Y., Dziak, R.P., Delatre, M., Chateau, R., Brachet, C., Haxel, J.H., Matsumoto, H., Goslin, J., Brandon, V., Cansi, Y., Samaran, F., and Guinet, C., 2009b, Results from a 14 month hydroacoustic experiment in the Indian Ocean, ISS09: Vienna, CTBT Organization.
Royer, J.-Y., Dziak, R.P., Delatre, M., Chateau, R., Brachet, C., Haxel, J.H., Matsumoto, H., Goslin, J., Brandon, V., and Bohnenstielh, D.W., 2009a, Results from a 14 month hydroacoustic monitoring of the three mid-oceanic ridges in the Indian Ocean, Volume 11: Geophysical Research Abstracts: Vienna, European Geophysical Union, Abstract EGU2009-8341.
Samaran F., Adam O. and Guinet C. 2009. ear-round records in the South Western Indian Ocean reveal a mid-ocean sympatric area of southern blue whale subspecies. 18th Biennal Marine Mammal Conference, Québec, Canada.
Samaran F., Adam O., Guinet C, 2009. Acoustic localization of blue whale (Balaenopera musculus) using the hydrophones of the International Monitoring System. 4th International Workshop on Detection and Localization of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics, Pavia, Italie.
Samaran, F., Adam, O., Ruzié, G., Stafford, K. and Guinet, C, 2009. Using IMS hydroacoustic data to monitor whales in the South-western Indian Ocean. Poster, International Scientific Conference (ISS09), Vienne, Autriche.
Brandon, V., Royer, J.-Y., Reymond, D., Hyvernaud, O., and Cansi, Y., 2008, Investigation for seismic precursors along fracture zones in the Indian Ocean using hydroacoustic data, Volume 89: EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.: San-Francisco, American Geophysical Union, Abstract T51B-1887.
Dziak, R.P., Royer, J.-Y., Haxel, J.H., Delatre, M., Bohnenstielh, D.W., Matsumoto, H., Goslin, J., Brachet, C., and Lau, T.-K., 2008, Hydroacoustic detection of recent (large-scale) seafloor volcanic activity in the Southern Indian Ocean, Volume 89: EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.: San-Francisco, American Geophysical Union, Abstract T51B-1888.
Royer, J.-Y., Dziak, R.P., Delatre, M., Brachet, C., Haxel, J.H., Matsumoto, H., Goslin, J., Brandon, V., Bohnenstielh, D.W., Guinet, C., and Samaran, F., 2008, Preliminary results from an hydroacoustic experiment in the Indian Ocean, Volume 89: EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.: San-Francisco, American Geophysical Union, Abstract T51B-1883.