DCE 5-2

Type Oceanographic cruise
Set This cruise is part of the set DCE
Ship Téthys II
Ship owner CNRS until 2019 - IFREMER since 2020
Dates 03/07/2018 - 24/07/2018
Chief scientist(s) BOUCHOUCHA Marc ORCID


Centre Ifremer Méditerranée

Zone portuaire de Brégaillon

CS 20330

83507 La Seyne-sur-Mer Cedex

+33 (0)4 94 30 48 00


DOI 10.17600/18000551

The Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC) establish the frame of the community policy in the field of the water with the aim of a better management of the aquatic systems. It resumes, completes, simplifies and integrates the previous community regulations concerning the water, and sets up a calendar common to member states for its application. It sets as general goal the achievment of the good ecological and chemical status of the underground and surface water bodies, the latter including coastal and transition waters.
The Marine Stratedy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/EC), transposed into in the French code of the environment (articles L. 219-9 in L. 219-18 and R. 219-2 in R. 219-17), lead Member states to reduce the impacts of activities to reach or maintain a good ecological status (GES) in the marine environment by 2020. The evaluation of this status is made by the follow-up of 11 descriptors, among which Descriptors 8 " Chemical Contaminants " (D8) and 10 " Marine Litter " ( D10). D8 is divided into four criteria of the GES of which the D8C1 is interested in the chronic concentrations in the environment and t biota. D10 is decomposed four criteria, the second criterion ( D10C2) of which is the criterion micro-plastics (particles lower than 5 mm). The stakes in D10C2 criteria asks for the acquisition of knowledge and for the reduction of the impacts.

In this context, the specific objectives of the campaign DCE 5 are:

  • to inform the chemical state of coastal water bodies of water in conformance with the WFD and in conformance with achievement of the GES for the D8C1criteria
  • to study the trends of the chemical contamination on the historic RINBIO stations (followed since 1996) and to report this evolution in conformance with the Convention of Barcelona
  • to make do a specific follow-up of the chemical contamination for the right of the large rivers and the outfall of major water-treatment plants to characterize better their contributions in contaminants to the French Mediterranean and compare them with the last follow-up realized in 2012. The comparison will allow to estimate the impact of actions carried out within the framework of the Xth program of intervention of the water agency and to target better the priorities for its program to come,
  • to establish a diagnosis of the ecological status of the coastal water bodies of water with regard to the descriptor « benthic macrofauna » of the WFD,
  • to follow the achievement of the Good Ecological Status of D10C2 criteria.