Références des publications parues dans d'autres revues ou des ouvrages scientifiques faisant référence dans la discipline
Bonnieux, S., Cazau, D., Mosser, S., Blay-Fornarino, M., Hello, Y., & Nolet, G. (2020). MeLa: A Programming Language for a New Multidisciplinary Oceanographic Float. Sensors, 20(21), 6081. doi: 10.3390/s20216081
Bonnieux, S., Mosser, S., Blay-Fornarino, M., Hello, Y., & Nolet, G. (2019). Model driven programming of autonomous floats for multidisciplinary monitoring of the oceans. OCEANS 2019 - Marseille. IEEE. doi: 10.1109/OCEANSE.2019.8867453
Obayashi, M., Yoshimitsu, J., Sugioka, H., Ito, A., Isse, T., Shiobara, H., Reymond, D., and Suetsugu, D.,(2016). Mantle plumes beneath the South Pacific superswell revealed by finite frequency P tomography using regional seafloor and island data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 11,628- 11,634, 2016 doi:10.1002/2016GL070793.
Références des articles parus dans des revues ou des journaux à grand public
Fishing for earthquakes, Jan 20, (2014) Euronews program
Nicola Jones, March 12, (2014) Global seismic network takes to the seas, Nature News,
Christina Reed, Dec 9, (2013) Mermaids exist! And they are seismically sensitive, Discovery News
Thia Gose, Dec 10, (2013) Floating seismic devoices peer deep beneath ocean floor, Live Science
Timoty Oleson, Dec 17, (2013) Bare Earth elements, AGU 2013 wrap-up, EARTH Magazine,
Charles Quoi, Oct 18, (2011) Robot ?Mermaids' swim seas to detect seismic waves, NBC News,
Charles Quoi, Oct 13, (2011) Robot ?Mermaids' swim seas to detect seismic waves, Live Science,
Naomi Lubick, Oct 7, (2011) MERMAIDS detect distant earthquakes, Nature News,
The Economist, Feb 7th (2008 ),Plumbing the depths A new generation of mermaids looks at oceanic earthquakes.
Références des communications dans des colloques internationaux
Namjesnik, D., Sigloch., K., Bonnieux S., Hello, Y., 1 Storchak, D., Simons, F. J., Simon, J.D. , Harris, J. Garth, T. (2023). Locating earthquakes recorded by MERMAIDS, independent divers floating in the ocean. EPOS SP / ORFEUS AdriaArray Workshop, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Joel D. Simon, Frederik J. Simons, Jessica C. E. Irving, The EarthScope-Oceans Consortium (2022). Global Seismology from Within the Oceans: Exploring the MERMAID Data Set Being Actively Recorded in the South Pacific. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022, Chiba, Japan URL:
Joel D. Simon, Yong Yu, Sirawich Pipatprathanporn, Frederik J. Simons (2022). The 15 January 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha`apai Eruption as Recorded by MERMAID. SSA Annual Meeting, Bellevue, WA, USA
K. Sigloch, Y. Hello, S. Bonnieux, G. Nolet (2022). Multi-disciplinary, autonomous underwater floats for recording seismic and hydroacoustic signals in the oceans. 2022-09-08 EMSO Marmara workshop, Marseille
K. Sigloch, Y. Hello, S. Bonnieux, G. Nolet, (2022). Sampling the oceans with seismo-acoustic floats - autonomous, long-lived, versatile. 2022-10-07 EPOS SP / ORFEUS Annual Observatory Meeting and Workshop 2022, Potsdam, Germany
Karin Sigloch, Yann Hello, Sebastien Bonnieux, Guust Nolet (2022)
autonomous, long-lived, versatile. 2022-11-09 Brazilian National Seismological Network (en visio)
K. Sigloch & the ESO Steering Group. (2022), UN Decade Project EarthScope Oceans: 300 Mermaids - towards global coverage of the oceans with seismo-acoustic floats. 2022-03-22 Argo/Ocean Decade Monaco
towards global coverage of the oceans with seismo-acoustic floats. 2022-03-22 Argo/Ocean Decade Monaco
Masayuki Obayashi (invited) (2021). Updates from the floating seismometer MERMAID array, Mini-seismo-2021 Seismology Frontiers
Joel D. Simon, Frederik J. Simons, Jessica C. E. Irving, Tim Ahern, The EarthScope-Oceans Consortium. (2021). Seismoacoustics in the South Pacific: Exploring the MERMAID Data Set and its Availability. AGU Fall Meeting[1], New Orleans, LA, USA. URL:
Joel D. Simon, Jessica C E Irving, Sirawich Pipatprathanporn, Frederik Simons, The EarthScope-Oceans Consortium (2021). The 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake as Seen by MERMAID Seismometers in the South Pacific Ocean. AGU Fall Meeting[2], New Orleans, LA, USA. URL:
Bonnieux, S., Hello, Y., Sigloch, K., Phlippe, O., Rocca, F., & Nolet, G. (2021). Mobile Earthquake Recording in Marine Areas by Independent Divers: Now Landing on the Ocean Bottom. AGU fall Meeting 2021
Masayuki Obayashi, Hiroko Sugioka, Yann Hello, Frederik Simons, Yongshun John Chen, Guust Nolet (2020). Seismic monitoring by autonomous floats to image Earth's interior, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020
Joel D. Simon, Frederik J. Simons, Jessica C. E. Irving, Guust Nolet, Yann Hello, Hiroko Sugioka, Masayuki Obayashi, Yongshun John Chen and Olivier Hyvernaud (2020). Seismic Sampling of the Mantle Under the South Pacific With a Drifting Array of Autonomous MERMAID Floats. AGU Fall Meeting URL:
Joel D. Simon, Frederik J. Simons, Guust Nolet, Yann Hello (2019). A Progress Report on a large MERMAID Deployment into the Pacific Ocean, SSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA
Joel D. Simon, Frederik J. Simons, Guust Nolet, Yann Hello, (2019), First Results of a Large MERMAID Deployment into the Pacific Ocean, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria URL:
Bonnieux, S., Blay-Fornarino, M., Mosser, S., Hello, Y., & Nolet, G. (2019). Easy development of monitoring applications for an autonomous float. AGU fall meeting 2019
G. Nolet, Y. Hello, A. Sukhovich, S. Bonnieux, C. Joubert, J.-O. Irisson and F. Simons, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (2015) MERMAID seismometry in the oceans: what can we resolve?
Y. Hello, S.Bonnieux, O.Philippe, M.Yegikyan, G. Nolet, AGU-Fall Meeting, San Francisco (2015) S33D-2809 Mermaid to MARISCOPE; A dedicated acoustic float for monitoring of the oceans
A. Pazmino, Y. Hello, G. Nolet, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (2014) Three campaigns to image the earth?s interior using Mermaids
G. Nolet, A. Sukhovich, Y. Hello, S. Bonnieux, C. Joubert and F Simons, , Caltech, (2014) Moving seismic networks at sea
G. Nolet, A. Sukhovich, Y. Hello, S. Bonnieux, C. Joubert and F Simons, IRIS workshop, Sunriver OR, (2014), Moving seismic networks at sea.
Nicolas Picard, Yann Hello Nicolas Laruelle- OSEAN, Ocean International London March (2014) Multisensor Profiler - A New Means to Monitor the Oceans and Study Seismic, Meteorology, Marine Mammals and Oceanographic Fields
Y. Hello, G. Nolet, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (2014) Multimermaid for Mariscope: a dedicated acoustic float for monitoring the oceans
A. Sukhovich, S. Bonnieux, Yann Hello , F. Simons and G. Nolet, , EGU/Vienna (2013) First observations of teleseismic P-waves with autonomous underwater robots: towards future global network of mobile seismometers
A.Sukhovich, S. Bonnieux, F.J. Simons, A. Oge, Y. Hello, G. Nolet, IASPEI Meeting, Goteborg, (2013) Mermaids: first observations of teleseismic P waves with freely floating submarine robots,
C. Joubert, G. Nolet, A. Sukhovich, A. Ogé, J.F. Agentino and Y. Hello, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (2013)
C. Joubert, Y. Hello, A. Oge, G. Nolet, A. Sukhovich, J.-F. Argentino, EGU/Vienna (2013) A new method for hydrophone calibration
G. Nolet, A. Sukhovich, Y. Hello, S. Bonnieux, C. Joubert and F Simons, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (2013) Mermaid: evaluation of its capabilities to observe P-waves in the oceans,
Y. Hello, S. Bonnieux, C. Joubert, A. Sukhovich, J.-F. Argentino, G. Nolet, IASPEI Meeting, Goteborg, (2013) MultiMermaid: seismic/meteorological/zoological monitoring of the oceans robots
Y. Hello, S. Bonnieux, C. Joubert, A. Sukhovich, J.F. Argentino, M. Yegikyan and G. Nolet, Multimermaid, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (2013) A dedicated multichannel seismic/weather/zoological float for monitoring of the oceans,
Y.Hello, S. Bonnieux, A. Sukhovitch, G. Nolet, EGU/Vienna (2013) Multichannel seismic/weather/zoological monitoring of the oceans,
E. Leymarie, Y. Hello, C. Penkerch, A. Ogé, A. Poteau, JF. Argentino, A. Sukhovich, V.Taillandier, M. Yegikyan, H. Claustre, G. Nolet, AGU/ASLO (2012) A new electronic board for profiling floats dedicated to multidisciplinary data acquisition
A. Sukhovich, A. Ogé, F. Simons, A. Deschamps,Y. Hello, and G. Nolet EGU Vienna (2011), A probabilistic approach to the discrimination of underwater acoustic signals due to P-waves generated by teleseismic events,
G. Nolet, F. Simons, Y. Hello and Ph. Charvis, (2010) Mermaids: array seismology in the oceanic domain, OBS-NEREIS Mtg, Paris
Sampling the oceans with seismo-acoustic floats -
Références des communications dans des colloques nationaux
Joel D. Simon, Frederik J Simons, Jessica C. E. Irving, Sirawich Pipatprathanporn, Yong Yu, Masayuki Obayashi, The EarthScope-Oceans Consortium (2023). MERMAID Capture Sustained and Coherent Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruptive Signals Propagating Across the South Pacific Ocean. GAGE/SAGE Community Science Workshop, Pasadena, CA, USA. URL:
Karin Sigloch, Sébastien Bonnieux, Yann Hello, Guust Nolet (2023).
Flotteurs sismo-acoustiques, de l'innovation à l'instrumentation globale des oceans. 2023-01-25 CNRS Groupe de Recherche Océans et Mer, Paris
Sébastien Bonnieux, Karin Sigloch, Guust Nolet, Yann Hello, Olivier Philippe, Mireille Blay-Fornarino et Sébastien Mosser (2023). Développer des applications embarquées pour un instrument autonome à l'écoute des océans. 2023-04-07 CNRS Groupes de Recherche OMER & GSOC workshop, Paris
Masayuki Obayashi, Junko Yoshimitsu, Hiroko Sugioka, Joel D. Simon, Yu Yong (2022). The Explosive Hunga Tonga Eruption observed by an Array of Hydroacoustic MERMAID Floats, Seismological Society of Japan 2022 fall meeting
Masayuki Obayashi, Hiroko Sugioka, Junko Yoshimitsu (2021). Two-year seismic observation by hydrophone floats, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021
Joel D. Simon, Frederik J. Simons, Jessica C. E. Irving (2021). Recording Earthquakes in the South Pacific With a Drifting Array of Autonomous MERMAID Floats. IRIS Marine Seismology Symposium.
K Sigloch (2020). Sondage de la structure interne de la Terre avec des sismomètres en mer 2020-12-11 Semaine scientifique de l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice
Hiroko Sugioka, Masayuki Obayashi (2019). Installation of a floating hydrophone system within the SOFAR channel, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019
Masayuki Obayashi, Hiroko Sugioka, Hajime Shiobara (2019). Seismic monitoring by an autonomous robotic float equipped with a hydrophone: MERMAID, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019
Masayuki Obayashi, Shingo Watada, Hiroko Sugioka. (2019). Drifting float measurement of pressure change by tsunami, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019